
Minister of Agriculture: the circulation area of rural household contracted cultivated land is more than 400 million mu.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The fourth report of the brilliant 12th five-year Plan series report meeting since the 12th five-year Plan, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress, the fourth report of the 12th five-year Plan series was held in Beijing on October 10. Our reporter interviewed Han Changfu, the speaker and minister of agriculture.

"brilliant Twelfth five-year Plan" series report meeting

Since the 12th five-year Plan, especially since the 18th CPC National Congress

Brilliant achievements in the development of agriculture and rural areas in China

The fourth report of the "brilliant 12th five-year Plan" series was held in Beijing on October 10, and our reporter interviewed Han Changfu, the reporter and minister of agriculture.

Q: as the saying goes, "food is the most important thing for the people." "eating" is an inseparable topic for people. Please talk about our "rice bags" and "vegetable baskets" since the 12th five-year Plan.

Answer: if you have food in your hand, don't panic in your heart. For a large country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, solving the problem of food is always the top priority of governing the country. Since the 12th five-year Plan, we have always taken ensuring the effective supply of grain and other major agricultural products as the primary task of agricultural and rural work, and the supply level of agricultural products has been significantly improved. Grain production has achieved a historic "eleventh consecutive increase", reaching two new levels of 100 billion jin in a row. Since 2011, the total grain output has crossed the two levels of 1.1 trillion jin and 1.2 trillion jin, which has not been seen since the founding of the people's Republic of China. It reached 1.2142 trillion jin in 2014 and is expected to exceed 1.2 trillion jin this year, which will exceed 1.1 trillion jin for five consecutive years and 1.2 trillion jin for three consecutive years, indicating that China's comprehensive grain production capacity has risen from 100 billion jin during the Eleventh five-year Plan period to a new level of 1.1 billion jin. In particular, it is worth mentioning that since 2004, China's grain production has increased for 11 consecutive years, which has not only enhanced our confidence in firmly holding our rice bowls in our own hands, but also demonstrated the unique advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. At present, the self-sufficiency rate of rice, wheat and corn in China is more than 98%, and the per capita share of grain has reached 450 kg, which is higher than the world average. We use less than 9% of the world's arable land to produce 25% of the world's food, feed nearly 20% of the world's population, and realize the transformation from a recipient of food aid to a donor of food aid, making a great contribution to world food security. On the basis of the continuous increase in grain production, the "vegetable basket" products also have a bumper harvest, adequate supply, and stable prices. In 2014, China produced 6.16 million tons of cotton, 35.17 million tons of oil, 13.32 million tons of sugar, 760 million tons of vegetables, 150 million tons of fruits, 87.07 million tons of meat, 28.94 million tons of poultry eggs, 37.25 million tons of milk and 64.5 million tons of aquatic products. The output of meat, poultry eggs, vegetables and aquatic products ranks first in the world. Per capita possession of 130jin of meat, 1100 jin of vegetables, 40jin of poultry eggs and 94 jin of aquatic products are higher than the world average. The rapid development of these agricultural products has enriched the "vegetable basket" and "fruit plate" of urban and rural residents, and achieved the "China on the tip of the tongue".

Q: since the 12th five-year Plan, farmers' pockets have become more and more bulging, and their consumption level has also become higher. could you tell us about the changes in farmers' income and consumption?

A: the 18th CPC National Congress proposed that the income of urban and rural residents should double that of 2010 by 2020. General Secretary Xi Jinping said: "whether we are well-off or not depends on our fellow villagers." If the fellow-townsman wants to be well-off, the key is to see whether the "money bag" bulges or not. During the 12th five-year Plan period, we have always taken doing everything possible to promote the sustained increase of farmers' income as the central task of agricultural and rural work, and promote the sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income. In 2014, the per capita net income of Chinese farmers reached 9892 yuan, an increase of nearly 4000 yuan over 2010. Since the 12th five-year Plan, the average annual growth rate has been 10.1%. At present, the growth rate has been higher than the income growth rate of urban residents and higher than the GDP growth rate for five consecutive years, and has maintained relatively rapid growth for 11 consecutive years. The income gap between urban and rural residents has narrowed for five consecutive years, from 3.33 ∶ 1 in 2009 to 2.92 ∶ 1 in 2014. This year, the per capita net income of farmers is expected to break through the 10,000 yuan mark, and the growth rate will continue to be higher than that of two percent. The living standards of farmers have improved significantly. In 2014, the per capita living expenditure of farmers in China was nearly 7000 yuan, an increase of nearly 3000 yuan over 2010. The Engel number of rural households dropped from 41.1% in 2010 to 37.7% in 2013, the proportion of food consumption expenditure decreased significantly, and consumer spending on culture, education, entertainment, transportation, communications, and health care continued to grow. The housing and living conditions of farmers have been greatly improved, the level of consumption has been significantly upgraded, and hundreds of millions of farmers have simultaneously shared the fruits of economic and social development. The development of poverty alleviation in rural areas was accelerated. The number of people living in poverty across the country has decreased from 122 million in 2011 to more than 70 million in 2014. More than 50 million people have taken off their "poor hat" and achieved "two worries and three guarantees", that is, they do not worry about food and clothing, and compulsory education, basic medical care and housing are guaranteed. China's anti-poverty achievements have become a model in the world.

