
What are the fengshui effects of hanging orchids? What if the leaves turn yellow?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hanging orchid is a common indoor ornamental plant, not only easy to breed, but also can purify indoor air, so many people like to buy a few pots to put at home after decorating a new house. What are the fengshui effects of hanging orchid? What if the leaves turn yellow? First, the introduction of hanging orchid:

Hanging orchid is a common indoor ornamental plant, not only easy to breed, but also can purify indoor air, so many people like to buy a few pots to put at home after decorating a new house. What are the fengshui effects of hanging orchid? What if the leaves turn yellow?

First, the introduction of hanging orchid:

1. Can the orchid purify the air?

The orchid can purify the air. Generally, after absorbing the light, it will absorb more than 80% of the harmful gases such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde and so on, so it is very suitable to raise several pots at home, and generally put a pot of hanging orchids within 8 to 10 years, which is equivalent to putting an air purifier, so it is most suitable to be put in the newly renovated house.

2. What are the varieties of hanging orchids?

The hanging orchid can be divided into Phnom Penh, Silver side, Golden Heart, Silver Heart, medium spot, Broad Leaf and Milky White. Although there are differences in appearance, the ability to purify the air is almost the same.

Second, what are the fengshui functions of hanging orchids?

The meaning of hanging orchid is very good, and there is a saying that "there are hanging orchids at home, dirty ghosts are scared", so in fengshui, we must put them in a good position.

1. The hanging orchid is placed in the living room: it can increase the luck of the homeowner and bring wealth to the family. When placed, it is best to put it in the position of the living room door to the west, because this position is gold and can be of great benefit to the lungs, spleen and respiratory tract of the family.

2, hanging orchid in the bedroom: can promote a harmonious relationship between husband and wife, physical and mental comfort, when placed can be placed in any position, but do not put too much, because the hanging orchid will also breathe oxygen at night, so raise more words, will compete with people for oxygen, resulting in sleep quality decline, occasionally put a basin, can effectively absorb harmful substances in the bedroom, promote human health.

3, the hanging orchid is put in the kitchen: can increase the vitality of the kitchen, put on the balcony as far as possible, not only can decorate the environment, but also can purify the harmful substances in the kitchen, play the role of purification, but do not put directly on the range hood, so as not to be killed by the heat.

Third, what if the leaves of the orchid turn yellow?

First, long-term non-fertilization or too little fertilization: hanging orchid likes fertilizer, especially in the growing period, the highest amount of fertilizer is needed, if it is not fertilized for a long time or too little fertilization will make the leaves yellow.

Solution: apply fertilizer in time, usually apply organic liquid fertilizer every half a month during the growing period, but if it is a flower and leaf variety such as Jinxin orchid or Phnom Penh, it is best not to apply nitrogen fertilizer, even if it is to be applied, as long as a little bit is applied, so as to avoid yellow markings on the leaves.

Second, too much watering: hanging orchids do not have high requirements for moisture, as long as they keep the soil moist, so they can be watered more in summer and less in spring, autumn and winter. if they are watered too much, they will cause the leaves to turn yellow.

Solution: stop watering. If the water in the basin soil is serious, move the plant out to dry for a day or two, and then move back to the basin. After a period of time, the leaves will recover. To the later stage, more water can be watered in summer, and it is best to be watered around noon or in the evening, and less in winter.

Third, the light is too strong: hanging orchid likes Yin, if placed in a strong light position for a long time, it will make the leaves yellow.

Solution: move to the shade in time, and pour some water properly, after a period of time, the leaves will recover.

Reason 4, disease: Botrytis cinerea and root rot will occur during the growth of Cymbidium, both of which will make the leaves yellow, so prevention and control measures should be taken in advance.

Solution: if root rot occurs, 40% of the root rot can be sprayed, and if it is gray mold, pyrimidine can be used to control the disease.

The above is a detailed introduction of the fengshui function of hanging orchid and the causes and solutions of leaf yellowing. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.