
How much is a jin of peanuts now? Explain the planting technology with shell in detail!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Peanut is a common crop in our country, and it is one of the main cash crops in some areas. at present, it is grown in many parts of our country, and the selling price is close to the people, so how much is peanut per jin now? What are the planting techniques with shells? 1. Introduction of peanuts:

Peanut is a common crop in our country, and it is one of the main cash crops in some areas. at present, it is grown in many parts of our country, and the selling price is close to the people, so how much is peanut per jin now? What are the planting techniques with shells?

1. Introduction of peanuts:

1. Is there any advantage in eating peanuts?

Peanuts have high nutritional value and are rich in protein, amino acids, vitamins, carotene, riboflavin and a variety of mineral elements, which have the effect of moistening the lungs, warming the stomach and delaying aging. Eat a small handful of peanuts every day. Can effectively reduce cholesterol, beauty and so on. However, patients with hyperlipidemia, gout or weakness of the spleen and stomach had better eat less.

2. Will eating peanuts make you fat?

Under normal circumstances, eating peanuts will not be fat, but if you eat fried peanuts or eat too much, you will gain weight, so you must eat an appropriate amount of peanuts, usually about 15 tablets a day.

How much is the peanut per jin now?

The market price of peanuts is not expensive, generally about 4-6 yuan per jin, but due to different varieties, markets, producing areas and quality, there will be some differences in price. For example, the price of shelled peanuts is about 2.4 yuan per jin, dried peanuts with shells is about 5-6 yuan per jin, and peanuts are about 8-10 yuan per catty. For example, the price of dried peanuts with shells is about 6 yuan per jin in Dangcheng vegetable Wholesale Market, Xiqing District, Tianjin, and about 5 yuan per jin in Qiaoxi vegetable Center Wholesale Market in Shijiazhuang. The price of dried peanuts with shells is about 4.5 yuan per jin in Taiyuan Hexi Agricultural products Market, and 6 yuan per jin in Jinxin melon and fruit wholesale market in Changzhi City, Shanxi Province. in Jiangsu Lingjiatang Agricultural products Wholesale Market, the price of dried peanuts with shells is about 4.5 yuan per jin, so the specific price still needs to go to the local market to check.

Third, what are the techniques for planting peanuts with shells?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

Peanuts are suitable to grow in the environment of loose and fertile soil and good drainage, so sandy loam is selected as far as possible when selecting land. After selecting the land, it is necessary to turn the soil deeply for three or four times, and apply about 250 kg of mature farm manure or 300 kg of compound fertilizer per mu, and finally flatten it for later planting.

2. Seed selection and seed treatment: how to choose?

The main results are as follows: (1) seed selection: it is best to select some early-maturing varieties with no damage to shell, no disease and full fruit.

(2) seed treatment: put the selected peanuts in the sun for two or three days (do not be exposed to the sun) to kill the bacteria on the surface and dry the moisture inside. After two or three days, pinch the fruit mouth with your hand to facilitate water absorption and ventilation in the later stage.

(3) soak the seeds: soak the seeds in warm water of about 40 degrees for 10 hours, or soak in clean water for 24 hours, and finally remove and drain the water before sowing.

3. Sowing and raising seedlings: when is a good time to sow seeds?

(1) sowing time: early April

(2) sowing method: dig a cave about deep 5cm and wide 5cm according to the distance between 10cm and 8cm, then sprinkle two or three peanuts with shell in each cave, and finally cover the soil and step on it.

(3) sowing density: sow about 12000-18000 seeds per mu.

4. Field management technology: how to manage it?

(1) replenishing seedlings: after peanuts are unearthed, the situation in the garden should be checked in time, weak seedlings and dead seedlings should be pulled out in time, and dense or sparse seedlings should be transplanted in time to ensure that the seedlings are uniform.

(2) Fertilizer requirements: after peanuts grow and grow, more calcium fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer should be applied in the early flowering stage, growing period and flowering and fruit stage to ensure sufficient fertilizer. At that time, some boron fertilizer or sulfur fertilizer can be sprayed properly to promote its flowering and fruiting.

(3) pest management: during peanut growth, diseases and insect pests such as mosaic disease, bacterial wilt, rust and aphids will appear, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance, and special pesticides can be used to control insect pests.

The above is the latest price of peanut market and a detailed introduction of shelled planting technology. I hope it will be helpful to you.