
Experts call on agricultural production to speed up the promotion of water and fertilizer integration technology

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, With the acceleration of population growth, industrialization and urbanization, the resource and environmental constraints such as the reduction of cultivated land and the shortage of water resources in China are tightening. At the same time, flood irrigation and excessive fertilization are still common in many places, and the utilization rate of water and fertilizer is low. Recently, the letter of Industry

With the acceleration of population growth, industrialization and urbanization, the resource and environmental constraints such as the reduction of cultivated land and the shortage of water resources in China are tightening. At the same time, flood irrigation and excessive fertilization are still common in many places, and the utilization rate of water and fertilizer is low.

Recently, the research team of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology went to Shandong Kim Jong Da Group to investigate the transformation and upgrading of fertilizer industry and the integration of water and fertilizer. Experts from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Water Resources, the Ministry of Science and Technology and other departments learned about the research and development and production of water-soluble fertilizer, inspected the water-fertilizer integration test base on the spot, and held a symposium of experts on the subject investigation. Some suggestions on how to promote the transformation and upgrading of fertilizer industry and the healthy development of water-soluble fertilizer were put forward.

At present, China's annual agricultural water consumption is about 360 billion cubic meters, accounting for about 62 percent of the country's total water consumption; in 2014, China's chemical fertilizer use is about 60 million tons. Agricultural water consumption and chemical fertilizer use rank first in the world. The development of the advanced agricultural technology of the integration of water and fertilizer, the use of pipeline irrigation system to dissolve fertilizers in water and carry out irrigation and fertilization at the same time can meet the needs of crops for water and nutrients in a timely and appropriate manner. realize the synchronous management and efficient utilization of water and fertilizer.

"the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in China ranks first in the world. Improper application methods lead to a series of problems, such as the imbalance of soil use and cultivation, the decline of fertilizer use efficiency, great environmental pressure, and difficulties in increasing agricultural income." Gao Xiangzhao, chief expert of the National Agricultural Technology extension Service Center, said that this year, the Ministry of Agriculture proposed that by 2020, China's agriculture should achieve the goal of "one control (controlling the total amount of agricultural water), two reductions (reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides). The Action Plan for Zero growth of Chemical Fertilizer use by 2020 has been issued to push the efficient use of fertilizers to the most exciting part. In order to improve the utilization rate of fertilizer, it is imperative to develop water-soluble fertilizer and promote the integration of water and fertilizer.

The experimental investigation of Gao Xiangzhao's team shows that in the cultivation of wheat and corn in North China, the separate application of water and fertilizer into simultaneous supply of water and fertilizer, the change of one time topdressing to 4 Murray and five times of topdressing with water, and the conversion of conventional compound fertilizer to efficient water-soluble fertilizer can reduce the use of water by 40% and fertilizer by 20%.

Kang Shaozhong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of the China Agricultural Research Center, said that the significance of water and fertilizer integration technology is not only to save water and fertilizer, environmental protection and high efficiency. More importantly, it can play a good role in changing the mode of agricultural development and promoting agricultural modernization. At present, there are still many problems in the development of water and fertilizer integration industry in China, such as the small-scale farming model of one household restricts large-scale development, imperfect technology promotion and service system, emphasizing development area over project management and so on.

"in order to solve these problems, we must strengthen the coordination of government, enterprises, institutions, and other parties, form a linkage mechanism, constantly improve the product access mechanism, water-saving compensation mechanism, and technical service promotion system, and implement a standardized and customized management model for products, technology, and services. constantly improve the level of standardized management of the industry." Kang Shaozhong said.

Chen Qing, a professor at the School of Resources and Environment of China Agricultural University, believes that the promotion of water and fertilizer integration technology is a systematic project, which requires the joint efforts of the government, scientific research institutions, enterprises, industry organizations and so on. China's irrigated agriculture is facing great pressure, the increasing potential of irrigation available water is very small, and water resources have been overexploited. The development of water-saving agriculture has become the consensus of the government and society. Water-saving irrigation techniques suitable for different regions and crops have been vigorously promoted in recent years. Water soluble fertilizer production enterprises need to break through the bottleneck, strengthen docking with irrigation equipment enterprises, strengthen coordination and linkage, and jointly meet the needs of products and technical services of large modern agriculture.

Just as the highway is an important infrastructure of the country, the construction of pipeline system is the most basic and important part for the promotion of the integration of water and fertilizer. The biggest obstacle to the promotion of water and fertilizer integration technology lies in the investment of pipelines and other hardware facilities. " Experts also pointed out that the state should pay full attention to the innovative technology of water and fertilizer integration, which is beneficial to the country and the people, increase support for water and fertilizer integration industry, and introduce relevant subsidy measures as soon as possible. At the same time, we will further strengthen technological innovation and project management innovation, promote the connection between the integrated development of water and fertilizer and the Internet, and improve the information level of the industry.