
When will purple potatoes be planted? How to raise seedlings?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Purple potato is a kind of purple potato, which is a common alkaline food in daily life. it has a high market prospect because of its good taste and high nutritional value. it is being planted in many areas, so when will purple potato be planted? How to raise seedlings? 1. Introduction of purple potato: 1. Purple potato is

Purple potato is a kind of purple potato, which is a common alkaline food in daily life. it has a high market prospect because of its good taste and high nutritional value. it is being planted in many areas, so when will purple potato be planted? How to raise seedlings?

Introduction of Purple Potato:

1. Is purple potato genetically modified?

Purple potato is not genetically modified food, people think it is mainly because purple potato is rare in the market, and the flesh color is too bright, unlike natural cultivation, but it is actually a natural product.

2. Can purple potatoes be eaten raw?

Purple potato can be eaten raw, but it is not recommended to eat it raw, because purple potato contains a lot of starch, raw food is not easy to be digested by the human body, so it is recommended to cook it and eat it raw at the same time.

When will the purple potato be planted?

Purple potatoes are generally planted in mid-February, but due to different climates, some places may advance and some places will postpone them, but in general, they can be planted as long as the temperature is about 15 degrees and can be harvested in mid-late October.

Third, how to raise seedlings of purple potato?

1. Land selection and preparation: which land is suitable for planting?

Purple potato is suitable to grow in places with loose and fertile soil, good air permeability and sufficient light, so try to choose sandy loam with sufficient light when selecting land. After selecting the land, turn the soil 25cm or so deeply, then sprinkle an appropriate amount of farm manure, and finally flatten it to prepare for seedling cultivation.

2. Seed selection: what kind of seedlings should be chosen?

Purple potatoes, as seedlings, are generally harvested in mid-late October, and then put in the sun for a day to sterilize and sterilize. If you are not in a hurry to plant them, you can store them in the cellar for a period of time and wait for the temperature to reach about 15 degrees Celsius. Select some seedlings that are strong in appearance, without damage and disease, and can be sown.

3. Sowing and raising seedlings: when is a good time to raise seedlings?

(1) Seedling raising time: spring.

(2) Seedling technology: the prepared potato seedlings are planted on the seedling bed according to the distance between 10cm and 8cm, then covered with soil and covered with plastic film.

4. Post-seedling management technology: how to manage it?

(1) temperature requirements: after raising purple potato seedlings, it is necessary to keep the temperature at about 30 degrees, and the temperature difference between day and night is not too large, which can promote the growth of seedlings, wait until the seedlings are unearthed, and then lower the temperature, maintain at about 25 degrees, to prevent the seedlings from being burned to death.

(2) moisture requirements: try not to water before emergence, but if the soil is too dry, you need to spray an appropriate amount of water.

(3) Fertilizer requirements: do not apply fertilizer as far as possible before seedling emergence, and then apply some human manure after emergence, and then apply some human manure or urea when the plant grows to about 13cm. When applying fertilizer, do not apply it directly on the seedling to avoid burning the seedling.

(4) timely replenishing soil: when the seedlings grow to about 10cm, the soil can be replenished once, and 3~5cm can be replenished after a week. When replenishing the soil, fertile and loose soil or charred mud ash or rotten compost can be mixed together to cultivate the soil, which can promote the rapid growth of seedlings.

The above is a detailed introduction of the planting time and seedling techniques of purple potato. I hope it will be helpful to all of you.