
What is burdock? How much is the price per jin in 2019?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Burdock is a kind of nutritious and healthy vegetable, and it is also what people call a healthy vegetable in recent years. The shape of burdock is like the familiar yam, which can be eaten or used as medicine. Let's take a look at what burdock is? the price in 2019 is probably more than that.

Burdock is a kind of nutritious and healthy vegetable, and it is also what people call a healthy vegetable in recent years. The shape of burdock is like the familiar yam, which can be eaten or used as medicine. Let's take a look at what is burdock? how much is the price per jin in 2019?

What is burdock?

Burdock, known as Oriental Ginseng, native to Cangshan, China, is a biennial herbaceous plant. Its son and root can be used as medicine or edible. Burdock enjoys the reputation of being the king of vegetables and is comparable to ginseng in Japan. It is a health product with high nutritional value. Its whole body is a treasure, rich in inulin, cellulose, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and other minerals and amino acids that the human body needs. The carotene content is 280 times higher than that of carrots.

Burdock is an ancient food vegetable for both medicine and food in China. The fiber of burdock can promote peristalsis of large intestine, help defecation, reduce cholesterol in the body, reduce the accumulation of toxins and wastes in the body, and achieve the effect of preventing stroke and preventing and treating gastric and uterine cancer. Western medicine believes that it not only has the pharmacological effects of diuresis, eliminating accumulation, expelling phlegm and relieving diarrhea, but also for the dietotherapy of constipation, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the effects of soothing wind and heat, releasing lung through rash, detoxification and pharynx and so on. It can be used for wind-fever, cold, cough, phlegm, measles, rubella, sore throat. Studies have shown that burdock has obvious effects of lowering blood sugar, blood lipid, blood pressure, tonifying kidney and strengthening yang, moistening intestines and relieving defecation, and inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer cells and removing heavy metals in water.

Second, how much is the price of burdock per jin in 2019?

The price of burdock varies from region to region. In areas where burdock is rich, it is cheaper, while in areas where it is not produced, the price will be slightly higher. Below, according to the information provided by the relevant website, we know that the price of burdock is about 5 yuan per jin. Of course, the price of burdock will also be affected by quality, variety, market and other factors.

Third, when does burdock usually grow?

The best sowing time of burdock seeds is from February to May and from September to November every year. The germination rate of burdock seeds sown at these two times is the highest and the growth is the best.

Burdock seeds need to be germinated and disinfected before planting. First soak in water for 18 hours, rinse 2 times for 3 times, and then soak in potassium permanganate for 1 hour.

Black plastic film should be used to cover the seeds after sowing, and the mulching should be carried out on a windless sunny day. The seedlings should be sprayed with water within ten days after picking the film.

When burdock grows to 5 to 6 leaves, the first topdressing is carried out, using 5~10kg urea per mu, diluted 1500 times and then foliar spraying.

When burdock grows to about 50 cm, there are two ways to take off the plastic film and fertilize it for the second time.