
What should I do if the leaves of Huang Xilan turn yellow? The difference between white orchids and white orchids!

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Yellow magnolia, also known as yellow orchid, is a common kind of magnolia in parks, roadsides and other places. It is widely planted because flowers and leaves can be used as spices and traditional Chinese medicine, and trees can be used as wood. In the process of planting, it is inevitable that the leaves will turn yellow. How can the leaves of Magnolia yellow?

Yellow orchid, also known as yellow orchid, is a common kind of magnolia in parks, roadsides and other places. Because flowers and leaves can be used as spices and traditional Chinese medicine, trees can be widely planted as wood, and in the process of planting, the leaves will inevitably turn yellow. what about the yellow leaves? What's the difference between a white orchid and an orchid?

First, Huang Yilan introduced:

1. What is the orchid language of Huang Ji?

Huang Yilan's flower words are pure love and sincere love, so they are very suitable for giving to wives, lovers and so on.

2. Where are the yellow orchids distributed?

Huang Yilan is widely distributed and has been planted in Taiwan, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, the southeast of Xizang and Yunnan, as well as in Myanmar, India, Vietnam, Nepal and other places abroad.

Second, what if the yellow leaves turn yellow?

First, improper fertilization: Huang Yilan likes fertilizer, but likes nitrogen fertilizer in early spring, agricultural fertilizer in summer, and no fertilizer in autumn, so if the fertilizer is too thick in spring, it will make the leaves yellow. of course, if there is no fertilization for a long time, it will also cause the plant to lack of fertilizer and cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: apply more nitrogen fertilizer in early spring, stop fertilization in autumn, and apply some thin mature farm manure if it is not fertilized for a long time in the early stage.

Second, improper watering: Huang Yilan likes a humid environment, if long-term dry or basin soil water will make the leaves yellow.

Solution: if it is not watered for a long time, it should be watered more. If too much water is watered, stop watering, take out the plant, air-dry for two or three days and then move it back to the basin. In addition, in the rainy season, drainage measures should be done, generally watering every day in summer, and as far as possible in the evening, the rest of the time according to the basin soil dry humidity watering.

Third, no pruning and shaping: during the growth period, dense branches, diseased branches and weak branches should be cut off in time to improve the permeability between branches. if they are not pruned for a long time, the leaves of the plant will turn yellow.

Solution: timely cut off all diseased branches, dense branches and miscellaneous branches according to the growth of the plant.

Fourth, the occurrence of diseases and insect pests: during the growth period, there will be brown spot, aphids and other diseases and insect pests that make the leaves yellow, so it is necessary to take good prevention and control measures.

Solution: if it is brown spot, it is best to spray Dyson zinc and other chemicals for control, while keeping the garden clean, so that diseases and insect pests will not occur.

What's the difference between yellow orchid and white orchid?

First, the shape is different: the plant is about 20 meters high, the crown is narrow umbrella-shaped, the long leaves are lanceolate-ovate or lanceolate-shaped, the flowers are oblanceolate orange-yellow, and the fruit is verrucous and protruding. It usually blooms from June to October. The white orchid plant is about 17 meters high, the crown is umbrella-shaped, the long leaves are long oval or lanceolate oval, the flowers are lanceolate, usually do not bear fruit, and the flowering time is from April to September.

The second difference is that the fragrance of flowers is different: the fragrance of yellow orchids is faint, suddenly near and far; the fragrance of white orchids is very strong, which smells not greasy and intoxicating.

Conclusion: there are many reasons for the yellowing of yellow orchid leaves, but most of them are caused by improper fertilization, improper watering, untimely pruning or diseases and insect pests, so we must do a good job in basic management such as water and fertilizer, pruning and so on. In addition, although yellow orchid and white orchid are similar, but there are some differences between them in appearance, flowers, flower fragrance and so on, so we should pay attention to them.