
The purchase of autumn grain started smoothly and the technology of grain storage made remarkable progress.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, October 16, 2015 is the 35th World Food Day designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which marks the 25th National Grain-loving and Grain-Saving publicity week. The theme of this year's National Grain-loving and Grain-Saving publicity week is promoting grain and benefiting farmers. At present, the purchase of autumn grain has been carried out one after another, and the Ministry of Grain

October 16, 2015 is the 35th World Food Day determined by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, which is the 25th National Food and Food Conservation Publicity Week. The theme of this year's National Food and Food Conservation Publicity Week is "Promoting Food and Agriculture into Ten Thousand Families". At present, autumn grain purchase in various places has been carried out for six consecutive years. Grain departments actively take various measures to facilitate farmers to sell grain and protect farmers 'enthusiasm for growing grain. However, at the same time, they are also faced with problems such as falling grain prices and insufficient storage.

A bumper harvest of autumn grain is in sight. With the gradual harvest of late rice and corn this year, the acquisition of autumn grain began. This year's autumn grain purchase is faced with problems such as falling grain prices and insufficient storage capacity. Can autumn grain collection and storage proceed smoothly, is it convenient for farmers to sell grain, and can farmers achieve a bumper harvest? The reporter conducted an in-depth investigation.

Autumn grain acquisition started smoothly

In late autumn, Li Fang, a family farmer in Huangtuo Village, Tangmazhai Town, Liaoyang County, Liaoning Province, basically harvested 700 mu of rice. She held the newly harvested rice in both hands and told reporters that this year's rice harvest, the yield per mu reached about 1500 jin, the quality and yield are higher than last year, hope good grain can sell a good price.

Autumn grain accounts for more than 70% of the annual grain output, and autumn grain purchase is the highlight of grain purchase throughout the year. At present, the purchase of autumn grain is being carried out one after another, and it starts well. Southern new medium-late indica rice has been listed, at present Anhui, Sichuan, Hubei, Henan and other places have started the acquisition of medium-late rice. According to statistics, as of September 30, Jiangsu and other six major grain producing areas have purchased 2.9 billion catties of medium-late indica rice, an increase of 800 million catties year-on-year.

It is understood that this year our country continues to implement corn temporary storage policy in the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia, corn temporary storage purchase will start from November 1, listing purchase price is 1 yuan per catty, by China Grain Storage Corporation as the policy implementation subject, COFCO Group, China Textile Group and AVIC Group as supplementary strength, entrusted by China Grain Storage Corporation to undertake the storage task. At the same time, this year's corn temporary storage will strictly implement the national quality standards, do not meet the quality requirements of the corn, by the local government organization purchase.

Zhou Yanwu, a family farmer in Halaha Village, Zhuchengzi Town, Dehui City, Jilin Province, has planted more than 2100 mu of corn this year. Now the corn has been harvested more than half. Zhou Yanwu said that due to the double impact of corn yield decline and temporary reserve price reduction, corn planting income has been squeezed to little. He was not in a hurry to sell the corn now. He planned to wait until the corn was dried and sell it according to the market conditions. He is now concerned about how to strictly implement the national minimum purchase price policy and purchase standards for grain, and see the reaction of other large grain growers.

At present, state-owned grain purchase and sale enterprises are still the leading force in autumn grain purchase, undertaking the important task of the main channel of grain purchase. The relevant responsible person of China Grain Storage Corporation said that, as the main body of policy implementation entrusted by the state, strict implementation of policies as the first priority, strict warehousing quality control, implementation of instrument identification, unified implementation of standardized warehousing cleaning process; strict implementation of policies, implementation of quality price policy, neither to lower the price damage farmers 'interests, nor to raise the price damage national interests. It is understood that, in order to facilitate farmers to sell grain, China Grain Store generally carries out "one-stop service" to let farmers sell "comfortable grain"; strengthen the management of fund payment link, strictly prevent the occurrence of "white strip"; carry out appointment inspection, appointment purchase, order purchase, door-to-door purchase and other services, extending the service to the field.

Due to a variety of reasons, the number of summer grain purchases this year has declined compared with previous years. According to the statistics of the State Grain Administration, as of September 30, Hebei and other 11 main producing areas have purchased 132.6 billion catties of wheat accumulatively, a year-on-year decrease of 14.6 billion catties; Jiangxi and other 8 main producing areas have purchased 15.9 billion catties of early indica rice accumulatively, a year-on-year decrease of 1.1 billion catties. "The main reason for less summer grain purchase is that some main producing areas have more imperfect wheat grains due to continuous rainy weather during harvest." Qin Yuyun, deputy inspector of the Regulation Department of the State Food Bureau, said.

Total storage capacity continues to grow

The problem of storage capacity is an inseparable topic in the acquisition of autumn grain. In recent years, China's grain production year after year, the problem of storage capacity has become more prominent, the overall tension of storage capacity, serious shortage in some areas.

