
Culture methods and matters needing attention of domestic potted goldfish grass

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Goldfish grass not only blossoms brightly, but also has the auspicious meaning of having more than gold. Now many friends are willing to keep it indoors as an ornamental bonsai. Today, let's learn about the methods of potted goldfish grass culture and matters needing attention. 1. Goldfish grass

Goldfish grass not only blossoms brightly, but also has the auspicious meaning of "more than gold". Now many friends are willing to keep it indoors as an ornamental bonsai. Today, let's learn about the methods of potted goldfish grass culture and matters needing attention.

I. Culture methods of goldfish grass

1. Preparation work. Domestic goldfish grass is different from goldfish grass as a garden ornamental, we do not need large plants, here we choose low flower varieties to plant. Flowerpots need to have good drainage capacity, good air permeability, pot diameter of about 15 cm. General, plastic basin, tile basin, mud basin will do.

2. Preparation of potted soil. The planted soil can be mixed with peat, rotten leaf soil, food plant ash as culture soil. Apply some dried animal manure or cake fertilizer before planting, and slightly add bone powder or calcium superphosphate as base fertilizer.

3. Planting mode. There are two options, one is seed sowing, the other is cutting propagation. Sowing can be carried out from July to August. The germination rate can be increased by keeping the seeds cool at low temperature of 2-5 ℃ for 3 days. When the temperature is 13-15 ℃, the seedlings can emerge in 7-9 days. When the seedlings grow 6 straight leaves, they can be planted in pots with soil balls. Cutting, we need to choose a 10 cm or so goldfish grass to pick the heart, retain the lower 5 or so true leaves, the top of all the true leaves, planting.

4. Control of light and temperature. Goldfish grass likes the sun and can also grow in semi-shade. Sufficient light can make the goldfish grass grow vigorously, and the flowers grow more brightly. Under the semi-shade condition, the flower branches grow taller and the flowers are lighter in color. We can replenish the light to make it blossom in winter. But it can not bear the heat, so we should pay attention to avoid the heat in summer. in the process of planting, the temperature can be kept at about 20-30 ℃ in the daytime and 15 ℃ at night.

5. Reasonable watering. Goldfish grass to the right amount of water supply, as long as keep the soil moist, but not stagnant water. When watering, water supply from the top of the plant should be avoided as far as possible to reduce leaf humidity and water droplet splash to spread the disease. The soil can be watered when it is dry, and pay attention to loosening the soil at the same time.

6. Fertilizer should be given moderately. Goldfish grass can blossom only with sufficient nutrients. But topdressing is usually carried out every 10 days. Thin liquid fertilizer or rotten compost is usually used.

II. Matters needing attention in the culture of goldfish grass

1, watering must be moderate, do not accumulate water, the soil is dry and then irrigated, more loose soil.

2. With high temperature in summer, goldfish grass should be moved indoors to cool down.

3. Even if the sick and dead branches are trimmed, the branches that are too dense should be removed.

4. Pay attention to the control of diseases and insect pests. Seedling rot is easy to occur when the grass is given at the seedling stage, which can be prevented by spraying Bordeaux solution. If there are aphids, a small number of aphids can be removed manually, and too many aphids can be sprayed weekly with pesticides.

The method of raising goldfish grass at home is briefly introduced here, the plant is weak, we need to take good care of, as long as we pay attention, we will be able to harvest beautiful goldfish grass.