Q: as we all know, the fundamental way out for agriculture lies in modernization. Can you talk about the development of China's agricultural modernization and what are the major achievements during the 12th five-year Plan period?

A: since the 12th five-year Plan, in accordance with the strategic plan of the "synchronization of the four modernizations," we have taken agricultural modernization as the main direction, improved agricultural facilities and equipment and raised the level of agricultural science and technology as the focus, and made comprehensive and sustained efforts to accelerate the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, and remarkable achievements have been made in agricultural modernization, mainly reflected in five figures. First, the effective irrigated area of farmland accounts for more than 52%, which shows that more than half of the agricultural fields in the country can be harvested by drought and waterlogging, and the situation that agriculture depends on nature for food is gradually changing. A large number of major water conservancy backbone projects and modern planting and breeding bases have been built, and agricultural production conditions have been improved. Among them, efforts were concentrated on building more than 400 million mu of farmland with high and stable yields, basically realizing drought irrigation, waterlogging drainage, square fields, roads, connected canals and roads. By the end of 2014, the effective irrigated area of farmland in China will be 986 million mu. Second, the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress has reached 56%, which indicates that China's agricultural development has changed from relying mainly on increasing the input of resource elements in the past to a new period that mainly depends on scientific and technological progress. The establishment of a large number of high-yield and high-efficiency demonstration areas has promoted the combination of agricultural machinery and agronomy, improved varieties and methods, and realized the transformation from a single technological breakthrough to multi-technology and multi-factor integrated innovation and promotion. E-commerce is booming. In 2014, the number of agriculture-related e-commerce enterprises reached 31000, with online sales exceeding 100 billion yuan. Third, the coverage rate of improved varieties of crops has stabilized at more than 96%, which indicates that all the varieties used in agricultural production in China have been upgraded. The transformation and application of a number of high-quality crops and new breeds of livestock and poultry, such as Super Rice, Daheng broiler, and "Yellow Sea Series" of Penaeus chinensis, were accelerated. Fourth, the comprehensive mechanization level of the cultivation and harvest of major crops has exceeded 61%, indicating that the mode of agricultural production in our country has shifted from human and animal power for thousands of years to a new stage dominated by mechanical operations. Farmers "facing the loess, planting rice seedlings and cutting wheat waist tired" is becoming history. In 2014, the total power of agricultural machinery reached 1.08 billion kilowatts, wheat was basically mechanized, and the comprehensive mechanization rate of corn and rice farming and harvest exceeded 75%. Fifth, the processing conversion rate of major agricultural products has exceeded 60%, and China has moved from selling original brand-name agricultural products to a new stage of selling manufactured products. In 2014, the total output value of China's agricultural products processing industry exceeded 23 trillion yuan, with a ratio of 2.2 ∶ 1 to the total agricultural output value.

Q: we feel that the rural environment is getting better and better and there are more and more services. Can you talk about the major progress made in the construction of China's new countryside during the 12th five-year Plan period?

A: general Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out many times that we cannot lose the rural end of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Since the 12th five-year Plan, various departments in various localities have strengthened the construction of a new socialist countryside in accordance with the overall requirements of "production development, affluent life, civilized rural style, tidy appearance of the village, and management of the people". Gratifying changes have taken place in the appearance of the village. The rural environment is becoming more and more tidy, focusing on garbage and sewage treatment, cleaning up random piles, matching garbage bins, building drainage ditches, dredging pits and rivers, and basically achieving unified garbage collection and orderly sewage discharge. Rural drinking water is safer, electricity is more convenient, roads are smoother, and houses are more tidy. The problem of drinking water safety for 298 million rural residents has been solved, nearly 13 million rural dilapidated houses have been renovated, and heating, drainage, sewage, residential roads and other supporting facilities have been improved at the same time, and a number of new villages with bright roads, clean water and clean ponds and clean villages have emerged across the country. Leisure agriculture and rural tourism are booming. In 2014, the business income of leisure agriculture increased nearly 1.5 times compared with 2010. There were more than 1.8 million operators of all kinds of leisure agriculture, with an annual reception of 1 billion people, leading to an increase in the employment and income of 30 million farmers. it has become a new bright spot for farmers to increase their income, a new place for urban residents to travel and vacation, and a new carrier for inheriting agricultural civilization.