
Planting techniques of Edible Lily

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to grow edible lilies? Edible lily taste extremely delicious, no bitter taste, and is the geographical symbol of our country to protect the product, this edible lily planting technology, let's take a look. 1. Planting time from late October to early November or the following year

How to grow edible lilies? Edible lily taste extremely delicious, no bitter taste, and is the geographical symbol of our country to protect the product, this edible lily planting technology, let's take a look.

1. Planting time

From late October to early November or mid-late March of the following year.

2. Planting density

According to the plant spacing 17~20cm and row spacing 40cm, the first class species retained seedlings 120000 ~ 150000 plants / hm2, and seed bulb 3750kg/hm2 was used. According to the plant spacing 15~17cm and row spacing 35cm, the secondary species retained seedlings of 165000 ~ 180000 plants / hm2, and seed bulb 3000kg/hm2 was used.

3. Soil preparation and fertilization

Before planting in the first year, rotten organic fertilizer 75000kg/hm2, diammonium phosphate 150kg/hm2 and calcium superphosphate 300kg/hm2 were applied. In the second year and the third year, early spring combined with ploughing, topdressing rotten organic fertilizer 45000kg/hm2, and spreading it in an all-round way.

4. Planting depth

Ditch depth 15cm, soil cover 5~10cm.

5. Ploughing and weeding

Generally, intertillage is done once or twice a year, the first time is carried out immediately after all the lily seedlings come out in mid-May, the depth of intertillage is about 20cm in the first year, slightly shallow in the second year, and shallower in the third year. The second time was conducted in mid-July, which was shallower than the first one, and the second and third years were exempted from secondary ploughing.

6. Applying topdressing

In the middle and last ten days of May, urea 225kg/hm2 was applied to lily rows in combination with the first deep ploughing.

7. Pick buds

In early June, when the stem reached 2cm, the buds were removed in time.

8. Winter management

Clean up the remaining stems and weeds in the field in time before the soil is frozen.

9. Irrigation

Areas with irrigation conditions can be irrigated in winter. If winter irrigation is not carried out, supplementary irrigation should be made in early spring. Water can be watered once or twice in case of a long drought in the growing season.

10. Harvest

Harvest from September to the end of October or March of the following year.