
How to plant peanuts for high yield

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Prepare a piece of fertile sandy soil and apply enough base fertilizer deeply. Then choose healthy seeds with full grains, dig a cave according to the distance between the rows and plants, plant three or four seeds in each cave, and finally cover the soil, spread a thin layer of fertilizer, and cover with a thin film. To be long

Prepare a piece of fertile sandy soil and apply enough base fertilizer deeply. Then choose healthy seeds with full grains, dig a cave according to the distance between the rows and plants, plant three or four seeds in each cave, and finally cover the soil, spread a thin layer of fertilizer, and cover with a thin film. After growing seedlings, it is necessary to have time for seedlings to replenish seedlings, and do a good job in basic management such as fertilizer and water, disease and pest control, etc., so that high yield can be achieved.

High yield planting and management techniques of peanut:

1. Cultivate the soil by ploughing.

In the process of planting, we should cultivate the soil properly according to the softness of the soil and the growth rate of the plant. Mid-tillage can make the soil softer, improve soil permeability, strengthen root respiration, make nutrient absorption more comprehensive, and promote the growth of peanut. Proper soil cultivation can effectively keep heat and water, prevent the occurrence of waterlogging, and because peanut fruit grows in the ground, it can also promote the development of pods and ensure yield. The height of the soil should not be too high, otherwise the ripening time of the fruit will be delayed.

2. Apply foliar fertilizer

Foliar fertilizer is very important for peanut. Foliar fertilizer can not only provide water for leaf growth, but also promote leaf growth rate, strengthen photosynthesis and increase nutrient accumulation in the plant. However, we can not blindly apply foliar fertilizer, improper use may make the leaves too hypertrophy, affect the light of the plant, but will have a certain impact on the growth of the plant. The most suitable time to apply foliar fertilizer is in the podding stage of peanut, which is the weakest root ability of peanut, so we should apply some foliar fertilizer to supplement the nutrition of the plant.

3. Water management

Peanut water demand has a certain stage, before the flowering needle period, the water demand is not much, but at this stage, its water demand will gradually increase. We should timely watering, replenish water, ensure the growth of the plant, can not let the plant in a dry environment. However, it should also be noted that there can be no stagnant water in the field, and the stagnant water should be discharged in time, otherwise the stagnant water will affect root respiration and even lead to rotting roots. Therefore, while ensuring that the soil is moist, it is also necessary to prevent the soil from accumulating too much water to form consolidation.

4. Control up and down

The podding period is one of the most important periods in the whole growth process of peanut, and it is also the fastest growing stage of peanut plant. Therefore, the demand for nutrition will gradually increase, if the nutrition needed by the plant is not met at this stage, it will have a great impact on the growth of the plant and the plumpness of the pod. However, we should also pay attention to do not fertilize too much, too much nutrients will lead to overgrowth of plants, not only affect the permeability of the field, but also appear the phenomenon of flowers and unfruitful. Reduce the yield and affect the planting interests of farmers.

The above is the introduction of how to plant peanuts with high yield. I hope it will be helpful to you.