
Is Yushu poisonous? With leaves soft and withered solution!

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Yushu, also known as Jingtianshu, is a kind of succulent plant with high ornamental value, which is easy to breed. At present, it is available in both large and small flower markets in China, and many people like to buy this kind of flowers. Is Yushu poisonous? How is the leaf soft and withered to return a responsibility? 1. Introduction to Yushu:

Yushu, also known as Jingtianshu, is a kind of succulent plant with high ornamental value, which is easy to breed. At present, it is available in both large and small flower markets in China, and many people like to buy this kind of flowers. Is Yushu poisonous? How is the leaf soft and withered to return a responsibility?

1. Introduction to Yushu:

1. What is the Yushu flower language?

The language of Yushu flowers is a rich, auspicious, rich and pure love, which means auspicious when it blossoms on the Internet.

Will Yushu blossom?

Yushu will blossom, but it is rare unless it raises saplings of a certain age and must be fed in order to blossom.

Is Yushu poisonous?

1. There is a lot of toxicity in Yushu juice, if it is eaten by mistake, it will cause poisoning, if it splashes into the eyes by mistake, it will reduce eyesight, if it splashes on the skin by mistake, it will make the skin itching, swollen and painful, so it is very toxic, so you should pay attention to it when you breed it. Especially if there are old people or children at home, it is best not to breed.

2. Yushu juice is poisonous, but it is non-toxic and will not release poisonous gas. coupled with the fact that many people like its leaves, many people like to keep it indoors as decorations, but because Yushu is a light-loving plant, it is not suitable to breed indoors, of course, if you really want to breed, just pay attention to children and the elderly.

3. Yushu juice is non-toxic, but it is non-toxic and releases oxygen at night, but it does not release oxygen at night, so it is best to put it indoors for breeding, so as to avoid competing with people for oxygen at night, resulting in a drop in oxygen and affecting sleep, but it is okay to put one plant, as long as it is ventilated.

Third, how is the Yushu leaf soft and withered?

As Yushu is a succulent plant, it is easy to soften and shrivel the leaves due to water, fertilizer and other factors, so it is necessary to strengthen management when raising them. However, the following conditions will make the leaves soft and withered:

Case 1, lack of water: Yushu is a succulent plant, the requirement for water is not high, but it does not mean that it is not needed, so if it is not watered for a long time, it will make the leaves soft and withered.

Solution: water in time, and the leaves will return to normal after a period of time. In daily maintenance, if you encounter high temperature weather, it is necessary to increase watering and spray some water around the basin soil to increase humidity, and reduce watering times in spring, autumn and winter, as long as the soil is moist.

Second, too much watering: Yushu is a fleshy root system, if too much watering, resulting in stagnant water in the basin soil, the emergence of rotten roots, so that the leaves are soft and withered.

Solution: if you water too much, remove the plant in time, put it in the shade for a day or two, and then move it into the flowerpot.

Third, the temperature is too low: Yushu is not cold-resistant, if the winter temperature is lower than 7 degrees, the growth will be affected, the leaves will be soft and withered.

Solution: try to move indoors in winter and apply a certain amount of phosphate or potassium fertilizer to make the plant more resistant to cold, so that the plant will return to normal.

Case 4, the light is too strong or no light: Yushu is a succulent plant, like light but can not bear strong light, if exposed to the sun for a long time, it will make the leaves soft, but can not be placed in the shade for a long time, resulting in a lack of light to make the leaves soft.

Solution: move to a cool place in summer and increase light in spring, autumn and winter.

Case 5, the basin has not been changed for a long time: Yushu likes to grow in a loose and fertile soil, and it is generally best to change the basin soil every March or April. If the basin soil is not changed for a long time, it will make the basin soil hardened and become impervious. As a result, the root system can not breathe and the leaves become soft.

Solution: change the basin soil every March or April, and change the new soil if possible, so that you can grow healthily.

The above is a detailed introduction of the solution to whether Yushu is poisonous and the leaves are soft and withered. I hope it will be helpful to you.