
Planting method of Edible Lily

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Lily is a variety of perennial herbaceous bulbous plants, which can be ornamental, edible and medicinal, and has a wide range of cultivation. Do you know how to grow edible lilies? 1. Select suitable varieties: when selecting seeds, we should first of all

Lily is a variety of perennial herbaceous bulbous plants, which can be ornamental, edible and medicinal, and has a wide range of cultivation. Do you know how to grow edible lilies?

1. Select suitable improved varieties: when selecting seeds, we should first choose improved varieties with better yield, better taste and no bitterness, and then see whether lilies are complete or not. Finally, choose larger, fuller and white lilies as seeds.

2. Choose suitable soil: we should choose sandy loam soil with fertile soil, good drainage and loose soil, so we usually have to prepare the planting land, break some large pieces of soil, and make the soil as flat as possible. at the same time of soil preparation, we should also apply enough farm manure.

3. Sowing preparation: we need to treat lily seeds with drugs before sowing, which can prevent many diseases.

4. Sowing at the right time: the suitable temperature for growth is between 18 and 28 ℃, because the growth and development time of lilies planted in different areas may be different, so it is best to decide according to the actual local temperature. For example, in Hunan, the suitable time for lily planting is about August-September, but in the cold winter season, we should also take measures to keep warm.

5. Reasonable topdressing: topdressing is a key point in the whole growth process of lilies, and a total of three times of topdressing are needed in the growth process. The first topdressing is after the emergence of seedlings in February-March; the second topdressing should wait until the lily seedlings grow to about 12cm in May, when it mainly uses phosphate fertilizer and organic fertilizer with high microbial content, and sprays appropriate amount of potash fertilizer to the leaves; the third topdressing is just after harvest.

4. prevention and control of diseases and insect pests: the most common diseases and insect pests during the growth of edible lilies are viral diseases, aphids and so on, and most of these diseases are caused by improper water management. in general, if there is too much water in the field, it is very likely to cause diseases and insect pests. once the disease is found, we should carry out drug treatment in time.

5. Timely harvest: after the Beginning of Autumn, the lily stem turns yellow and withered, and the flower falls off is the right time for harvest. Harvesting should be carried out on a sunny day, and the bulbs should be dug out and cut off from the ground, and immediately transported back to the room for storage in clean river sand to prevent discoloration and dryness.