
Planting techniques of cabbage moss

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting cabbage moss generally begins to sow and raise seedlings around August to October, keeping a good distance between them. After the plant grows true leaves, it is chosen to plant in sunny days, mainly based on base fertilizer and mixed fertilizer. Finally, the harvest is arranged under the condition of adequate fertilizer and water, and the harvest period can be extended to March of the following year.

Planting cabbage moss generally begins to sow seedlings around August to October, maintaining good spacing. When the plant grows true leaves, select sunny days for planting, mainly with base fertilizer and mixed fertilizer. Finally, harvest is arranged. Under sufficient fertilizer and water conditions, the harvest period can be extended to March of the following year.

Cultivation techniques of cabbage moss

1. Cultivate strong seedlings

In the Yangtze River Basin, seedlings are generally sown from mid-August to mid-October. Each mu field needs seedbed area of 15 square meters, with seed quantity of about 150 grams. It can also be broadcast directly, with a seed amount of 500 grams per mu. After emergence, it is appropriate to thin seedlings in time, eliminate miscellaneous seedlings, weak seedlings and sick seedlings, and maintain a spacing of about 5 cm.

2. Reasonable close planting

About 20 days after sowing, when the seedlings reach 3-4 true leaves, select strong seedlings for planting in sunny days. For field planting, it is advisable to apply sufficient base fertilizer, 50kg ternary compound fertilizer and 2500kg decomposed organic fertilizer per mu, and combine sowing with strip application. When planting, it should be transplanted with soil, and the planting density varies with varieties. Early moss 30 and yellow moss 30 have compact plant types and are suitable for dense planting, planting about 10000 plants per mu. Early moss 40 and early moss 50 have larger plant types and are slightly sparsely planted, planting about 6000 plants per mu.

3. Management and harvesting

7-10 days after planting, nitrogen-based seedling fertilizer should be applied in time, with a dosage of 5 kg per mu. After entering the moss gathering period, thin fecal water or compound fertilizer should be applied every 10 days to promote the growth of lateral moss. Under the condition of sufficient fertilizer and water, the harvest period can be extended to March of the following year.

4. Pest control

Diseases mainly include virus disease, downy mildew, soft rot, insect pests mainly aphids, cabbage caterpillar. According to different diseases and insect pests to rational use of drugs, pay attention to the proportion.