
The planting method of garlic

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Planting garlic needs to select suitable soil to make beds; then sow, cover and water the prepared garlic seedlings; according to the air temperature, the field management is carried out after emergence, mainly to remove weeds, irrigation, fertilization and eliminate diseases and insect pests; finally, choose on a sunny day.

Planting garlic needs to select suitable soil to make beds; then sow, cover and water the prepared garlic seedlings; according to the temperature, field management is carried out after emergence, mainly to remove weeds, irrigation, fertilization, and eliminate diseases and insect pests; finally, harvest is arranged on a sunny day, and stored according to quality after drying in a ventilated place.

The planting method of garlic

1. Planting time

Garlic is mostly planted in winter and spring, because the seedlings are not tolerant to cold temperatures, so it is recommended that the north should not sow seeds in autumn. If there is a greenhouse, you can sow and raise seedlings in autumn in the north, and the seedlings can be planted the next year.

2. Prepare the land and make beds.

Garlic does not have high requirements for soil quality, so general garden soil can be planted. Before sowing, it is necessary to prepare the soil, turn the soil 20cm deep, clear out the stones in the field, and then plough the land into a border shape, which is of random size, which is very convenient for drainage and irrigation.

3. Planting into the soil

In the planting method of garlic, the stem disk and outer skin should be removed before sowing, and the larger cloves of garlic should be selected as seeds. The larger the seed is, the higher the yield will be. The seeds should be dried for a day, and the garlic should not be exposed. The garlic should be planted according to a certain interval, deep 1cm about, and watered thoroughly.

4. Watering and fertilization

Garlic from seed germination to harvest, the whole process needs to ensure sufficient water, but also need to apply some chemical fertilizer and organic fertilizer, apply 5000kg organic fertilizer per mu as base fertilizer before planting, mix it in the soil when cultivated land, and then sprinkle some compound fertilizer every month, and immediately after fertilization with watering, so that it can fully absorb fertilizer.

Generally speaking, the method of growing garlic is not difficult. If you want to try it, you can try it after observing the good weather.