
People's Daily: the production of autumn grain has changed.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The mountains are green, the water is green, and the fields are green. The way to increase production is also green. In the southern countryside in late autumn, the late rice is not yet mature and is still emerald green, with white rice flowers hanging on the ears of rice. The old farmer by the roadside is smiling and looks like another one.

The mountains are green, the water is green, and the fields are green. The way to increase production is also green. In the southern countryside in late autumn, the late rice is not yet mature and is still emerald green, with white rice flowers hanging on the ears of rice. The old farmer by the roadside smiled, "it looks like another bumper harvest year. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been reduced, but output has increased, and the environment has become more beautiful." The old and new farmers in farming are moving closer to modern science and technology and mechanization. The mode of agricultural development is quietly changing.

"saved 30 jin of fertilizer and increased 60 jin of grain."

"three controls and one reduction" to increase green income

"I planted 14.5mu of double cropping rice, and last year I harvested 12000 jin of late rice. I expect to be able to hit 16000 jin this year!" Yang Guoer, a villager from Duibei Village, Lijiang Town, Xingan County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province, is quite confident.

The average increase in output per mu is more than 200 jin. How do you do this? Lao Yang, 54, smiled, "first of all, I chose a high-yielding variety. I come to the high-yield demonstration film in town every day to see which one is good." It also changed the habit of fertilizing. It turned out that all the fertilizer was sprinkled after the seedlings were planted for a week, but the seedlings grew fast in the early stage, but the stamina was not enough. Now the fertilizer is applied step by step and delayed, the first application is only 60%, and the rest will be applied twice depending on the situation. The advantage of this is that the amount of fertilizer used is reduced, the ineffective tillering is controlled, and the utilization rate of fertilizer is improved. "

Lao Yang calculated that nitrogen fertilizer alone would reduce the application of nitrogen fertilizer to more than ten jin per mu, saving more than ten yuan in cost, while pesticides would be reduced from six times to three times, saving 30 to 40 yuan in cost. "what we are mainly promoting this year is the technology of 'three controls and one reduction', that is, controlling soil acidification, the decline of land control power, controlling the use of chemical fertilizers and reducing the amount of pesticides, so as to achieve green production." Yao Yigen, director of Xingan County Agricultural Technology extension Center, said.

In order to make farmers accept the new technology of losing weight and reducing drugs more quickly, agricultural technicians have thought of a lot of ways. In the high-yield demonstration film of Lijiang Town, there are experimental cards erected one by one. Habitual fertilization, high-yield fertilization, large formula, blank (no fertilization) fields side by side, the growth of rice is clear at a glance, from time to time nearby farmers come to learn. Deng Chunyun, a technician at Lijiang Town Agricultural Technology Promotion Station, said: "this is the favorite place for farmers around here."

Wei Shilian, a big grain grower in Changgang Village, Jinchuan Town, Xingan County, also tasted the benefits of green production. "I have planted more than 1700 mu of land, and there are 1000 mu of late rice. Because the land is large, it is not easy to increase production by 10 jin per mu, but I expect to increase production by 60 jin per mu this year."

Wei Shilian said that this is all thanks to science and technology and agricultural mechanization, and innovative green production technology has made him realize that production and ecology can also develop harmoniously. "under the guidance of the agricultural sector, I have been ploughing the land since winter, which greatly reduces the number of eggs and the incidence of diseases and insect pests. The most important thing is to apply tiller fertilizer late, which can save 30 jin of chemical fertilizer per mu in one season. "

In recent years, Jiangxi has carried out demonstration activities to improve quality and increase efficiency around the establishment of high yield of grain production and the increase of green income. In 2015, Jiangxi Province established 436 demonstration films for high yield of 10,000 mu of grain, popularized the "three-control" fertilization technology of 7 million mu, and the mechanization level of rice in the province reached 67.1%. The main technology basically achieved county coverage. Yu Donghui, deputy director of the Bureau of Grain and Oil crops of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Agriculture, said: "the technology we popularize can reduce the amount of pesticides and fertilizers, increase grain income, and maintain land fertility. Coupled with the promotion of mechanized farming, the cost per mu can be reduced by one or two hundred yuan a year. "

"Nine generations" service and "five machines" as a whole

Make it easy for farmers to grow grain

It is the critical period of late rice filling. Leng Weiguo, a farmer from Wangjiadi Village, Longguangqiao Town, Heshan District, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, rarely works in the fields and spends most of his time in Huimin Agricultural Machinery Cooperatives to maintain agricultural machinery.

Why is it so easy? It turned out that Leng Weiguo signed a contract with the Huimin Agricultural Machinery Cooperative this year, in which the cooperative was responsible for the whole "nine generations" service and guaranteed a minimum yield of 750 jin for early rice and 800 jin for late rice. This "Nine generations" package service includes the whole process from seedling raising and transplanting to pest control, harvesting, drying and sales.

