
Chinese herbal medicine Ligustrum lucidum propagation method introduction! How much is the price in 2019?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ligustrum lucidum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It is the fruit of Ligustrum lucidum, a plant of Oleaceae. It has the effects of tonifying liver and kidney, strengthening waist and knees, nourishing liver and kidney, improving eyesight and blackening hair. So, how does privet reproduce? The following is an introduction to the propagation method of Ligustrum lucidum. 1. Introduction to Ligustrum lucidum

Ligustrum lucidum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine and the fruit of Ligustrum lucidum. It has the effects of tonifying liver and kidney, strengthening waist and knees, nourishing liver and kidney, bright eyes and black hair. So, how does Ligustrum lucidum reproduce? The following is to introduce the breeding methods of Ligustrum lucidum.

A brief introduction to Ligustrum lucidum

1. What does the privet tree look like?

Ligustrum lucidum is an evergreen shrub or tree of the family Oleaceae, up to 25 meters high, with grayish brown bark and yellowish brown, gray or purplish red branches; leaves ovate, long ovate or elliptic to broadly elliptic, flowers white, fruit reniform or subreniform, fruit dark blue-black, reddish black when mature.

2. Where does the privet tree come from?

Ligustrum lucidum is a subtropical tree species, native to China, mainly distributed in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Anhui, Shandong, Chuangui, Lianghu, Liangguang, Fujian and other places. Ligustrum lucidum is a commonly used ornamental tree species, which can be planted alone or in clusters in the courtyard, street trees, hedges and so on. Mature fruits are dried as traditional Chinese medicine.

How does Ligustrum lucidum reproduce?

1. Cultivated soil

Ligustrum lucidum is a deep-rooted tree species with developed fibrous roots, fast growth, strong sprouting power and lax requirements on the soil. it is appropriate to cultivate sandy loam or clayey loam, and it can also grow in red and yellow loam. especially in the soil with deep, fertile and high humus content, you can choose loam, sandy loam and light clay with fertile soil, convenient drainage and irrigation, deep ploughing layer, sandy loam and light clay, and then apply base fertilizer to cultivate and rake carefully to achieve land leveling.

2. Methods of reproduction

Ligustrum lucidum can be propagated by sowing, cutting, striping and dividing plants.

(1) sowing and propagation: the seeds generally mature from November to December. Trees with strong strength, good posture and strong resistance should be selected as mother trees. Healthy seeds should be selected and air-dried after harvest. You can sow seeds before freezing in winter or after thawing in spring. Winter sowing generally does not need sprouting, mainly sowing, covering fine soil after sowing, watering enough water, waiting for germination. The spring seeds can be soaked in hot water for 2 days, soaked in hot water for 4-5 days, then soaked in water under the condition of 25-30 ℃, then sowed with row spacing 20cm, covered with fine soil after sowing, and it will take about one month to emerge.

(2) Cuttage propagation: at the end of the year, cut the branches that germinated in the spring of that year and put them in a cool place such as a cellar to preserve them. In the following spring, the top wound was smooth, the slant was cut off, 2-3 leaves were retained in the aboveground part, and the distance between the cuttings was kept at about 25 cm, which would take root in about 50-60 days.

(3) striping propagation: in the spring, select the sturdy, disease-and insect-free branches of the robust tree, peel the bark around the base, wrap it in wet soil in a plastic bag, and then fasten the ends of the plastic bag, which will generally take root in the summer of the same year. After rooting, it will be cut off from the base of the branch and transplanted to the soil for seedling management.

(4) split-plant propagation: select the trees with strong growth, luxuriant branches and leaves and more roots and tillers in spring, cut the roots and tillers from the base of the tree, transplant them to the seedbed, pay attention to the planting density and do a good job in daily management, so that they can take root into independent plants in the same year.

How much is the price of Ligustrum lucidum in 2019?

1. Ligustrum lucidum is a kind of traditional Chinese medicine with flat sex, sweet and bitter taste, nourishing liver and kidney, strengthening waist and knees, and black eyesight. It is generally picked when the fruit is ripe in winter, remove branches and leaves to dry, or slightly smoke the fruit and then dry it, or put it in hot water and then dry it. The dried fruit is oval, the outer skin is blue-black and wrinkled; after the horizontal surface is broken, most of the kernels are single kernel, the kernel is oval, the outside is purplish black, and the inside is gray-white.

2. Ligustrum lucidum is best with large grains, full color, blue and black, and solid quality. according to 8u58, the price of Ligustrum lucidum is about 3 yuan / jin; according to the Tiandi Network of traditional Chinese Medicine, the price of Ligustrum lucidum is between 3-3.50 yuan / jin in the past month, and the specific price is based on the local market price.

The above is the breeding method and price introduction of Ligustrum lucidum. I hope it will be useful to you.