
Jishu 26 variety introduction

Published: 2024-07-03 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/03, Jishu 26 is a new sweet potato variety with high quality and fresh eating type bred by the scientific research team led by researcher Wang Qingmei of Crop Institute of Shandong Province Academy of Agricultural Sciences. Jishu 26, a new edible sweet potato variety with high quality, high yield and high efficiency, passed the national identification in March 2014, with high quality, high yield and disease resistance.

Jishu 26 is a new variety of high-quality fresh-eating sweet potato selected by a research team led by Wang Qingmei, a researcher at the crop Institute of Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

Jishu 26, a new edible sweet potato variety with high quality, high yield, high yield and high efficiency, passed the national identification in March 2014. it has the characteristics of high quality, high yield, disease resistance and storage resistance. Red skin and yellow flesh, harvest ready-to-eat flavor is excellent. The average per unit yield of spring potato is more than 3500 kg, the first in the national northern regional trial in 2012, and the average per unit yield of 3700 kg in the willow floc cup high yield competition of the national sweet potato industrial technology system in 2013, winning the runner-up in the high-quality group; this variety is concentrated, and there are 5 tubers per plant; it is resistant to stem nematode, root rot, vine cutting and black spot, and has good storability. This variety is especially suitable for baking and cooking. The potato shape is long, the tuber is neatly concentrated, and the commodity rate is as high as 95%.

This variety is especially suitable for planting in hills and plains in Shandong and Huanghuai potato areas, and the market prospect is very broad.