
How to grow lotus

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, If you buy a bowl of lotus seeds, it is best to treat the epidermis and round head first, then soak them in warm water for three or five days until they germinate, and finally transplant them into a container containing soil. If you buy a sprout that already has a seedling, just transplant it to the one with soil

If you buy a bowl of lotus seeds, it is best to treat the epidermis and round head first, then soak them in warm water for three or five days until they germinate, and finally transplant them into a container containing soil. If you buy sprouts, just transplant them to clay pots without bottom holes or plastic flowerpots. When transplanting, press the fine root of the seedling into the mud, plant one plant in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplanting, so that the water does not submerge the leaflet.

Explain in detail the specific methods of how to grow lotus:

1. Sowing time: Lotus seeds have no dormancy period. As long as the water temperature is kept above 16 ℃, the seeds can be sown in four seasons. Under the conditions of suitable temperature and light, it takes 60-80 days from sowing to flowering in spring. The best sowing time: from March to early May.

2. Seed treatment: the shell of the lotus seed is hard and dense, and the lotus seed must be artificially broken before soaking. There is a small protruding tip on one end of the lotus seed and a small concave spot on the other. Grind the small concave end on the rough cement floor or make a small cut with tiger pliers. Be careful not to pinch the embryo or remove the shell.

3. Soaking seeds to promote germination: the summer water temperature of 20 ℃ ~ 30 ℃ is very suitable for lotus seed germination, depending on how much water is filled in bowls or pots to soak the seeds. Put it indoors and change the water twice a day. It can sprout within a week. After sprouting, put it in the sunny place to strengthen the light and can not lack of water. Fine roots and 2-3 young lotus leaves grow after 2 weeks. When the leaves are like money, the roots can be planted separately.

4. Seedling transplanting: choose 18cm~30cm pottery pot without bottom hole or plastic flowerpot, add half a pot of pastoral soil or river and pond mud without chemical pollution, soak in water two weeks in advance, do not apply fertilizer. When transplanting, press the fine roots of the small lotus seedlings into the mud, one in each pot, and add appropriate amount of water after transplanting, so that the small lotus leaves are not submerged by water.

The above is the introduction of how to grow lotus. I hope it will be helpful to you.