
Cultivation techniques of pollution-free vegetables

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Pollution-free vegetables are suitable for growing in loose and fertile soil, strong irrigation capacity, good water quality and far away from Urban area, factories, etc., so when selecting land, they can be cultivated in mountainous areas or woodland. When cultivating, be sure to select varieties, disinfect seeds, and protect them.

Pollution-free vegetables are suitable to grow in loose and fertile soil, strong drainage and irrigation capacity, good water quality and far away from urban areas and factories, so when selecting land, they can be cultivated in mountainous areas or woodlands. During cultivation, we must select good varieties, disinfect and sterilize the seeds, keep the soil moist, apply sufficient basic fertilizer, do a good job in a series of management work, such as mid-ploughing, weeding, pruning and so on, and crop rotation can be carried out according to the planting varieties in the later stage.

Explain in detail the cultivation techniques of pollution-free vegetables:

1. Environmental selection: under what environment is it suitable to grow?

The primary task of the cultivation of pollution-free vegetables is to choose a good planting environment to meet the production needs of pollution-free vegetables. The most important thing for the growing environment of pollution-free vegetables is to stay away from urban areas, factories and other pollution sources. To ensure that there is a good drainage and irrigation capacity, the water quality meets the planting requirements. The planting soil should be deep, soft, fertile and well-structured. The area of the soil should be controlled according to the planting scale, and the rotation can be guaranteed according to the planting variety. Then do a good job of soil preparation, improve the natural environment, and create a good growth environment for vegetables.

2. Planting management: how to manage it?

Then we should choose a suitable planting variety according to the type of soil and planting area, and then select good seeds to disinfect the seeds. Control the sowing time and sow seeds at the right time to improve the growth ability of seedlings. Then according to the growth habits of vegetables to do a good job of planting management. Strengthen field management, carry out a series of work, such as ploughing, weeding, building and pruning, and so on. According to the weather changes and other humidity control, ventilation, or according to the requirements of vegetables on the environment, flexible adjustment.

3. Rational watering: how to water?

The intensity and frequency of irrigation should be adjusted reasonably according to the type of soil and soil moisture. For example, the water retention capacity of sandy soil is relatively poor, so it should be watered frequently, while clayey soil needs to do a good job of drainage. Then irrigation should be carried out according to the weather and the growth of seedlings, with more watering in hot weather and less or no watering on the contrary. The leaves that are shiny and glowing can be watered less, while those who wither need more watering. However, no matter what vegetables are, they should not be watered at noon to prevent high temperature and humidity from causing diseases and insect pests.

4. Fertilization method: how to apply fertilizer?

Base fertilizer is mainly based on rotten farm manure, but it is also necessary to choose good fertilizer types according to planting varieties, such as coriander, lettuce and so on. Then, although we should supplement nitrogen fertilizer properly when topdressing, we must pay attention to the amount of nitrogen fertilizer, not too much. Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilizer leading to excessive growth of vegetables, reduce field permeability, consume too much nutrition, but also lead to a decline in yield.

The above is the introduction of pollution-free vegetable cultivation techniques, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.