
China Insurance Regulatory Commission calls for agrometeorological disaster claims and disaster prevention and impairment work

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, In order to give full play to the functions of agricultural insurance to ensure people's livelihood, disaster prevention and impairment and social services, and to ensure the stability of production and life of disaster-stricken farmers and the recovery of post-disaster reproduction capacity, China Insurance Regulatory Commission recently issued a notice requiring all property insurance companies to do a good job in agricultural meteorological disaster claims and disaster prevention.

In order to give full play to the functions of agricultural insurance in ensuring people's livelihood, disaster prevention and reduction, and social services, and to ensure the stability of the production and life of affected farmers and the recovery of re-production capacity after the disaster, the CIRC recently issued a circular, requiring property insurance companies to do a good job in agrometeorological disaster compensation and disaster prevention and reduction.

Since the beginning of summer in 2015, the national average precipitation has been less than that of the same period of the normal year, the average temperature has been higher than that of the normal year, and extreme weather and climate events have occurred frequently, the notice said. In August, most provinces (autonomous regions and cities) across the country were hit by rainstorms, floods, thunderstorms, strong winds, hail and other severe convective weather, and meteorological droughts continued to develop in some areas, which had a great impact on agricultural production and farmers' lives.

In this regard, the circular requires that the work of agrometeorological disaster compensation and disaster prevention and reduction should be done well in three aspects:

First, step up efforts to further expand the coverage of agricultural insurance. All companies should increase the input of manpower and material resources to speed up the progress of underwriting. It is necessary to focus on improving the ability to serve agricultural modernization, promoting the transfer of land contractual management rights, and promoting the transformation of agricultural production mode. we will speed up the pilot landing of innovative products and supplementary security products such as agricultural product price insurance, weather index insurance, output insurance and income insurance, so as to meet the diversified insurance needs of new types of agricultural production and operation subjects. We will actively promote the development of seed production insurance, fishery insurance, agricultural machinery insurance, farm house insurance, farmers' accidental injury insurance, agricultural product export credit insurance, and agricultural product quality assurance insurance, and expand new areas of insurance services for agriculture, rural areas and farmers. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the national regional development policy, carry out pilot projects of insurance for superior agricultural products with local characteristics, and better serve the social and economic development of local rural areas. It is necessary to actively explore new models and paths of agricultural insurance and agriculture-related credit cooperation, help alleviate the problem of "difficult and expensive loans" in rural areas, and improve the rural financial service system. Centering on the state's plan for poverty alleviation and development, it is necessary to strengthen insurance services for poverty-stricken mountainous areas, old revolutionary base areas, ethnic minority areas, and major agricultural production counties, so as to ensure the implementation of the state's policy of strengthening farmers and benefiting farmers and rich farmers.

The second is to raise awareness and optimize the process and do a good job in insurance claims service. Claims settlement involves the vital interests of the broad masses of farmers, the implementation of state support policies and the image of the insurance industry. Companies should attach great importance to it and earnestly strengthen the organization and leadership of claims settlement to ensure that all work is implemented. First, we must adhere to the principle of respecting the contract and keeping promises, and pay all claims in accordance with the agreement of the insurance contract; second, we should give priority to the settlement of claims for major disasters and establish a rapid channel for the settlement of claims; third, we should optimize the process of handling claims, simplify the procedures of settling claims and improve the efficiency of handling claims; fourth, we should give special authorization to branches in severely affected areas, giving priority to quick compensation and lenient compensation, so that affected farmers and agricultural production and operation subjects can resume production and life as soon as possible. Fifth, for cases where the amount of disaster loss is high, the social impact is great and the insurance liability is clear, but for objective reasons, it is difficult to determine the final amount of compensation, part of the reparations should be paid in advance in accordance with the losses that can be determined; sixth, disputes over the settlement of claims should be handled properly to avoid the occurrence of mass incidents in rural areas.

Third, increase the input of manpower and material resources to help do a good job in disaster prevention and reduction. Agricultural insurance is an important part of agricultural disaster prevention and rescue system and emergency management system. All companies should attach great importance to the work of disaster prevention and reduction, increase the investment of manpower and material resources in disaster prevention, damage and epidemic prevention, strengthen cooperation with meteorological, agricultural, water conservancy, land, and other departments, strengthen information sharing and coordination, and assist government departments in actively carrying out disaster prevention and reduction work. It is necessary to actively explore ways of manual intervention in the weather, aerial photography of drones, and prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, and make full use of new technologies and means to effectively play the role of insurance. It is necessary to actively cooperate with local governments and relevant departments to do a good job in rescue and disaster relief of large-scale agrometeorological disasters, and make use of scientific and technological achievements such as modern agricultural technology, information technology, and remote sensing surveying and mapping technology to improve their ability to respond to disasters. It is necessary to actively report to the party committees and governments at all levels on the participation of the insurance industry in disaster prevention and reduction and post-disaster relief work, enhance the local party and government's understanding of the function of agricultural insurance, and improve their ability to use insurance as a market-oriented means to deal with disasters.

Companies should promptly summarize and publicize the good experiences, good practices and typical examples that have emerged in dealing with agrometeorological disasters, and report to the CIRC, the notice said.