
How much is the ash tree? Grow up fast like this!

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Ash, also known as bauhinia and green nut, is a common positive tree species in miscellaneous wood forest. it is widely used in all kinds of woodland construction, protective greening construction and so on because of its strong adaptability. if you want ash trees to grow well, you need to choose good saplings. the price of the ash tree is probably more.

Ash, also known as bauhinia and green nut, is a common positive tree species in miscellaneous wood forests. because of its strong adaptability, it is widely used in all kinds of woodland construction, protective greening construction, and so on. If you want ash trees to grow well, you need to choose good saplings. how much is the ash tree? How do you grow up fast?

First, ash tree introduction:

1. What are the varieties of ash?

Ash tree is divided into big leaf white wax, leaflet white wax, golden leaf white wax, foreign white wax, villous white wax, pair section white wax, American white wax.

2. How thick can ash grow in a year?

Ash trees that have just been planted next year can probably grow thick 2cm in one year. If ash trees grow for 10 years, they can grow thick 10~15cm in one year. If they grow older, they can grow thick 30~40cm in a year, but the details still need to be determined according to the planting situation.

Second, how much is the ash tree?

Ash market prices vary, the market price of small seedlings is about 1.2 to 5.4 yuan, the price of large seedlings may be dozens of yuan, thousands of yuan a tree, specific due to varieties, markets, specifications of different sizes, the price will be different. For example, the market price of a fast-growing ash tree with a height of about 3cm is about 5 yuan, the market price of an old-fashioned ash tree is about 1215 yuan, the market price of a fast-growing ash tree with a height of 5cm is about 15,25 yuan, the market price of an old-fashioned ash tree is about 50 yuan, 60 yuan, and the market price of a 10cm tree is about 200,240 yuan. The market price of an old ash tree is about 550 to 600 yuan, and the market price of a fast-growing ash tree with a height of 15cm is about 1000 yuan to 1400 yuan, so the specific price still needs to be bought in the local monopoly market.

Third, how do ash trees grow fast?

1. Lighting requirements: can you expose yourself to the sun?

Ash is a positive plant with high requirements for light, so try to put it in a place with plenty of light during planting, but do not bask in the sun directly so as not to be killed in the sun. Generally, potted plants should be exposed to the sun at least once every three days, and try to put it in a place with light in winter.

2. Temperature requirements: how many degrees grow best?

Ash is adaptable and can grow healthily at temperatures of minus 20 degrees and high temperatures of 40 degrees, but if it is winter, try to move indoors and replenish water appropriately.

3. Soil requirements: what kind of soil is suitable for planting?

Ash tree is suitable to grow in the environment of loose and fertile soil and good drainage, so when selecting land, try to choose sandy land, clay soil or sandy loam soil mixed with a large amount of sandy soil.

4. Moisture requirements: how to water?

Ash trees do not have high requirements for moisture, as long as they keep the soil moist, so they should be watered during the growing period and flowering period, generally watering every two or three days, but not stagnant water, so as to avoid root erosion. In rainy season, drainage measures should be taken to avoid waterlogging.

5. Fertilizer requirements: how to apply fertilizer?

Ash trees do not have high requirements for fertilizer, generally based on base fertilizer, so more nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in the seedling stage, potassium fertilizer and nitrogen fertilizer should be applied in the growing period, and appropriate amount of base fertilizer should be applied in the rest of the time according to soil fertility and plant growth.

6. Pest control: how to prevent and control?

During the growth period of ash trees, there will be diseases and insect pests such as gummy disease, white wax bugs, aphids, longicorn beetles and other diseases, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance. For those who have occurred diseases, special agents or strengthen inter-garden management can be used to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests.

The above is the detailed introduction of the market price of wax plum tree and how to grow fast. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.