
What symptom does cucumber get anthrax to have? What is the method of prevention and control?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cucumber is a kind of vegetable that many people like to eat. It tastes delicious and tastes good, so there are more places to plant it. So in the specific planting process, what are the symptoms of anthrax in cucumbers? What is the method of prevention and control? Cucumber has anthrax

Cucumber is a kind of vegetable that many people like to eat. It tastes delicious and tastes good, so there are more places to plant it. So in the specific planting process, what are the symptoms of anthrax in cucumbers? What is the method of prevention and control?

What are the symptoms of anthrax in cucumbers?

Cucumber can be infected at seedling stage and adult stage. The disease mainly infects leaves, fruits and stems. Symptoms are easy to be confused with blight and scab. Attention should be paid to distinction in diagnosis.

The seeds can be infected as soon as they are unearthed, and the edge of the cotyledons is light brown semicircle or round spots appear in the middle of the cotyledons. The seedlings are slightly larger, the true leaves are infected, the lower leaves appear yellow-brown round disease spots, the disease spots are continuous, and the leaves are dry. Sometimes the base of the stem is damaged, the diseased part is constricted, discoloration, and the seedlings are quenched.

The first type of disease spot is a light brown spot, which is a typical symptom of anthrax. Leaf damage, the initial appearance of water-like light yellow spots, sparse distribution, the disease spot of the disease part of the boundary is not obvious.

After that, the plaque gradually expanded to form a light yellow to light brown spot with a diameter of 0.3-0.5 cm, round or nearly round. In many cases, this dense distribution of small plaques is not expanding, but gradually continuous.

Under the high humidity in the greenhouse, the small round spots sparsely distributed on the leaf surface gradually expanded to form a light brown round spot with a diameter of nearly 1 cm. The color of the disease spot was uniform and the outer edge of the disease spot was slightly darker, which was the most common and typical leaf symptom of anthrax.

Second, what is the prevention and control method of cucumber anthracnose?

1. Select anti-disease products

Such as Jinyan 4, Zaoqing 2, Zhongnong 1101, Xiafeng 1. Besides. Zhongnong No. 5 and Xiaqing No. 2 were more resistant to disease. The disease-free seeds were used to pay attention to the disease-free melons. The seeds for production were soaked in 50-51 ℃ warm water for 20 minutes, or 100 times of glacial acetic acid for 30 minutes, rinsed with clean water and then germinated.

two。 Cultivation measures

Rotation with non-melons for more than 3 years, disinfection of seedling bed, cultivation of disease-free and strong seedlings, high border plastic film cultivation, and application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer to improve plant disease resistance. The field farming operation is carried out after the dew is dry to reduce the man-made transmission of germs; remove the diseased leaves and old leaves in time at the initial stage of the disease, clean the countryside after harvest, and take the diseased body out of the shed for proper treatment. Strengthen the management of temperature and humidity in the shed, timely and appropriately ventilate and drain moisture, and reduce leaf condensation.

3. Seed treatment

The seeds should be carefully selected before sowing, and the seeds can be disinfected and soaked in 55 ℃ constant temperature water 15min, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 60min, or 50% mancozeb 500x solution for 10 hours, rinse with clean water and sow seeds.

4. Chemical control

At the initial stage of the disease, the diseased leaves were removed first, and then sprayed. The commonly used agents were 15% trimethoprim 1500 times, 50% carbendazim 500 times, 65% mancozeb 500 times, 70% mancozeb 400 times, 70% methyl thiophanate 800 times 1000 times, 75% chlorothalonil 600 times, 80% anthrax 500 times 600 times, 5 times in 7 days, spraying 4 times in a row, and pesticides were used alternately to avoid drug resistance.