
Introduction of key points of vegetable planting techniques in out-of-season greenhouse

Published: 2024-07-09 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/07/09, Now we will find that many vegetables and fruits can be eaten in any season, in order to meet people's needs, out-of-season vegetables and fruits are quite good in the market, but whether they can really be eaten at ease is also a question to be studied. Lower

Now we will find that many vegetables and fruits can be eaten in any season, in order to meet people's needs, out-of-season vegetables and fruits are quite good in the market, but whether they can really be eaten at ease is also a question to be studied. Next, let's take a look at the introduction of the key techniques of vegetable cultivation in the out-of-season greenhouse.

What are out-of-season greenhouse vegetables?

Out-of-season vegetables refer to the vegetables that are postponed in autumn in spring and summer and produced in advance in spring. Cold protection measures must be taken when planting to achieve the purpose of early listing. Out-of-season vegetables is one of the effective ways to ensure the annual supply of vegetables.

Areas with off-season vegetable production in winter are required to choose areas with warm and sunny climate, low elevations or hills in plain areas, convenient water sources, suitable soil conditions, and wind barriers (such as northern mountain barriers or other buildings) as far as possible to avoid direct attack by cold wind.

2. Key points of vegetable planting techniques in out-of-season greenhouse

1. Build a greenhouse.

It is planted in a greenhouse, and building a greenhouse must be the first step. Choose to build a greenhouse where the terrain is relatively gentle and close to the water source, so as to facilitate the subsequent planting of vegetables and so on. Greenhouses can generally be divided into winter greenhouse and spring and autumn greenhouse, which supply different vegetable cultivation in winter and spring and autumn respectively. After the completion of the construction will start disinfection, many people will ignore the step of disinfection, in fact, this is very critical.

High temperature canopy or chemical disinfection can be used, which is very effective for the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. In the first half of the month, hundreds of dust agents can be sprayed inside the shed, and then sealed and fumigated with chlorothalonil smoke remover. About a week later, carbendazim is sprayed on the ground to achieve excellent disinfection and sterilization effect.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

Before growing vegetables, we need to fertilize the soil, apply the nutritious soil and fertilizer to the soil, and then cultivate vegetables, usually using the combination of organic fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer.

We should pay attention to the time and methods when fertilizing, one month before planting, pay attention to the amount of fertilizer, sprinkle the fertilizer on the soil, plough it to make it mix evenly with the soil, and ferment it before fertilizing. apply rotten fertilizer to avoid fermenting in the soil to produce toxic gases and endanger the growth of vegetables.

3. Select varieties

Since it is out-of-season planting, it is necessary to select varieties, which does not mean that all vegetables can adapt to out-of-season planting techniques in the greenhouse.

Choose varieties that are cold-resistant, disease-resistant and early-maturing, so as to reduce the impact of low temperature on vegetables, such as zucchini, tomato, pepper, eggplant, cucumber, towel gourd and so on. Spinach, cabbage and other vegetables can be planted in winter. The yield will be higher.

4. Field management

When planting vegetables, grab nest planting should be adopted, and organic fertilizer should be applied in holes during planting, which can improve the survival rate. In addition, slow seedling water should be irrigated in time after planting to maintain soil moisture. Different vegetables have different needs for water, which should be controlled to meet the growth needs of different vegetables.

In addition, the foliage of vegetables in winter should pay attention to spraying nutrients to resist cold. In winter, the temperature is low, the light is weak, the absorption capacity of roots is weak, and spraying micro-fertilizer on leaves can supplement the deficiency of roots caused by insufficient absorption of nutrients. Foliar spraying rice vinegar can inhibit bacteria and disinfect insects, and when mixed with white sugar and calcium superphosphate, it can increase the sugar content and hardness of mesophyll and improve cold resistance. The leaf surface showed alkaline atrophy after freezing injury, and spraying vinegar could alleviate the damage degree. It is appropriate to use 100,300 times liquid, with little or no growth hormones, in order to prevent the reduction of cold resistance.

The highest temperature in the greenhouse can reach more than 32 ℃ in the morning on a sunny day in winter. at this time, attention should be paid to repeated ventilation to narrow the temperature difference between indoor and outdoor, so that the plant can slowly adapt to the environment and grow healthily. Beware of sudden growth in one day and cold in ten days, causing flashing seedlings and freezing injury.