
The key elements of agricultural marketization are ready to be reformed.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, With the adoption of the opinions on further promoting the Reform and Development of Land Reclamation at the 17th meeting of the Central leading Group for comprehensively deepening Reform on October 13, another reform plan aimed at introducing market-oriented elements into the traditional agricultural economic system is about to be launched. The 18th CPC National Congress

With the adoption of the opinions on further promoting the Reform and Development of Land Reclamation at the 17th meeting of the Central leading Group for comprehensively deepening Reform on October 13, another reform plan aimed at introducing market-oriented elements into the traditional agricultural economic system is about to be launched.

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the central government has successively issued 21 rural reform programs, involving poverty alleviation, rural household registration system and other aspects. The reporter learned that during the 13th five-year Plan period, in order to further improve the economy of various forms of ownership in rural areas, more than a dozen reform opinions, such as the rural land system, the collective property right system, and the price formation mechanism of agricultural products, will be studied and formulated. What these reforms have in common is to give farmers more property rights through the introduction of market-oriented elements.

The relationship between agricultural land contract and land reform will remain unchanged for a long time.

The reform of the rural land system will continue to deepen during the 13th five-year Plan period. It is reported that in terms of deepening the reform of the rural land contract management system, the government will pay close attention to the revision of the Land Management Law and the Rural Land contract Law, and put forward specific plans for the extension of cultivated land after the expiration of the second round of contract. The new contract period and other contents put forward specific plans In terms of collective land, on the basis of basically completing the determination of the ownership of rural collective land, speed up the work of confirming the right to the use of homestead and collective construction land, and will carry out the pilot project of land contract right to withdraw from the land contract right in conditional areas.

Han Changfu, minister of agriculture, said a few days ago that 12 provinces have launched a pilot project to promote the registration and issuance of land contractual management rights throughout the province, and 2160 counties have carried out county-wide pilot projects. By the end of June this year, the country had completed the measured contracted land area of 350 million mu and the confirmed right area of 260 million mu. While confirming the rights and issuing iron certificates for the contracted land, farmers are equivalent to taking a long-term reassurance that they can invest in the land or rest assured of circulation, which is also the basis for the development of various forms of moderate scale operation.

However, the work of confirming the rights of agricultural land has also encountered difficulties in the process. According to Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Central Rural work leading Group and director of the office, at present, the number of years of the contract period after the registration and issuance of the right is a very complicated technical issue, and the contract certificates in some places have the words "unchanged for a long time" in the column of the contract period, but this has not been specified in the law or system.

At present, the relevant departments are studying and formulating the "opinions on the implementation of the long-term Policy of Rural Land contract relationship". According to a number of experts, the concept of "the rural land contract relationship should be stable and unchanged for a long time" was put forward at the third Plenary session of the 17th CPC Central Committee. As the second contract period is about to expire, it is a priority to make corresponding institutional arrangements according to the new policy, especially the provisions made by the revised law.

Zhang Hongyu, director of the Rural Economic system and Management Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, also said in an interview with reporters that the Ministry of Agriculture is in accordance with the requirements of the central authorities on what is meant by "long-term unchanged" land contracting relations and its legal expression. Work with relevant departments to form opinions and reports.

The collective property right quantifies the conversion of shares.

As an important form of socialist public ownership, the reform of rural collective property rights system is also an important play in China's rural areas during the 13th five-year Plan period.

The reporter previously learned that the government is studying and formulating the "opinions on promoting the Reform of the Rural Collective property right system", which focuses on clarifying the ownership of collective property rights and giving farmers more property rights. While deepening the reform of the rural land system, we will also promote the determination of collective assets to households by classification and the reform of the joint-stock cooperative system, which requires that the conversion of rural collective operating assets into shares should be quantified to each member of the collective organization.

Among the 11 rural reform pilot projects currently deployed by the State Council, the collective property rights system reform pilot project is an important content. It is understood that the reform of the rural collective property rights system began 25 years ago. In the 1980s, in the Pearl River Delta, which is at the forefront of reform, the structure of rural community residents is becoming more and more complex, and the contradiction between the management of collective assets and income distribution is prominent. Farmers take the initiative to carry out the exploration and practice of property rights system reform with their own characteristics. After the 1990s, Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places also encountered the same problem and carried out pilot reforms one after another. At present, about 4.8% of the villages nationwide have carried out such reforms.

It is reported that while the reform of the land system is gradually deepening, the rural collective property rights system will also promote the determination of the rights of collective assets to households and the reform of the joint-stock cooperative system. For collective operating assets, we will quantify the conversion of shares to the members of the organization, and at the same time improve the management, supervision and income distribution system of "three capital", such as rural collective funds, rural collective assets and rural collective resources.

Li Guoxiang, a researcher at the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that rural collective operating assets worth trillions of yuan are a huge wealth of rural collective members, and although dividends have been paid in many areas at present, there are not many people who adopt the quantitative method of collective stock discount. This is considering that under the current situation that the property rights trading market is not perfect, once the collective members change, there will be equity disputes, and when the shares are converted, it is also easy to have tricks because of the excessive concentration of village cadres' power. But on the whole, the quantification of stock discount can better solve the problem of distribution after the profit of collective assets, and better protect the financial rights of individual farmers.

Gradual progress in the reform of the price formation mechanism of agricultural products from price to agricultural products

According to Han Changfu, the development direction of the 13th five-year Plan is to promote agricultural modernization, change the mode of agricultural development, continue to ensure food security and the supply of major agricultural products, and take ensuring supply, income and ecology as the main tasks. we will continue to deepen reform, explore and innovate, and improve policies, further consolidate the position of agriculture as the foundation, and maintain the momentum of stable development of agriculture and rural areas. Provide strong basic support and guarantee for economic and social development. Specifically, broadening the channels for increasing farmers' income and promoting the sustained and rapid growth of farmers' income is one of the major issues, and we must do everything possible to improve the efficiency of agricultural operation and open up more channels for farmers' employment. so that the average annual growth rate of farmers' income continues to maintain the good momentum of "two higher than".

The factor that has the greatest impact on the efficiency of agricultural operation is the price of agricultural products, and its formation mechanism will also usher in a great change during the 13th five-year Plan period.

It is understood that in view of the direction of the next step in the price reform of agricultural products, the state has determined that it will improve the price formation mechanism by means of "implementing policies for different varieties and advancing gradually" and implement differential support policies for different varieties. Among them, improve and continue to implement the minimum purchase price policy for rice and wheat; in accordance with the principle of separation of price compensation, continue to implement the pilot project of target price reform for cotton and soybean varieties, pay attention to giving play to the decisive role of the market in forming prices, guide production through market price signals, adjust supply and demand, and improve subsidy distribution methods; in view of the current huge surplus of corn, will reform and improve its collection and storage policy.

Over the years, domestic grain prices have remained high for a long time because of the support of market purchase and temporary storage purchase price, and the price of imported agricultural products is seriously upside down. In 2014, China decided to pilot the target price reform of cotton and soybeans in some areas, and in the next step, at least two major varieties of corn and rapeseed will also join the market-oriented price reform camp.

In this regard, Song Hong, assistant director of the Institute of World Economics and Politics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said that a few years ago, China's agricultural products were mainly purchased and protected, and inventory increased rapidly, which also led to the growth of domestic production. Because of the international competitiveness of some agricultural products and foreign restrictions on imports, it is also difficult to digest through a large number of exports, the accumulated inventory digestion pressure has been increasing, liberalizing the price of agricultural products is a way to solve the problem. However, it is necessary to coordinate the relationship between the protection of farmers' interests and the smooth and effective operation of the market.