
Strawberry planting technique

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, To grow strawberries, you need to select the right land and strawberry seedlings, then sow them in the spring and arrange watering and fertilization while waiting for growth. Field management is also essential, including operations such as covering plastic film to remove weeds, which is to increase strawberry production.

To grow strawberries, you need to select the right land and strawberry seedlings, then sow them in the spring and arrange watering and fertilization while waiting for growth. Field management is also essential, including operations such as covering plastic film to remove weeds, which is to make strawberries more productive and can not be harvested until strawberries are ripe.

Strawberry planting technique

1. Land selection and preparation

Strawberry orchard should be selected with sufficient light, slightly higher terrain, flat ground, convenient irrigation and drainage, fertile and loose soil. According to the amount of planting appropriate fertilization, combined with deep turning the garden, fine soil preparation, to make a 20 cm high, 50 cm wide border surface, ditch width of 30 cm.

2. Select strawberry seedlings

Do a good job in the choice of strawberry seedlings, try to choose some better seedlings, it is best to choose some strawberry seedlings that can blossom and bear fruit in the face.

3. Planting time:

It is best to choose to plant in spring, or early spring, or late spring and early summer, or around the Qingming Festival, these seasons or seasons are more suitable for planting.

4. Cover with plastic film

Plastic film mulching not only has a significant effect of early ripening and yield increase, but also can improve fruit quality and increase the rate of commercial fruit. Film mulching usually begins in mid-late March. Be sure to remove the dead and old leaves from the plant before covering the film.

5. Ventilation operation

When the temperature in the shed exceeds 30 ℃, it should be ventilated. The plastic film at both ends of the greenhouse and the middle greenhouse should be opened for ventilation from 10:00 to 3 pm from November to December. When the humidity in the shed exceeds 70%, it should also be ventilated to reduce the humidity of the air in the shed. Keeping bees in the flowering shed, nylon wire mesh can be made at both ends of the large and medium shed to facilitate smooth ventilation. Another function of greenhouse ventilation is to control strawberry powdery mildew.

6. Harvest

Strawberry seedlings blossom, set fruit to berry coloring, soften, release unique fragrance, about 30 days. Strawberries should be harvested and listed in batches after they are ripe. The average yield of strawberries is 1500 kg per mu.