"in the past, I used to farm my own land. After signing a contract with the co-operative, someone came to plant the land, which was more cost-effective than planting it myself. After the trusteeship, the cost was reduced by 140 yuan, the yield per mu was 60 jin higher than that of last year, and the efficiency was 80 yuan. " Leng Weiguo said. "We have signed social service area contracts with large grain growers and ordinary farmers of more than 10,000 mu, and farmers can choose not only nine all-inclusive service packages, but also one or more services in the form of a la carte." In the view of Huang Weimin, head of the cooperative, the "nine generations" service has brought about "two low and three high" in rice production: socialized service reduces the idle rate of agricultural machinery, unified procurement of agricultural materials reduces planting costs; improved seed raising, green prevention and control, and standardized production improve the quality of rice. According to his calculation, if the existing agricultural machinery equipment only serves its own or transferred land, the idle rate of the equipment is high, the utilization rate is less than 30%, and the depreciation cost of agricultural machinery facilities per mu amounts to 120 yuan, while after carrying out the "nine generations" service, the depreciation cost of agricultural machinery per mu is only 70 yuan.

Due to the unified planting of varieties, coupled with the standardization of production through the "nine generations", cooperatives have a good grasp of the maturity and harvest time of rice, and the 1000-grain weight and plumpness of rice are extremely high, so the price of similar rice is 0.05 yuan higher per jin. This year, cooperatives have adopted the plant protection technology of reducing drugs and increasing efficiency. In addition to using spectral insecticidal lamps, vetiver is also planted at the edge of the field. Originally, it was supposed to be injected with pesticides four times, but now it is only injected twice.

Zhou Zhikui, director of the grain and oil department of the Hunan Provincial Committee of Agriculture, said that although the land transfer in Hunan Province is advancing rapidly, there is still a considerable amount of land that is not suitable for transfer or farmers are unwilling to transfer. The rapid development of social service system effectively solves the problem of "who will farm the land". According to statistics, various social service organizations in Hunan Province have developed rapidly, and the area of unified prevention and control of rice diseases and insect pests has exceeded 16 million mu. Since the beginning of this year, with the exception of droughts and floods in some areas, major grain crops have achieved a steady increase in yield, and it is expected that the total grain output for the whole year will show a stable pattern of increase.

There are also many such social service organizations in Jiangxi, similar to the "nine generations" service in Hunan, which is called "five machines" as a whole, that is, machine ploughing, machine insertion, machine prevention, machine harvesting, machine drying (machine drying). What impressed the reporter is that some professional seed companies have also begun to transform to provide farmers with one-stop supply chain management, that is, full mechanization services.

Longer industrial chain and stronger brand awareness

Seek to maximize the benefit of growing grain

The mode of agricultural transformation is not only the transformation of the mode of production, but also the transformation of the mode of operation and management. Different from the traditional "old style", the new farmers no longer focus on the income of the land, but actively seek to extend the industrial chain and maximize the benefit of growing grain.

"if you sell rice directly, according to this year's lowest purchase price, it will be 135 yuan per 100 jin at most; if it is processed into rice and then sold, 100 jin of rice can produce 65 jin of rice, or at least 200 yuan at the price of ordinary rice." Zhang Junjie, a 33-year-old farming expert in Fengcheng City, Jiangxi Province, said he plans to open a small rice processing plant while expanding planting.

Lei Yingguo, a farmer in Lei Fang Village, Xiushi Town, Fengcheng City, who is also a big grain grower of the post-80s generation, has turned his vision into reality. In his base, a modern storage facility with a capacity of 11000 tons is built and equipped with a large dryer, so that farmers around him can sell grain directly to him, and the rice can be dried directly into storage, saving time and effort. As early as 3 years ago, Lei Yingguo registered Jiangxi Gizhixiang Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., processing ecological health rice, organic rice and other products. "after a three-year conversion period, we have more than 1000 mu of rice passed organic certification, with a price of more than 60 yuan per jin. There are also more than 2000 mu of high-quality rice, the market price is also higher than ordinary rice. " Lei Yingguo told reporters.

The transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture is not just explored by new farmers such as Zhang Junjie and Lei Yingguo. Fengcheng City, Jiangxi Province, actively seeks to leap from a big grain county to a strong grain county. "first, we have worked hard on 'increasing the total volume, intensive and deep processing, and extending the chain', introduced and cultivated several large grain production and processing enterprises, and created the province's first rice bio-food conversion industry chain. from growing rice to rice syrup, rice protein peptides and so on, every link is squeezed clean. In addition, it is to establish a brand with selenium-rich elements, make every effort to create selenium-rich agriculture in Fengcheng, especially 'selenium-rich rice' as a business card to cultivate Fengcheng. " Lu Kai, Fengcheng Municipal Party Committee Office, said.

Zheng Min, director of the Bureau of Grain and Oil crops of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Agriculture, said that in order to do a good job in grain production under the new situation, we must adhere to the integration of the three industries, upgrade production-oriented agriculture to efficient agriculture with the integration and development of primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and increase the value-added links of the industry. "only in this way can we achieve the increase of farmers' income and the sustainable development of agriculture, and better ensure food security."