
Which variety of blueberries is the sweetest? How much is the price per jin?

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Blueberry is known as the king of berries and has been planted in China, North America, Europe and Russia. It is a popular blue berry among consumers. Which variety of blueberries is the sweetest? How much is the price per jin? Which variety of blueberries is the sweetest? Blueberry is also called

Blueberries are known as "king of berries" and are planted in China, North America, Europe and Russia. They are widely loved by consumers. Which variety of blueberries is the sweetest? How much is the price per jin?

Which variety of blueberries is the sweetest?

Blueberry is also known as Benedictine, Persimmon, Duyu, Dianguo, Benedictine blueberry, etc., the fruit is blue, beautiful color, blue is wrapped by a layer of white fruit powder, delicate pulp, very small seeds. The average weight of blueberry fruit is 0.5-2.5g, the maximum weight is 5g, the edible rate is 100%, sweet and sour is palatable, and has a refreshing and pleasant aroma, so it is a good food. And there are many varieties of blueberries, the sweetness is not the same, here are several kinds of blueberries with higher sweetness.

1. A mid-ripe variety bred by hybrid-- Sharp blue

The fruit of this variety is large and its sweetness is BX15.0%, acidity pH4.00. It is very suitable for making fresh fruit juice. It has strong adaptability to soil and high yield, but it is not suitable for long-distance transportation.

two。 A precocious blueberry variety-- O'Neill

The sweetness of this blueberry is BX13.5%, acidity pH4.53, and it has a strong aroma. It is the most fragrant blueberry variety in the south, and it is a heat-resistant and high-yielding blueberry variety.

3. A medium-ripe blueberry variety-- haze

This variety of blueberry is published by the University of Florida in the United States, and its sweetness is BX14.0%, acidity pH4.20, which is a warm evergreen variety.

4. Daru, a late-ripening blueberry variety

The fruit of this variety is large, and its sweetness is BX14.0%, acidity pH3.45, which is suitable for planting at lower altitude.

5. A medium-ripe blueberry variety-- Lanfeng

The variety has strong drought resistance, cold resistance and continuous high yield, and its sweetness is BX14.0%, and acidity is pH3.29, so it is suitable to be cultivated as a fresh food variety.

In terms of sweetness and acidity, the sweetest of these blueberries is Lanfeng, which has high sweetness and low acidity, so friends who like to eat sweet blueberries can buy them and try them.

How much is the price of blueberries per jin?

Generally speaking, the prices of blueberries are different in different regions, and blueberry seedlings of different specifications are also different. Here is a brief introduction.

1. The price of fresh blueberries

The price of blueberries in Wuxi Xicheng Fruit Wholesale Market is 90 yuan / kg, the price of blueberries in Tengxian County, Guangxi is 128 / kg, and the price of 100g blueberries in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province is 11 yuan / box, starting from 12 yuan.

two。 The price of dried blueberries

The price of dried blueberries in Xuhui District, Shanghai is 150 yuan / kg for 1000kg, 145yuan / kg for 2000kg and 140yuan / kg for 3000kg.

3. Blueberry seedling price

The price of blueberry seedlings in Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province is 3 yuan per plant, and that of 30cm-50cm in Shandong Province is 8 yuan per plant for more than 100, 6 yuan for more than 1000, and 5 yuan for more than 10000.

Blueberries can prevent brain nerve aging, protect eyesight, strengthen heart, fight cancer, soften blood vessels and other effects, so conditional friends can eat regularly, oh, it is still very good for the body.