
When will Coprinus comatus be planted? With the introduction of high-yield planting techniques!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Coprinus comatus gets its name because it is shaped like chicken legs and meat like shredded chicken. It tastes delicious, tastes very good, and is nutritious. Because of its short growth cycle, high bioconversion rate and easy cultivation, it is especially suitable for planting in rural areas of our country. So when will Coprinus comatus be planted?

Coprinus comatus gets its name because it is shaped like chicken legs and its meat is like shredded chicken. It tastes delicious, tastes very good, and is nutritious. Because of its short growth cycle, high bioconversion rate and easy cultivation, it is especially suitable for planting in rural areas of our country. So when will Coprinus comatus be planted? With the introduction of high-yield planting techniques!

1. Planting time of Coprinus comatus

Coprinus comatus is a kind of plant with strong adaptability to the environment. The general planting season and cultivation time are from June to August, the mushrooms are produced from September to December, and the spring cultivation time is from November to 2 years. When cultivating, we should pay attention to the environmental conditions and temperature and other important factors.

2. High-yield planting techniques of Coprinus comatus

1. Cultivation season

Coprinus comatus is a kind of straw rot dung native bacteria with strong adaptability, which belongs to constant temperature and fruiting medium temperature mushroom. The suitable temperature for mycelial growth and fruiting body is 23: 28 ℃ and 15: 18 ℃, respectively. It can be cultivated in spring and autumn. It is generally cultivated from June to August in autumn, and mushrooms are produced from late September to early December, and from November to February in spring. The cultivated species need to be heated properly to produce mushrooms from April to June.

two。 Pile-building fermentation

The best construction site is the cement floor close to the mushroom room, requiring shelter from the wind and the sun, clean water and good drainage. Before building the pile, thoroughly disinfect the site and tools, then expose the raw materials for 24 hours, and then expose the raw materials around the pile as steeper as possible. The pile should be smaller in the high temperature season and can be increased in the low temperature season. When turning the pile, the material must be loosened to increase the oxygen content in the material, and the material in the center of the pile should be turned out at the same time. Turn the surrounding material into the center so that the culture material can be fermented evenly.

3. Cultivation method

Coprinus comatus can be sown by layer sowing method according to the direction of the mushroom shed. Generally, 3 layers of material and 3 layers of species, the thickness of the material is 15~20cm, and the sowing amount is 1520%. First, spread 1 layer of 5cm thick culture material in the mushroom bed, then sprinkle 1 layer of bacteria, so as to spread 3 layers of material and spread 3 layers of seeds. After sowing, cover sterilized plastic film and newspaper, carry out bacteria management, insert a thermometer into the material through the plastic film and insert a thermometer into the depth of 10cm. To observe the material temperature change, from the fourth day of inoculation, once a day to lift the film to make its ventilation, pay attention to the 10cm material temperature should not exceed 25 ℃, it is best to keep below 25 ℃, when the material temperature is high, can strengthen the ventilation in the shed at night and under the film ventilation, can also open the newspaper to spray appropriate amount of water to cool down, about 20 days Coprinus comatus mycelium can be covered with material layer.

4. Soil covering management

20cm soil in surface tillage layer has high content of organic matter and has the advantages of moderate viscosity, good permeability and good physical shape, so it can be used as a covering material. When the number of hyphae on the material surface is large and grows upright, remove mulch such as film and newspaper, increase ventilation in the mushroom shed, make the mycelium lodge, and cover the soil evenly to the material surface after about 2 days. Under this condition, the hyphae grow into the soil layer for about 20 days. When a large number of hyphae grow laterally on the surface of the overlying soil layer, the humidity in the greenhouse can be increased to 85% 90%, and the ventilation can be increased to keep the temperature of the mushroom shed at 15: 30 ℃. A dense layer of young buds will appear in about 1 week, and then officially enter the mushroom stage management.

5. Mushroom production management

The young bud stage of Coprinus comatus is the most stringent stage for the growth environment, and the most suitable condition is that the temperature is about 20 ℃, the humidity is about 90%, the ventilation is moderate, and the air is fresh. compared with the young bud stage, the conditions can be appropriately relaxed to keep the temperature 15: 20 ℃, humidity 85% 95%, light below 300 lux, ventilation can be properly strengthened, but no strong wind can blow into the shed. With the continuous development and growth of the fruiting body, the requirements for growth conditions are gradually extensive. At this time, the greenhouse temperature is maintained at about 15 ℃, the air humidity is 85% 95%, and the light is 100 lux. Too strong light is easy to cause the fruiting body to produce and roll scales prematurely, and to deepen the color of the mushroom body. Ventilation should be strengthened with the development of the mushroom body, but no strong wind can blow into the shed either.

6. Harvest

When the mushroom body is strong, the fungus cap has a little scale and wraps the fungus stalk tightly, the fungus ring begins to loose, it should be harvested when it is about seven minutes ripe, and the fruiting body will dissolve and turn black if it is not harvested in time, so as not to spray water within 4 hours before harvest, so as to avoid the discoloration of the mushroom body, hold the lower part of the mushroom stalk when harvesting, gently rotate and pull it up, and the fresh mushrooms should be put into plastic or wood containers after harvesting. After cleaning the soil and debris on the mushroom feet, it is the primary product. Then according to the goods to classification, finishing and fresh sales or processing and so on.

The above is the introduction of the planting time and planting technology of Coprinus comatus by, which can only be used for reference.