In fact, China has made great achievements in the construction of grain storage facilities in recent years. By the end of 2013, China had 19,000 grain storage enterprises of various types spread all over urban and rural areas, with a total storage capacity of more than 300 million tons; the layout of grain storage facilities has been continuously optimized and improved, basically forming a modern grain storage logistics system with grain logistics bases such as Dalian Beiliang Port, Guangdong Xinsha Port and Shanghai Minsheng Port as hubs, grain central warehouses at all levels as nodes and grain storage warehouses spread all over the country as bases; Grain storage facilities have been continuously improved. Tall bungalows, shallow silos and vertical silos have become mainstream warehouses. The single warehouse capacity of grain depots has reached 5000 tons or even more than 30000 tons. Modern warehouses account for more than 60% of all warehouses.

However, in many places, the existing grain storage capacity is still unable to meet the needs of grain procurement. The three northeastern provinces are important grain producing areas in China, and the problem of storage capacity is particularly prominent. Liaoning Kaiyuan City is a big grain production city. This year, the planting area of grain crops is 1.13 million mu. It is estimated that the total grain output of the whole year will reach 758,800 tons. It is estimated that the autumn grain purchase volume will be about 900,000 tons. Guo Wanku, director of Liaoning Kaiyuan City Grain Bureau, said that they are facing huge warehouse capacity pressure this year. If they start corn temporary storage purchase, they are expected to purchase 400,000 tons, and the warehouse capacity gap is about 200,000 tons. They are a little anxious.

The relevant responsible person of China Grain Storage said that in order to prepare for autumn grain storage in Northeast China, they fully tap the existing storage capacity of China Grain Storage and COFCO, China Textile, AVIC "one main and three auxiliary" and local entrusted enterprises, and promote the application of steel structure "thousand tons store" with fire prevention function, conducive to storage and convenient construction according to the acquisition needs, and strive to meet the acquisition storage needs. At present, China Grain Reserve has prepared 45 million tons of autumn grain purchase capacity in Heilongjiang Province, where the storage pressure is prominent. At the same time, with the comprehensive promotion of the national "food security project" in the past two years, the grain storage and supply guarantee capacity is accelerating. It is understood that 50 million tons of modern grain depot construction will be completed within this year, which is of great significance to alleviate the shortage of storage capacity.

Grain storage technology has made remarkable progress

To ensure the safety of grain storage, the potential lies in science and technology, and the fundamental way lies in science and technology.

At present, the application level of grain storage technology in China is in the lead in the world. In 2010, the new "four-in-one" grain storage technology won the first prize for national scientific and technological progress, and the grain warehouse capacity for the promotion and application of this new technology reached 160 million tons. Breakthroughs have been made in the research, development and industrialization of new technologies such as green storage, intelligent storage, electronic information, rapid detection, utilization of new energy and biological insecticide. grain storage is transforming from the safe grain storage stage of "no insect pest, no mildew, no rodent and sparrow, no accident" to the ecological grain storage stage of "green, ecological, intelligent and efficient". The "four-in-one" grain storage technology widely used in local grain depots, such as mechanical ventilation, recirculation fumigation, grain cooling and grain situation monitoring, has effectively reduced grain loss and loss.

In a grain depot that stores soybeans in the central reserve grain depot directly under Zhuozhou, the person in charge of the grain depot told reporters that after the grain warehouse is full, through the leveling of grain surface, measurement and control sensors and aisle board layout, the grain situation remote monitoring system can automatically detect and reflect grain situation information. Grain depot managers sit in the monitoring center, they can monitor the grain situation changes in each warehouse in real time, and the grain situation remote monitoring system will automatically display the results and upload data, so that grain situation diagnosis and remote supervision can be realized.

According to a relevant person in charge of the State Grain Administration, in recent years, the state grain department has implemented the construction of the scientific grain storage project for farmers, and the promotion and use of new scientific granaries has greatly reduced the grain storage loss of farmers, so that the average grain storage loss rate of farmers can be reduced from 8% to about 1.5%. The 8.17 million sets of grain storage granaries that have been promoted can reduce the grain storage loss of farmers by 1.8 billion jin per year. Impairment equals to an increase in grain production, an increase in intangible farmland, and savings in water resources and labor costs. In fact, after farmers store grain scientifically, to a certain extent, it relieves the pressure of insufficient storage capacity of collection and storage enterprises, and can provide emergency food supply on the spot in the event of emergencies such as natural disasters.

It is understood that the scientific grain storage project implemented by grain departments has enabled farmers to reduce grain losses and directly increase their grain sales income by 2.3 billion yuan every year. At the same time, farmers can also choose to sell grain according to the market situation, choose to sell grain at the most ideal market price, and increase their income again through the seasonal price difference.

At present, China's grain department is combining with the construction of 100 billion jin of new warehouse capacity, to introduce a complete set of new grain storage technologies based on transverse ventilation, the safe and rational utilization of vomiting toxins in wheat, the identification code of grain stocks, the appropriate processing technology of edible vegetable oil, and so on. The application of these new technologies will have a significant impact on grain storage, grain conservation and reduction.