
Guide cooperatives to standardize and innovate their development

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The Ministry of Agriculture recently held a national forum on the innovation and development of farmers' cooperatives in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. the meeting held that farmers' cooperatives, as an important new type of agricultural management body, can only be ensured by persisting in both standardization and innovation and improving the quality of development.

The Ministry of Agriculture recently held a national forum on the innovation and development of farmers' cooperatives in Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. the meeting held that as an important new type of agricultural management, farmers' cooperatives can only adhere to both standardization and innovation and strive to improve the quality of development. in order to ensure that it can play an important role in promoting agricultural transformation and upgrading, driving farmers to enter the market, and promoting farmers' income to become rich.

The reporter learned at the forum that since the implementation of the Law on Farmers' specialized Cooperatives, the number of cooperatives has increased rapidly. As of June this year, there were more than 1.4 million cooperatives and more than 99 million peasant households nationwide, but the problems of small scale, weak strength and low quality of operation are still quite prominent. It is gratifying that many places have carried out various forms of innovation in making cooperatives bigger and stronger, and achieved good results.

Innovation in organizational form. In recent years, on the basis of professional cooperation, cooperatives have appeared land share cooperation based on contracted land management rights and community share cooperation quantified by the conversion of collective assets. Heilongjiang's cooperative development model of "taking land as the core, modern agricultural machinery as the carrier, and production cooperation as the link", labor service cooperatives and property cooperatives in Jiangsu, Sichuan, Zhejiang and other places are booming.

Innovation of industrial format. On the basis of the production and sale of agricultural products, cooperatives carry out diversified economy, develop cultivation cycle, integration of production and marketing, handicrafts, leisure tourism and rural tourism. From growing grain, raising pigs and selling products, to selling service, selling experience, selling feeling, and from traditional farming industry to processing, service, finance and other fields, showing a deepening trend of horizontal integration and vertical integration.

Innovation of operating mechanism. Some cooperatives uniformly manage their members' land by means of shareholding, leasing and trusteeship; some employ professional managers or professional management teams to take charge of daily operation; and some use information means such as SMS, Wechat and QQ groups to make democratic decisions. Some cooperative production bases rely on farmers, product sales on enterprises, and technical services on experts, giving full play to the functional advantages of family management, cooperative management and enterprise management. cooperatives have become an open carrier and compound organization that integrates new subjects and traditional farmers, and integrates production and services, gradually forming an operating mechanism with diverse participants, diverse benefit distribution and flexible management and decision-making.

Support innovation. Some localities, especially in poverty-stricken areas, quantify the financial funds, project funds, and poverty alleviation funds invested in rural areas into individual farmers, invest them in cooperatives by way of shareholding, and transfer the assets formed by financial projects to cooperatives for holding and management and protection, so as to transform the one-time investment of the state and the one-time benefits of farmers into long-term preservation of the value of financial investment and the continuous benefit of the peasant masses. Some localities have included the assistant director of the board of directors into the plan of university student village officials and three branches and one support talents to guide college students to work in cooperatives and improve the management ability of cooperatives. Some agricultural system cadres are sent to cooperatives to carry out one-to-one package guidance, while others focus on building provincial public brands to provide a platform for cooperatives to sell products.

The meeting stressed that in order to improve the quality of cooperative development and release the vitality of cooperative development, it is necessary to adhere to both standardization and innovation and promotion. Norms are the basis for the development of cooperatives, and only by grasping norms can cooperatives embody their own basic attributes and always adhere to the purpose of serving their members; innovation is the driving force for the development of cooperatives, and only by doing a good job of innovation can cooperatives constantly enhance their vitality and shoulder the historical mission entrusted by the times. On the basis of persevering in the standardized development of cooperatives, we should actively explore the innovation of cooperatives and make them bigger and stronger. As long as they comply with laws and regulations, adhere to the principles of cooperatives, and are welcomed by the masses of farmers, they should be allowed and encouraged, and measures should be taken to guide them, so as to make cooperatives an important platform for mass entrepreneurship and innovation in the agricultural field.

The meeting demanded that at present, we should do a good job in four aspects of work: first, we should conscientiously sum up the fresh experience at the grass-roots level, sum up the different development models of the new agricultural operators, strengthen propaganda and promotion, and let the peasant masses make their own choices according to their own needs. change the "bonsai" into the "scenery". Second, we should do a good job in pilot demonstration, steadily carry out reform pilot projects such as cooperative credit cooperation, and continue to carry out the action of establishing demonstration societies. Third, we should regard the training of cooperative leaders as a long-term task and urgent task, and take various forms to train and reserve a large number of leaders with Internet thinking, good at operation and management, and advanced technology. Fourth, actively create a good legal and policy environment, strengthen investigation and research, adhere to problem orientation and open the door to amend the law, extensively listen to the opinions of cooperatives and the peasant masses, further implement and improve existing policies, and strengthen policy creation. fully show the gold content of the policy, so that the broad masses of farmers and cooperatives have a greater sense of achievement.

Chen Xiaohua, vice minister of agriculture, attended the meeting and delivered a speech; relevant responsible persons of agricultural departments in Heilongjiang, Jiangsu, and other five provinces and cities spoke; and representatives of more than a dozen grass-roots units, including Renfa Modern Agricultural Machinery Cooperatives in Keshan County, Heilongjiang Province, exchanged experiences.