
What is the cause of corn lodging? Is there any remedy?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Maize lodging is a production disaster that seriously affects maize yield. at present, according to different conditions, there are three types of root lodging, stem lodging and stem lodging. What is the cause of corn lodging? Is there any remedy? I. the original cause of maize lodging

Maize lodging is a production disaster that seriously affects maize yield. at present, according to different conditions, there are three types of root lodging, stem lodging and stem lodging. What is the cause of corn lodging? Is there any remedy?

First, what is the cause of corn lodging?

1. Corn lodging caused by weather

Generally speaking, maize root lodging is easy to occur when there is a strong wind after severe wind or irrigation.

two。 It is believed that the corn lodging caused by the cause

The high planting density and unreasonable fertilization of corn will cause maize lodging, such as stem lodging.

3. Maize lodging caused by variety

Maize lodging is caused by too high plant, high ear position, weak thin stalk, or less secondary root.

Are there any remedial measures for the lodging of corn?

Lodging in corn will seriously affect the yield, so remediation is a way to recover the loss as far as possible, but if the remedial method is improper, it will cause secondary damage to corn, such as root injury, root cutting, culm loss, secondary lodging and so on. often further aggravate the loss. Therefore, the remedy of corn lodging still needs methods, which are described as follows:

1. When corn is lodged by strong winds and heavy precipitation, there will be a large amount of stagnant water in the soil, and the humidity is completely saturated, but corn is a crop species that is neither drought-tolerant nor waterlogging-tolerant, and stunted growth occurs when the soil moisture is more than 80%. When soaked in stagnant water for more than 3 days, the corn will suffocate to death. Therefore, all the stagnant water in the field should be discharged after Rain Water stopped, so as to reduce the soil moisture.

two。 After lodging, the stems, branches and leaves prostrate and fall to the ground, which will greatly reduce the photosynthesis of leaves, so timely foliar fertilizer spraying to supplement nutrition is a way to reduce loss. generally, urea and potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution can be sprayed on the leaf surface every 7 days, continuously for 2-3 times, to promote corn ripening as soon as possible.

3. If it is a mildly lodging corn, it does not need to be straightened manually, and it can be restored to upright naturally after spraying foliar fertilizer. If it is straightened by manual intervention at this time, it may hurt the root and affect the growth and development, or even cause secondary lodging, so as long as foliar fertilizer is sprayed.

4. For severe lodging corn, it is best to carry out manual straightening on the same day, and for corn that cannot be straightened, you can eat sticks to support ears; if you are lodging for 3 days or more, you can no longer straighten, so as not to cause corn root injury, root loss or stalk break again.

5. Generally, corn is prone to diseases such as brown spot and leaf spot after lodging. Growers should spray pesticides in time to prevent and cure the corn with broken stalks, so as to avoid rot and insects.

To sum up, after the lodging of corn, the most important thing is to spray foliar fertilizer and remove the broken stalk, according to the different degree of lodging to determine whether artificial straightening is needed.