
How much is a ginkgo sapling? Attached price list

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Ginkgo biloba is a kind of excellent tree species for both fruit and timber, which is tall and beautiful, and it is also a beautiful ornamental tree species. Ginkgo biloba has strong adaptability to soil, acid, alkali and drought tolerance, and its life span is as long as hundreds of years, even more than a thousand years. Its wood is soft.

Ginkgo biloba is a kind of excellent tree species for both fruit and timber, which is tall and beautiful, and it is also a beautiful ornamental tree species. Ginkgo biloba has strong adaptability to soil, acid, alkali and drought tolerance, and its life span is as long as hundreds of years, even more than a thousand years. Its wood is light and flexible, fine-grained and not easy to crack, so it is a good material for construction, craftsmanship and furniture. The fruit is rich in ginkgolic acid and ginkgo alcohol, which is rich in nutrition and can be used as food or medicine. The leaves can produce "coronary heart ketone" and other medicines, and can also be used as paddy field fertilizers and pesticides. How much is the ginkgo sapling? A price list is attached for your reference.

First, how much is a ginkgo sapling? Attached price list

The price of ginkgo biloba fluctuates with the season and the market situation of ginkgo trees, for reference only!

1. Price list of seedlings of Ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo seedlings 0.5-1.5 meters high quotation: 0.5-2 yuan per tree

Price of 3 cm ginkgo tree: 8 yuan per tree

Price of 8 cm ginkgo tree: 120 yuan

Price of 10 cm ginkgo tree: 160 yuan per tree

The latest price of 15 cm ginkgo tree: 350-600 yuan

Price of 18 cm ginkgo tree: 500-1000 yuan

Price of ginkgo seedlings in 2018

Price of 20 cm ginkgo tree: 800-1500 yuan

Price of 25 cm ginkgo tree: 2600-8000 yuan

Price of 30 cm ginkgo tree: 7000-22000 yuan

Price of 40 cm ginkgo tree: 50000 yuan

Price of 45 cm ginkgo tree: 24000-26000 yuan

Price of 50 cm ginkgo tree: 28000-32000 yuan

2. Price list of grafted ginkgo seedlings

8 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 75 yuan

10 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 150 yuan

15cm grafted ginkgo tree: 350-650 yuan

18 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 650-700 yuan

20 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 800-1800 yuan

25 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 2000-4500 yuan

30 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 4500-8800 yuan

40 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 4000-4500 yuan

45 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 5000-5500 yuan

50 cm grafted ginkgo tree: 6000-7000 yuan

II. Key points of ginkgo tree planting

1. Planting technology

(1) the choice of planting environment and location. Ginkgo biloba is a warm-positive species, so it is suitable to be planted in soil or sandy soil with sufficient light, deep soil, loose soil, fertile soil and sufficient water. Because the ginkgo tree grows slowly and has a long life, it is necessary to choose places with high topography, convenient transportation and good drainage capacity in garden application. As the ginkgo tree has a strong ability to adapt to the external environment, some acidic and alkaline soil can also plant ginkgo trees after certain transformation.

(2) planting technology. Ginkgo trees should be simply shaped and pruned without affecting the original tree shape before planting. Ginkgo trees also have certain requirements for tree pits when they are planted. If the trees have soil balls, the diameter of the soil balls of the trees will be about 80 cm larger than that of the ginkgo trees planted. If the trees do not have soil balls, the tree pits will be about 50 cm larger than the root diameter of the ginkgo trees planted. When planting trees, ginkgo trees with soil balls should be upright and aligned, and the surrounding soil balls should be compacted with fine soil, with a depth of more than 10 cm. When planting ginkgo trees without soil balls, make sure that the roots of the trees naturally stretch in the pit, and then align the trees with fine soil compaction, and the depth had better be covered with soil over the rhizome of more than 10 cm.

2. Management measures

(1) irrigation. Attention should be paid to watering ginkgo trees after planting. The first watering is root water, which must be thoroughly watered. If there is a shortage of water, it should be watered thoroughly every 5 days. Ginkgo biloba does not need to be watered frequently after it survives. In the northern region, trees are watered once before sprouting after thawing. When the weather is dry in June, it is the peak period of ginkgo growth in a year, which can be watered once. The second peak period of ginkgo growth in a year is late August, which can be watered again.

(2) fertilization. The best season for fertilization is generally in spring and summer, ditching beside the trees, mixing fertilizer and topsoil evenly and then filling it. If you apply too much fertilizer in spring, you can apply fertilizer once a year, otherwise you will apply fertilizer again in late August.

(3) pruning. Ginkgo tree as an ornamental tree to maintain the beauty of the tree, it is necessary to prune the tree properly in time, and cut off some withered branches, twigs, overlapping branches, upright branches and disease and insect branches in winter pruning, and usually apply paint at the pruning mouth in order to prevent water loss after pruning.

(4) prevent cold and keep warm. In winter in the north, the grass rope is usually wrapped around the trees, and the trees are wrapped in old newspapers to protect against the cold. Nowadays, with the emergence of more and more new materials, we can choose the colors matched with the tree environment to protect them from the cold. The method of whitening the trunk can also be used to keep the tree warm. This method generally uses salted lime water or stone-sulfur mixture to whiten the trunk in autumn, while using the principle of reflection to reduce the absorption of solar radiation by the trunk. By reducing the diurnal temperature difference of the trunk, the trees will not be frozen, and this method can also remove some pests that destroy trees.