
What are the characteristics of dandelion? How do you plant seeds?

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Dandelion in many people's impression is like an ornamental plant, dandelion wool is also its seed, as soon as it blows, it floats everywhere with the wind. Dandelion is well known for its medicinal value and is one of the most nutritious vegetables on earth.

Dandelion in many people's impression is like an ornamental plant, dandelion wool is also its seed, as soon as it blows, it floats everywhere with the wind. Dandelion has been paid more and more attention in recent years because of its well-known medicinal value and one of the most nutritious vegetables on the earth. What are the characteristics of the dandelion? How do you plant seeds?

What are the characteristics of dandelion?

Dandelion belongs to Compositae flowers, it can also be said to be the most common wild plant, its leaves seem to be flattened in the shape of a seat, in the spring of every year to come in, the top of the inflorescence, very beautiful and leisurely, exposure to the dandelion, to unlimited leisure.

In our impression, dandelion may simply be regarded as a common and common wild flower. in fact, dandelion is widely used in the industry of traditional Chinese medicine in China, bringing some contribution to the industry of traditional Chinese medicine. it can be seen that its characteristics are unusual.

Dandelion alias Huanghua Diding, Fuhong sticky pulp morphological characteristics of perennial herbs, milk, the whole plant is covered with white soft hairs. The root is deep and long, cylindrical, with a yellowish brown surface. Leaves basal, oblong-oblanceolate, long 5~15cm, wide 2~3.5cm. Capitate inflorescences simple, terminal, involucral bracts campanulate; involucral bracts multilayered; flowers all ligulate, bisexual, Corolla yellow; stamens 5, anthers connate; ovary inferior, style slender, stigma 2-lobed. Achenes grow 4~5mn. It has longitudinal ribs and many spiny processes, with a long beak at the top; the crown hair is white. The flowering period is from April to May and the fruiting stage is 6-7.

Dandelion habitat and distribution on roadsides, ditches, houses and fields and grasslands. It is distributed all over the county, mainly in Daizhong, Daixi, Xiushan and Osmanthus. The whole herb whose medicinal parts are dry.

Dandelion has sweet sexual taste, slightly bitter, has the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification, eliminating swelling and pain, in our traditional Chinese medicine, it mainly treats upper respiratory tract infection, gastritis, hepatitis, acute appendicitis, mastitis and so on. And dandelion itself belongs to the natural plant, has not been destroyed and polluted, is a kind of plant which seems to be ordinary but very practical.

Second, how to plant dandelion seeds?

Dandelion is propagated by seeds, the seeds have no dormancy period, and the mature seeds can be sown at any time from spring to autumn.

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: select loam or sandy loam with fertile soil, good flat permeability and high content of organic matter.

Deep soil 25-30cm, mu application of rotten high-quality farm fertilizer 3000kg, 20 kg of ternary compound fertilizer. The officers and soldiers raked thin and flattened, making a border 1.2 meters wide for cultivation.

2. Seed collection and direct seeding cultivation method: after the dandelion seeds are ripe in spring, about May-June, harvest the seeds, dry them, remove the crown hair, and store them in a cool and ventilated place before the dew is dry at 8-9 am every day.

3. Sprouting: soak the seeds in clean water for 2 hours, remove them, moisturize and germinate under the condition of 15-20 ℃ (the budding temperature should not exceed 25 ℃). Otherwise, it is difficult to germinate, or even not germinate, and the germination rate can reach more than 95% after 5-8 days. At this time, the seeds can be sowed or the direct seeding can be carried out without sprouting.

4. Sowing: strip sowing; withdrawing sowing evenly, the sowing rate is 2-4G per square meter, covered with 0.3-0.5cm fine soil, seedlings generally emerge in about 7 days.

5. Field management: loosening the soil after emergence to promote rooting, setting seedlings at 2-3 leaf stage, or dividing seedlings. The plant spacing is 5-8cm, the row spacing is 10-15cm, and there are two plants in one hole.

The seedlings can also be thinned directly on the border bed without dividing seedlings, the plant spacing is 5-8cm, the row spacing is 10-15cm, when dandelion grows to 6-7 leaf stage, enter the rosette stage. Because the lower leaves grow flat on the ground. Therefore, it is necessary to properly control the water, not to accumulate water, to prevent rotten leaves, if topdressing, you can apply rotten farm manure along with the water.

6. The method of collecting and cultivating mother plants: generally in early April or early September-early October. To the wild hillside ditch side, roadside mining dandelion mother root, set value to the greenhouse, or the spring open dandelion selected to grow well, the root system developed and planted in the greenhouse. The plant spacing is 5-8cm, the row spacing is 10-15cm, there are two plants in one hole, and the roots are covered with soil. it is beneficial to slow the survival of seedlings by pouring water through the ground.