
How to raise rich bamboo more exuberantly?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Fugui bamboo, also known as longevity bamboo, open bamboo and so on, is highly ornamental, implying that the flowers are rich and expensive, and the bamboo is safe, deeply loved by the public. So, how to raise rich bamboo more vigorously? Let's study together. First, the growth habits of rich bamboos.

Fugui bamboo, also known as longevity bamboo, open bamboo and so on, highly ornamental, meaning "flowers bloom rich, bamboo report peace", deeply loved by the public. So, how to raise rich bamboo more vigorously? Let's study together.

I. growth habits of Phyllostachys pubescens

Fugui bamboo likes shade, humidity, high temperature, waterlogging, fertility, cold resistance and half-shade environment. It is suitable for growing in sandy soil or semi-muddy sand and alluvial clay with good drainage. It likes warmth and the temperature is suitable for 18-24 degrees. It can grow all the year round. When the temperature is below 13 degrees, the plant will dormant and stop growing. When the temperature is too low, the leaf tip and leaf edge will appear yellow-brown patches due to insufficient water absorption of the root system. The lowest temperature of overwintering should be above 10 degrees. Rich bamboo is not strict with light, so it is suitable to grow under bright scattered light. Excessive light and exposure will cause leaf yellowing, chlorosis, slow growth and so on.

Second, how to raise more exuberant?

1. Temperature requirement

No matter which kind of rich bamboo, the temperature requirements are the same, rich bamboo vitality is strong, the most suitable growth temperature is 20 degrees, no less than 0 degrees in winter can safely grow, in hot summer, the temperature is more than 35 degrees, the growth is slow, hot weather remember to spray water to cool down in time.

2. Lighting conditions

Many friends will have a question about whether rich bamboo needs sunshine after all. In fact, rich bamboo is a shade-loving plant, which does not need too much sunlight, and half-shade is the most ideal growth environment. Friends with rich bamboo at home can put rich bamboo indoors, occasionally exposure to the sun is enough, do not need to move to the sun, shady environment can promote the growth of rich bamboo.

3. Fertilization method

Rich bamboo likes fertilizer, but is not resistant to growing fertilizer, so mature organic fertilizer or nutrient solution should be chosen, but even if it does not apply fertilizer, it can grow very well, and the interval of fertilization can be long or short. During this period, fertilization can be increased appropriately according to the growth situation of rich bamboo.

4. Water quality requirements

Most of the rich bamboo is bottled, and the main source of nutrients is clear water, so the quality of tap water is very important. Tap water should be used after 24 hours, lest the chlorine in the water affect the root growth of rich bamboo. In addition, change the water frequently, once a week in summer, and clean the bottle wall. Once every half a month in other seasons, add water in time when water evaporation decreases.

5. Soil raises wealth and honorable bamboo.

Generally, the rich bamboo raised at home is in the water, but it can also be raised in soil. Choose a flowerpot with a diameter of 12-24 cm, and the material had better be pottery or porcelain pot. The soil generally adopts garden soil + rotten leaf soil, which is configured according to the proportion of 5:5. The biggest difference between soil culture and water culture lies in the difference of the medium, and the requirements of other light, temperature and water are basically the same.

The above is the editor's answer about how to raise rich bamboo more vigorously. I hope I can help you!