
How many jin per mu of dandelion?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, One mu of dandelion can grow 6-8 crops a year, and one crop can produce about 2000 jin. If you make fresh vegetables, one mu of land can produce 6000-8000 kg; if dried into medicinal materials, it can produce 6000-650kg. After two consecutive years of growth, roots can be dug out at the end of autumn to dry. Dandelion

One mu of dandelion can grow 6-8 crops a year, and one crop can produce about 2000 jin. If you make fresh vegetables, one mu of land can produce 6000-8000 kg; if dried into medicinal materials, it can produce 6000-650kg. After two consecutive years of growth, roots can be dug out at the end of autumn to dry. The longer the growth period of dandelion is, the more developed the root system is, the more luxuriant the aboveground plant is, and the higher the yield is. Therefore, perennial cultivation should be carried out in order to increase the yield.

Key points of planting techniques of dandelion

1. Sowing seeds

(1) seed: you can collect seeds by yourself, or you can buy seeds.

(2) time: sowing at any time from spring to autumn, and sowing in greenhouse in winter.

(3) soil preparation: it should be planted on loose, fertile and well-drained sandy loam. Apply 2000-3500 kg organic fertilizer per mu, mix 15 kg of calcium superphosphate, then turn the soil 20-25 cm deep, level off and rake fine, and make a flat bed with a width of 1.2 m, a length of 10 m and a ridge of 20 cm high.

(4) method: open a shallow ditch in the border, the distance of the ditch is 12 cm, the width of the ditch is 10 cm, sow the seeds in the ditch, cover the soil 0.3 cm 0.5 cm after sowing, then cover the grass for heat preservation, the seedlings can emerge in about 6 days, and the cover grass can be removed when the seedlings emerge.

2. Management

(1) Intermediate tillage, weeding, inter-seedling and fixed seedling: the first intertillage weeding can be carried out 10 days after emergence, and then once every 10 days until the ridge is closed, there should be no weeds in the field. 10 days after emergence, the distance between seedlings was 3 ~ 5 cm, and the distance between plants was 8 ~ 10 cm after 20 ~ 30 days.

(2) watering: properly control moisture after emergence to make seedlings thrive and prevent overgrowth and lodging; keep the field moist during the rapid growth period of leaves to promote the vigorous growth of leaves; water once before winter, and then cover horse dung or wheat straw to survive the winter.

(3) fertilization: apply fertilizer twice during the growth period, sprinkle 2500 kg of organic fertilizer and 20 kg of calcium superphosphate per mu after winter, and apply 10 kg of urea and 8 kg of superphosphate per mu after turning green in the next spring.

(4) Diseases and insect pests: dandelion has strong resistance to disease and insect pests, so it is generally not necessary to control diseases and insect pests.