
What is the method of growing raspberries, my favorite wild fruit when I was a child?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Raspberry, also known as pallet, raspberry, horse forest, is a raspberry plant of Rosaceae. Native to the United States, is a berry fruit tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub with a height of 1.5 meters. The fruit is long on the tree, oval in shape, clustered in clusters, glittering, sweet and juicy.

Raspberry, also known as tray, wood plum, Malin, is a rose family Rubus plants. Native to the United States, is a berry fruit tree, is a perennial deciduous shrub, tree height 1.5--2 meters; fruit longer than the tree, fruit oval, clusters, crystal black bright, sweet and juicy, taste fragrance. Fruit trees can be planted for 20-30 years continuously, and the yield per mu can reach more than 1000 kg. Raspberry cultivation methods are as follows:

I. Selection of land

Raspberry is a shallow-rooted light-loving plant. It is necessary to plant it on flat or gentle slope with good drainage and no shelter. The groundwater level should be below 4 meters. Mountain planting should be in shallow mountainous areas and sunny slopes. The best soil is fertile sandy loam with neutral or slightly acidic PH value. Soil that has previously been planted with potatoes, aubergines, tomatoes, and strawberries is not suitable for growing raspberries because some germs may exist in these soils.

II. Planting

1, planting method has not been deeply ploughed into the soil is relatively hard land, planting should be dug planting ditch. The furrows are 60-70 cm wide and 50-60 cm deep, trending north-south. When digging ditches, pile the topsoil separately from the subsoil. When backfilling, fill the subsoil to the bottom of the ditch to a thickness of 10 cm, and then fill the planting ditch with cured topsoil.

2, planting density summer fruit raspberry plant spacing 50 cm, row spacing 160-180 cm, every 1000 square meters planted 750-900 plants. Autumn fruit raspberry plant spacing 60-70 cm, row spacing 180-200 cm, planting about 700 plants per 1000 square meters.


1. Fertilizer management

Nitrogen fertilizer: after the seedlings survive in that year, ditch fertilization is carried out at a distance of 10-15 centimetres from the trunk, and 20 grams of urea is applied to each plant on average. In the second year, 25-35 grams of urea is applied to the root growth area of each tree. In the third year, the fertilizer is applied according to the fertilizer amount of adult fruit trees according to the soil fertility, growth and fruiting conditions.

Phosphate fertilizer: open fertilizer ditch in the concentrated distribution area of roots, 18-20 cm deep, 15-20 cm wide, 15- 20 cm away from both sides of raspberry, half fertilizer is applied at the bottom of the ditch, the other half is applied in the middle, so that the contact surface between roots and fertilizer is larger, and the effect is better.

Potassium fertilizer: potassium cells and phosphorus fertilizer application period is autumn rate from late September to early October, or in the spring of the following year when the cold soil immediately fertilized.

Organic fertilizer: It is best to apply completely decomposed organic fertilizer.

2. Water management

Mature fruit trees are generally irrigated four times a year, one is spring soil thawing water, the other is flowering water before summer, the third is harvest water in June, and the fourth is village frozen water before soil cold-proof.

3, pruning

Juvenile trimming:

① The first pruning is in the second year of planting. Generally, the middle and upper parts of the flower stems are the main fruiting parts, so they should be kept well. The elderly stay long, the weak stay weak, cut off the amount of 1/4 of the flower stem length.

(2) The second pruning is after germination, when the tender new shoots grow 3-4 cm, thinning, leaving a certain number of fruit branches. The principle is to stay high to low, stay strong to weak, stay thin to dense. Buds or branches 50-60 cm above ground are removed.

(3) The third pruning is at the initial flowering stage, generally 9- 12 primary stems per meter are selected in the planting row.

④ The fourth pruning is after the fruiting period, mainly to cut off the fruiting stems and fruiting branches, leaving no residual piles.

(5) The last pruning was done in autumn when the primary stem grew slowly, and in the middle and late September in Changchun area. The length of pruning was 5/6 of the length of the primary stem.

Full fruiting pruning:

The laissez-faire pruning method should be adopted in Changchun area. It is to let the primary stem grow naturally during the growth period, not to prune, and to prune the 2-year-old stem once before the growth begins in early spring. When pruning, strong 2-year-old stems should be selected as fruiting stems. The plant density of flowering stems should be 20--30 plants/square meter, and it should be easy to bind and harvest.