
How many leaves are there in the big trumpet stage of corn?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The trumpet stage of corn is 11 leaves. At this time, the plant has formed about 60%, and the male ear has begun floret differentiation, which is not only the key period for the formation of corn spike grain number, but also the key period of fertilization. If the fertilizer is well applied, the ear and kernel of corn will increase, and the soil will be cultivated in the middle ploughing at the same time.

The trumpet stage of corn is 11 leaves. At this time, the plant has formed about 60%, and the male ear has begun floret differentiation, which is not only the key period for the formation of corn spike grain number, but also the key period of fertilization. If the fertilizer is well applied, the ear and grain of corn will increase, and the high yield can be promoted by doing a good job in the management of soil cultivation, watering and pest control.

Planting management methods in the period of big trumpet mouth of corn:

1. Topdressing

The big trumpet stage is the period in which maize needs the most fertilizer and the greatest intensity of fertilizer in its life. in this period, topdressing must be strengthened to prevent the phenomenon of de-fertilization. Universal fertilization should be applied according to soil fertility and seedling conditions, 30-35 kg urea per mu, deep application of digging holes, and soil cover after fertilization. If the corn field is growing well, it can be applied less or delayed properly; on the contrary, it should be applied more or in advance; if the growth is too poor, it should be fertilized 2-3 times per mu with potassium dihydrogen phosphate or 120-150g highly concentrated humic acid liquid fertilizer, and sprayed once every 5-7 days, the effect is obvious.

2. Medium ploughing cheese

Maize has a strong demand for culture, water, light and oxygen in the trumpet stage. Mid-tillage can loosen the soil, improve ventilation and water and fertilizer supply, thicken the soil layer at the base of the plant, promote root growth and prevent plant lodging. At the same time, weeds can be removed to store water and preserve soil moisture. Therefore, intertillage is an important measure for the management of maize trumpet mouth period. When ploughing cheese is carried out in the trumpet mouth period, it is not appropriate to cultivate the soil prematurely. The height of the soil is 6-10 cm. After soil cultivation, spraying water with corn fertiliser or anti-lodging ester per mu can reduce maize plant height and ear height by 15%, 20%, effectively balance the relationship between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, not only prevent lodging, but also increase corn yield by more than 15%. Require uniform spray to achieve no re-spray, no leakage spray, in case of rain within 8 hours after spraying, and then reduce the amount of re-spraying as appropriate.

3. Watering

The big trumpet period of corn is in the high temperature season, and the water demand and evaporation of plant growth are increasing day by day, which is the key period of water demand of corn. Watering can also change the microclimate in the field, which is beneficial to maize flowering and pollination, improve ear seed setting rate, and achieve high yield and high efficiency of maize. Generally, the water should be watered respectively in the small trumpet mouth stage and the big trumpet mouth period, the water quantity in the small trumpet mouth stage should be small, the trench can be carried out separately, and the water quantity should be fully watered in the big horn mouth period. At the same time, we should always pay attention to the weather so that waterlogging can drain and drought can irrigate.

4. Pest control

In this period, corn borer, armyworm, cotton bollworm and large and small spot will occur in varying degrees, so the occurrence of diseases and insect pests should be investigated in the field at any time. If there is an insect pest, make poisonous soil with phoxim or enemy killing, and the control effect is better; if the disease occurs, it should be foliar sprayed with 600 times of Antaisheng or bacterial power plus 300 times of potassium dihydrogen phosphate or other foliar fertilizer, and be sure to spray evenly when spraying the liquid.

The above is the corn trumpet mouth period is several leaves of the relevant introduction, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.