
How to grow onions

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The first step is to select the seedling site, and the land will be deeply turned over, fertilized and watered; the second step is to sow high-quality seeds with plastic film and pay attention to watering during the period; the third step is to transplant and water in time after transplanting; finally, to do a good job in field management, and then from the end of May to the end of May.

The first step is to select the seedling site, and the land will be deeply turned over, fertilized and watered; the second step is to sow high-quality seeds to cover plastic film and pay attention to watering during the period; the third step is to transplant, and the last step is to do a good job in field management. and then it can be harvested in time from the end of May to the first ten days of June.

The detailed steps for growing onions are as follows:

1. Raising seedlings

Generally, the way of raising seedlings in the seedling bed is to pour sufficient bottom water in the seedling bed, spread a thin layer of fine soil after infiltration, then sow seeds, and then cover the soil with 1.5cm. In order to speed up the emergence of seedlings, some farmers soak the seeds in advance, fish them out and dry them until the seeds are not bonded.

two。 Seedling stage management

After sowing, the seedbed must be kept moist to prevent soil hardening from affecting seed germination and emergence. Only after the seedlings grow the first true leaf can the watering be properly controlled. At the same time, after emergence, weeds must be cleared in time to avoid weeds competing with onion seedlings for nutrition, resulting in slow yellowing and slow growth of leaves.

3. Soil preparation and fertilization

Onions have shallow roots, so they should generally choose plots with fertile soil and good soil fertility and water retention. In terms of fertilization, it is recommended to spray evenly, and then ploughing, ploughing depth about 15cm. After the cultivated land, rake flat to make the border, the size of the border depends on the local climate and the irrigation and drainage conditions of the land, generally can build a wide border with a width of 2m and a length of about 10m, in order to improve the land utilization rate. Base fertilizer should be applied in combination with cultivated land before planting, and the amount of base fertilizer should be determined according to soil fertility and types of base fertilizer.

4. Colonization

Generally, the row spacing is controlled between 15-18 cm, the plant spacing is between 10 cm and 13 cm, and about 30,000 plants are planted per mu. It is not suitable to top fertilizer immediately after planting, and the watering times should be well controlled. Regular ploughing and loose soil can keep the soil moist in the field, which is convenient for seedlings to grow roots.

5. Watering

Watering at the right time, watering in time after squatting seedlings. Due to the high external temperature and evaporation, the plant needs more water, so it is appropriate to irrigate once every 6-7 days, and to keep the surface soil moist frequently. There must be no shortage of water, otherwise the onion bulbs will become hot. Stop watering about a week before harvest.

During the period of onion planting, attention must be paid to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests such as downy mildew, purple spot, atrophy, soft rot, root maggots and leaf miners.