
Rest assured that agricultural products can be "refined" like this.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, It is not difficult for a base or a farm to grow assured agricultural products, but it can be magnified to a place where all agricultural products can be safely and relieved. How can this be done? Qujiang District, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, which is located at the source of Qiantang River, proposes to build "reassuring agriculture" and use the most rigorous.

It is not difficult for a base or a farm to grow assured agricultural products, but it can be magnified to a place where all agricultural products can be safely and relieved. How can this be done?

Qujiang District, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, which is located at the source of the Qiantang River, proposes to build "reassuring agriculture" and ensure "safety on the tip of the tongue" with the most stringent standards and management. After years of persistence, Qujiang's modern agricultural system has worked: the qualified rate of agricultural products in the region reached 98.7% in 2014 and 99.3% in the first eight months of this year. Qujiang District has been recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture as the first batch of pilot counties for the quality and safety of agricultural products.

Rest assured how agricultural products are "refined"? The reporter went into Qujiang to find out.

Standardized production: let every subject have standards to follow, and the technology of "subduing soil and water" will take root.

Rest assured that agricultural products are grown.

At the Chen Jianhai Family Farm in Lianhua Town, baskets of freshly picked chili peppers and tomatoes are fresh and tender. Hostess Shen Aizhen said proudly, "We are scrambling for our food in the market!"

"what's so special?" The reporter asked.

"spray sugar water, apply organic fertilizer, absolutely green rest assured!" Careful love Jane answered while explaining: Brown sugar and yeast to make bacterial fertilizer, inhibit the growth of pests; chicken manure mixed into organic fertilizer, the vegetable tastes good. "these inconspicuous local methods can not only save fat, but also reduce medication." She said.

To allow new agricultural technology to "conquer soil and water", Chen Jianhai invited experts and visited large families to find out the technical standards suitable for the local area. Today, his 200-mu greenhouse is operated "according to the square" from planting to harvest, and each shed has a "growth file". "my average income per mu can reach 15000, which all depends on the 'rest assured' brand." Chen Jianhai said.

At present, Qujiang has developed 1041 family farms, with an operating area of 168000 mu, accounting for 64.6% of the cultivated land in the region. Led by them, major farming industries, such as oranges, grapes, strawberries and live pigs, have drawn up local standardized production technology models.

If the family farm has the strength and technology, what about the ordinary farmers?

Many farmers choose to stick together. In Wutan Village, Lianhua Town, 107 villagers joined the Hongyan strawberry production and marketing class, unified standards and management of more than 300 mu of land, and cooperated with rest assured agriculture.

"now growing strawberries is not as random as it used to be, and there are rules for every step." The "norm" mentioned by villager Dong Xinquan is the "strawberry standardized production technical model map" of the production and marketing class, which is clearly written from the control of water sources and inputs to daily management. Monitor Xu Liuquan is more like a "supervisor", staring at every link without making mistakes. Dong Xinquan tasted the sweetness: "use less chemical fertilizer and more rapeseed cakes. The strawberries we grow are sweet and can be sold for several yuan more per jin."

It is also driven by large families. Chen Xuerong, a village in Yantou, Jinwang Town, learned the grape planting skills by working in a neighboring village and went back to the village to start his own business. "soil, fertilizer and seedlings are bought from large families, so the risk is small." He said.

The policy is strong. Qujiang allocates 10 million yuan of special funds for assured agricultural products every year to subsidize farmers' training, promotion of new varieties, and social services.

"one subject, one set of standards, one model map, one production file, one brand", Qujiang adheres to the "five ones" to carry out standardized production, the area of agricultural standardization in the region has reached 270000 mu, and six provincial demonstration parks have been built. 72 brands of agricultural products have passed the "three products" certification. Many farmers are familiar with standardized technologies such as green prevention and control and biological fertilization.

Standardization promotes agricultural transformation. Up to now, the region has completed soil testing and formula fertilization for 530000 mu, popularized 13500 tons of organic fertilizers, and reduced the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Full-process management and control: testing the full coverage of the network, establishing a "negative list" of project funds, and serious violators will not enjoy policy subsidies for life.

Rest assured that agricultural products are also managed. How to supervise the whole process from the field to the table?

Strictly control market access. At Chen Jianhai's family farm, there is a special quick inspection room. "every batch of vegetables must be tested for agricultural residues before they can be released." The technician said.

Is there a big investment in the laboratory? "the government has basically made up for 20,000 to 30,000 yuan. The key is that everyone has peace of mind. 'rest assured' is the lifeline of the farm. " Chen Jianhai said.

