
Passion fruit planting method introduction: to master the correct seedling method is very important!

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Passion fruit is the fruit we eat more in summer, in addition to direct consumption, but also with honey and lemon juice together, many milk tea shops also add fresh passion fruit. It is precisely because of the demand of the market that more and more people grow passion fruit. that

Passion fruit is the fruit we eat more in summer, in addition to direct consumption, but also with honey and lemon juice together, many milk tea shops also add fresh passion fruit. It is precisely because of the demand of the market that more and more people grow passion fruit. Have you mastered the method of planting passion fruit? What are the points for attention? Let's have a look together!

Planting method of passion fruit

1. Soil temperature

The first step in planting passion fruit is to find suitable soil, which belongs to tropical fruit, so the requirement for growth environment is relatively high, and not all areas can survive, especially temperature and water. The best growth temperature is about 30 degrees. If the low temperature is very low, it is likely to cause the passion fruit to be frostbitten and then exhausted. It is most suitable for planting in areas where the annual temperature can evenly reach more than 18 degrees Celsius, and the goal of high yield can be easily achieved.

2. Illumination time

We mentioned above that passion fruit is a tropical fruit, so it must be very sensitive to light. The stronger the light is, the more it can promote the growth of passion fruit and accumulate nutrients. Passion fruit from many areas are airlifted from Guangxi, that is because Guangxi is in a tropical monsoon climate, such temperature and geographical environment is very suitable for passion fruit growth, Rain Water is also more abundant.

3. Seedling raising mode

The most common way of raising seedlings is the seedling bed and the arch shed. In contrast, the cost of the arch shed is still very low, and it is convenient to manage. In order to quickly grow seedlings, choose a piece of soil paddy field. After the harvest in October, the water in the field will be drained, and when the soil is semi-wet and semi-dry, it is beneficial for the rotary tiller to break the soil. And clean up the remaining debris in the soil, and finally ridge. It is suggested that the time of cutting seedling raising should be set at about November, with April as a supplement, so that the goal of high yield can be achieved.

4. Drainage layout

The characteristics of passion fruit have determined that the requirement of sunlight exposure is very high, and stagnant water will affect the growth of passion fruit to a certain extent. When cultivating passion fruit, you should choose a place with convenient drainage and sufficient sunshine, cultivate passion fruit on trapezoidal land, you can first use soil to rake, and dig drainage ditch ditch according to 3m row width, customize the application of base fertilizer at an interval of about 2m in the row, at the same time, make sure that the amount of fertilizer applied at each point is the same, and mix the topsoil and base fertilizer evenly after fertilization.

5. Diseases and insect pests

According to the relevant planting situation, the viruses that do great harm to the healthy growth of passion fruit are mosaic disease, neck rot, aphids, etc., and the disease resistance of passion fruit is relatively strong, so, when infected with neck rot and root rot, the disease can be effectively controlled by increasing organic fertilizer, improving ventilation conditions, strengthening water and fertilizer management and other measures. Basically do not need to use any pesticides to control the disease, aphids do great harm to passion fruit, once it occurs, it will affect the yield and quality of the fruit, for this kind of diseases and pests, we can use appropriate drugs to control.

Generally speaking, planting passion fruit is not a very simple thing, we need to prepare a lot of work, passion fruit planting methods are in fact slowly fumbled out in the actual combat, I hope it will be helpful to you.