
What is the specific process of planting chrysanthemum? About what time do you plant?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is a common vegetable, which has become popular in recent years. Artemisia annua is rich in nutrition and has the functions of harmonizing spleen and stomach, promoting defecation, clearing blood, nourishing heart, clearing phlegm and moistening lungs, reducing weight, lowering blood fat, reducing blood pressure, helping digestion, sleeping and so on. It belongs to a semi-cold-tolerant vegetable.

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is a common vegetable, which has become popular in recent years. Artemisia annua is rich in nutrition and has the functions of harmonizing spleen and stomach, promoting defecation, clearing blood, nourishing heart, clearing phlegm and moistening lungs, reducing weight, lowering blood fat, reducing blood pressure, helping digestion, sleeping and so on. It belongs to semi-cold-tolerant vegetables, likes cool and humid climate, is not strict with light requirements, and is more resistant to weak light. What is the specific process of planting chrysanthemum? About what time do you plant?

First, what is the specific process of planting chrysanthemum?

1. Land selection and preparation

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum is suitable for cultivation in sandy loam soil, which requires convenient irrigation conditions. After selecting the land, turn the soil, and apply excellent farm manure, more than 1000 kg per 0.1ha, 25 kg diammonium phosphate as base fertilizer. Make a flat bed 1.2-1.4 meters wide and 10-20 meters long, ready to sow.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings

Seed treatment: 3-4 days before sowing, soak the seeds in 50-55 hot water for 15 minutes, then soak them for 12-24 hours, put them in a warm place about 25 ℃ to accelerate germination, and wash them with clean water once a day during germination. If the new seeds should be treated at low temperature of 0-5 ℃ in advance, the dormancy would be broken in about 7 days.

Sowing options: spring protected cultivation generally uses hotbed sowing and seedling raising in late March or April: open-field cultivation in spring, sowing and raising seedlings in hotbed in mid-April; open-field direct seeding in spring, sowing in small arch shed or plastic film in early May, summer and autumn cultivation, can be sowed in cold bed or open field in batches, sowing in 7-10 days.

Sowing method: the visible cultivation method (direct seeding or seedling transplanting) adopts sowing cultivation or strip sowing, the seed amount of sowing is 60-70 kg per hectare, the strip sowing is about 10 cm apart, and the seed consumption is 30-37.5 kg per hectare. Seedling sowing in early spring seedling bed should be covered with medicine and soil to prevent sudden death. The suitable seedling age is 20 days, and the suitable planting period is 3-4 true leaves.

3. Planting and field management

It usually takes 5-7 days from sowing to germination. During germination, attention should be paid to moisturizing to prevent the soil from drying. When the height of the seedling is 2-3 cm and 1-2 true leaves, the seedlings are pulled out in the field to keep the distance between plants 1-2 cm. After shallow and middle tillage, when the seedlings were planted at the stage of 3-4 true leaves, the temperature outside or in the greenhouse should be stable through 10 ℃. The distance between planting or fixing seedlings should be 4-6 cm. Watering the seedlings for the first time, watering the seedlings again after fixing the seedlings, and topdressing the available nitrogen fertilizer with the water. The seedlings can be harvested from time to time in the future.

4. Harvest

The general growth period of Artemisia annua is 40-50 days. When the plant is about 20 cm high, it can be harvested with 12-13 true leaves. In order to keep the products fresh and tender, the harvest should be carried out in the morning. Untimely harvest and high temperature will lead to aging of stems and leaves, poor quality, or elongation of internodes, bolting and flowering. If you want to harvest many times, you can use a knife to leave 2-3 cm at the base of the main stem and cut the tender stems and leaves into 0.5 kg handfuls on the market. It is watered after cutting and can be harvested again in a month.

2. When will the chrysanthemum be planted?

Chrysanthemum chrysanthemum likes cool, so it is not suitable to grow in high temperature, so the planting time should be in spring and autumn. The winter temperature is too low, which is not conducive to seed germination, but the planting method of greenhouse can also be used. Generally speaking, it is most appropriate to sow seeds after the Beginning of Spring or around the Mid-Autumn Festival.