"this QR code label is a sign of 'rest assured' and warns you to plant it carefully." Quanwang town Gaolaozhuang family farmer Li Renguang said. He came up with an original trick in the fire dragon orchard: the ground was covered with thick sugarcane skins as fertilizer, enzymes made from discarded fruits to nourish fruit trees, and chickens to catch insects and geese to weed. The residual inhibition rate of fire dragon fruit farmers on the farm is controlled below 25%, far below the 50% qualification line.

In addition to self-examination, there is also random sampling. At the testing station of the Lianhua Town Agricultural Service Center, the reporter saw that Chen Jianhai's samples of lettuce and agaric vegetables were sent here. Technician Wu Fang said: "every day, quality assistants in various villages go to sample, whether they are large or retail investors. Random sampling and sent here for testing."

At present, all 21 townships in Qujiang District are equipped with monitoring stations, 105 family farms have set up rapid testing rooms, 272 administrative villages have been equipped with quality and safety assistants of agricultural products, and the agricultural products testing network has achieved full coverage. The agricultural products of family farms and leading enterprises must pass the self-inspection and enter the market only with the certificate of quick inspection of the place of origin.

The strictest control over the quality of agricultural products. Qujiang District has set up a "negative list" of project funds, and operators who have major quality and safety incidents of agricultural products shall not enjoy relevant policy subsidies for life; if they fail to pass the spot check twice in a row, they shall not enjoy policy subsidies within two years.

System construction promotes the honesty and credit system. Since the beginning of this year, 39900 batches of agricultural products have been tested, and 376 batches of fruits, vegetables, livestock and poultry products have been quantitatively inspected at the provincial level, with a qualified rate of 99.3%.

Affixed with a QR code, the quality is traceable. Many products in Qujiang have shifted from car sales to individual sales, such as soft-seed pomegranates, with a market price of more than 100 yuan each, becoming the "golden fruit" on the market.

Ecological cycle: strictly control the environment of the producing area and realize the sustainable development of "resources-products-renewable resources"

Rest assured that agricultural products cannot be separated from good mountains, good water and good air. Qujiang made great efforts to strictly control the environment of the producing area.

Tear down pig sheds and build vegetable sheds. In the town of Hunan at the source of the Wuxi River, some pig farmers have switched to growing alpine vegetables. Wu Dexiang, deputy mayor of Hunan Town, said that only when the ecology is good, the industrial development can be more sustainable.

Source reduction, process reduction, emission reduction. Over the past two years, the region has reduced the feeding capacity of nearly 2 million pigs. Hundreds of large-scale farms adopt industrial pollution control, ecological absorption and other models, set up pollution control facilities, and achieve harmless treatment of sick and dead pigs.

To develop ecological agriculture, Qujiang speeds up the cultivation of a closed circular industrial chain. Ninglian Animal Husbandry Company, located in Lianhua Town, has turned waste into treasure by connecting an agricultural "ecological chain" through circular economy. Here, pig farm sewage is turned into concentrated biogas liquid, becoming the "hot cake" of family farms, which sells for 150 million yuan per ton. Pig manure is collected and fermented into organic fertilizer, with a profit of more than 2 million yuan a year.

At the edge of ten thousand mu of Zizania caduciflora in Duze town, Liao Jiandong family farm set up a processing plant. "after the harvest of Zizania caduciflora, we used Zizania latifolia leaves as bacterial sticks, which not only saved more than 100,000 yuan in cost, but also increased production by 10%." Liao Jiandong said that abandoned leaves have become treasures, build a green feed production line, process organic fertilizer, and achieve the sustainable development of "resources-products-renewable resources".

Build a soil environmental monitoring and early warning system, conduct a general survey of the soil environment of family farms and enterprises in the region, and do not grow fruits and vegetables if the environment is not up to standard.

Look at the details. In many family farms, the reporter saw that there was a simple house. According to the person in charge of the District Agriculture Bureau, this is the recycling point of pesticide waste, where used agricultural medicine bottles and bags can be put here for centralized recycling and disposal to avoid environmental pollution. At present, the recovery rate of waste packaging in cooperatives and family farms is more than 95%, and the harmless disposal rate is up to 100%.

Ecological agriculture is not only a new subject of Qujiang, but also faces new challenges. Zhang Fengxiu in Kuitou Village, Hunan Town, said frankly that pig farms have been closed, and it is difficult to transform alternative industries, and he hopes for more policy support. Yu Jinshan, an old branch secretary of broken Stone Village, said that ecological forests cannot be cut down, and chestnuts and tea in the mountains have not become stronger, and the mountain economy still needs new ways.

Qujiang policy makers realize that the ecological environment is the greatest advantage, and persisting in building reassuring agriculture, driving the entire Qujiang agricultural transformation and increasing farmers' income, will certainly lead to the growth of Jinshan and Yinshan mountains in green waters and green mountains.