
When does the red peach tree in the snow mature? What is the greenhouse planting technology?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Xueli red peach is a famous peach variety in China, which is delicious and delicious, and many people are planting it. So when will the red peach trees mature in the snow? What is the greenhouse planting technology? Next, the editor of will come and talk about it. The red peach tree in snow has matured prematurely in several months.

Xueli red peach is a famous peach variety in China, which is delicious and delicious, and many people are planting it. So when does the snow red peach tree mature? What is the greenhouse planting technology? Next, the editor of will come and talk about it.

How many months does the red peach tree in the snow mature

Early ripening Xueli red peach mature in the middle and late April, the fruit shape is round, the fruit top is even, the average single fruit weight is 150g, the maximum fruit weight is 350g; the color is bright red, the background color is milky and delicate; the flesh is white, hard, sweet, fragrant, juicy, the soluble solids are as high as 12% 14%, resistant to storage and transportation, and highly commercial. It is an excellent variety of fresh peach cultivated in protected areas in China.

Greenhouse cultivation techniques of Red Peach in Xue Li

I. standardized establishment of the garden

The main results are as follows: 1. Large and strong seedlings should be selected, the distance between rows and plants is 1.5m × 1.0m, and it is suitable to plant about 440 trees in 667mu land, and the pollination trees should be arranged according to the proportion of 8:1.

2. Before planting, the planting ditch should be dug, 667m2 should be applied organic fertilizer 2500~3000kg, and the north-south row should be planted. The first seedling is planted in the south, and the tall seedlings are planted to the north in turn, either in spring or autumn. After planting, enough water should be irrigated to improve the survival rate, and then ridging.

II. Planting and management techniques

1. Promote first and then control

After planting, urea or foliar fertilizer can be applied when the new shoot grows to 60cm, which can mainly promote the tree growth before June, so that the tree height is more than 1.5m, the crown diameter is about 1.0m, and it is basically formed. In the first ten days of July, 150 × 200 times paclobutrazol was sprayed, and once more every 10 to 15 days, it was necessary to spray 2 times. At the same time, 0.3% 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed for 3 times to promote flower bud formation. In winter pruning, according to the number of branches on the tree, the fullness of flower buds should be cut and retained appropriately.

2. Shaping and pruning

The trunk shape is adopted in the high density cutting culture to make full use of the space in the shed, and at the same time, the tree height is low in the south and high in the north, which can improve the lighting conditions in the greenhouse. One fruiting branch is left every other 15~20cm above the ground 30cm and spirally rises; when the tree sprouts in the spring of the second year, the branch near the base of the fruiting branch is smoothed many times to make it droop; after the fruit is picked, leave one branch near the base on the branch and cut off the rest.

III. Flower and fruit management

At flowering stage, artificial pollination can be used or bees or wall bees can be used for pollination, generally per 667m? If you need to put a box of bees or about 50 wall bees, you should put the beehive in the greenhouse about two weeks before flowering. If there are no bees or wall bees, artificial pollination is required. Xueli red peach belongs to early ripening peach, so there are 5 fruit in long fruit branch, 3 fruit in middle fruit branch, 2 in short fruit branch, no fruit in bouquet-like fruit branch and no fruit in reserve branch.

IV. Fertilizer and water management

1. Application of basic fertilizer in autumn from September to October, the ditch was 30~40cm deep and wide. Generally, 3000kg of rotten chicken manure, or 4000kg of decayed cow manure and pig manure were applied per 667m2. After application, the ditch should be covered and watered thoroughly to prevent root burning.

2. Topdressing fruit expansion fertilizer during fruit expansion period can be underground topdressing or foliar spraying fertilizer, mainly potassium fertilizer, combined with phosphate fertilizer, 200g per plant, watering after application, but the amount of water is not easy to be too large. Foliar spray 0.3% 0.5% potassium dihydrogen phosphate twice, about 15 days interval spray, preferably single spray, not mixed with pesticides, the effect is good.