
Brief introduction and picture appreciation of Qilixiang (Wanlixiang)

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Qilixiang, also known as Qianlixiang, Wanlixiang, Jiuqiuxiang and so on, is mainly distributed in southern China, as well as the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and other places. It is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. So, today the editor will introduce the introduction and picture appreciation of Qilixiang to you. I.

Qilixiang, also known as Qianlixiang, Wanlixiang, Jiuqiuxiang and so on, is mainly distributed in southern China, as well as the Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and other places. It is also a kind of Chinese herbal medicine. So, today the editor will introduce the introduction and picture appreciation of Qilixiang to you.

The morphological characteristics of Artemisia chinensis

Qilixiang, also known as Qianlixiang and Wanlixiang, is a small tree of the family Rutaceae, which can be up to 12 meters high. The branches are pale yellow after white ash and slightly shiny. The leaves of the plant are solitary in seedling stage, simple or bifoliolate in adulthood, dark green in color, glossy on the surface, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, narrowly long acuminate at the top, base mucronate, inflorescences mostly in leaf axils or at the top of branchlets, inflorescences composed of 5-10 flowers, up to 50 flowers, pure white, petals narrow and long oval, yellowish transparent oil spots, filiform white, florescence April-September. Some of them blossom in autumn and winter. The fruit of Qilixiang is orange at the beginning, scarlet after maturity, long and narrow oval, with 1-3 seeds and hairy seed coat.

Second, growth habits

Qilixiang likes warm and humid climate, the most suitable growth temperature is 20-30 degrees Celsius, drought tolerance, not cold tolerance, when the winter temperature drops to 5 degrees Celsius, it needs to be transplanted indoors to overwinter, too low temperature is easy to cause leaves to fall, affecting next year's growth, below zero temperature may freeze to death, indoor temperature should be kept at 5-15 degrees Celsius, if the temperature is too high, it will affect its dormancy, and even sprouting, affecting the growth of the coming year. Qilixiang is a positive tree species. It needs at least 6 hours of sunshine every day to flourish leaves and blossom fragrance. On the contrary, if the light is insufficient, the growth is not strong, the flowering fragrance is light, the branches are soft, the leaf color is light, and the number of flowers is small or even no flowers.

Third, the main value of Qili incense

Ornamental: beautiful plant type, beautiful branches and leaves, pure white and beautiful flowers, rich and lasting fragrance of flowers, red results, can be planted with the courtyard or around buildings, can also be cultivated as indoor potted plants.

Medicinal use: the branches and leaves of Qili incense can be used as medicine, which has the effect of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, detoxification and detumescence, external use can treat injury, snake and insect bites, internal administration can treat rheumatism and bone pain, stomachache, abdominal distension and other symptoms.

Other: the flowers, leaves and fruits of Qili incense contain essential oils, which can be put forward to make cosmetics, edible flavors, seasoning spices and so on.

The above is the editor's introduction about Qilixiang. Do you know all about it?