
The present situation and measures of implementing Comprehensive Standardization of Agricultural products in China

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, As a large agricultural output country, China's agriculture has developed from ancient times to recent, and has undergone many changes and reforms, but the current production level has not reached the advanced level. On the whole, the production of agricultural products in China is still in the production mode of one household, and the production scale is small.

As a large agricultural output country, China's agriculture has developed from ancient times to recent, and has undergone many changes and reforms, but the current production level has not reached the advanced level. On the whole, the production of agricultural products in China is still in an one-household production mode, with small production scale, many production individuals, lack of scale basis for production standardization and the necessary conditions for uniform standardized management of large-scale production. Agricultural product producers mainly rely on traditional farming experience, planting and breeding techniques and the reverse force mechanism of market marketing to determine the varieties of production in the next production cycle and the control measures to be taken in the production process.

In terms of the essence of the quality and safety of agricultural products, producers and consumers are the two most important actors. If producers are standardized and consumers are familiar with it, the self-discipline mechanism of agricultural products quality and safety will naturally play a role. Government law enforcement and supervision is easy and simple, and the production behavior of the vast majority of agricultural products can rely on producer self-discipline. There is no need for government departments to implement "nanny" quality management in all aspects, and the focus of government law enforcement and supervision is only to highlight the illegal and illegal behavior of very individual producers, so as to completely reverse the current passive supervision pattern of agricultural product quality and safety supervision, which focuses on trying to ensure the norms of the vast majority of agricultural product production and operation subjects, and then turns to law enforcement supervision that focuses on cracking down on a very small number of malicious violations of law and regulations.

The scale of production and operation of agricultural products is small, and the constraint conditions of standardized production are insufficient.

(1) the self-discipline and restraint mechanism of standardized production of quality and safety of agricultural products is not perfect.

According to the principle of standardized production, only under the condition of large-scale production, the production managers in a large production system standardize the production process in order to ensure the consistency of behavior among different individuals in the production group, only by carrying out standardized production and standardized management can we achieve the highest production efficiency, the best quality, the lowest cost and the best benefit from the production link. It is also one of the best ways to fully guarantee the consistency of quality and safety level and production efficiency among production individuals in the same production system, and it is also an inevitable choice for large-scale production bases, enterprises and cooperatives to carry out modern management. it is an important means for large-scale production bases, enterprises and cooperatives to guarantee the uniformity and batch supply of their products.

For individuals or farmers, starting from the interests of the producers themselves, there is a lack of peripheral incentive mechanism and self-restraint mechanism for standardized production. From the perspective of behavioral psychology and economics, individual production, the more behavioral autonomy and management innovation, the more efficient and subjective initiative, the more in line with the reality of production. In view of the demand for the internationalization of the agricultural product market and the safety and high quality of agricultural product consumption, whether it is agricultural products produced by large-scale farms imported from the international market, or agricultural products produced by domestic large-scale agricultural production enterprises, cooperatives and family farms, including domestic agricultural products produced by a wide range of scattered farmers, for the broad masses of consumers The purchase of agricultural products are required to be safe, good quality, consistent quality specifications, balanced and stable supply. The market determines production and consumption determines management. In the face of the objective reality of the basic balance between supply and demand of agricultural products and the objective demand of consumers for safe and high-quality agricultural products, in the supervision of the quality and safety of agricultural products, there is an urgent need to strengthen the training of agricultural product producers' quality and safety knowledge and standardized production techniques, and at the same time strengthen the guidance and publicity of consumers' scientific diet and rational consumption. Establish the public's minimum and basic concept of food nutrition and health, have the most common sense of food safety knowledge, and dispel unnecessary doubts and panic.

(2) it is very important to comprehensively raise the quality and safety awareness of agricultural producers.

From the perspective of agricultural production, the most important thing is to cultivate and cultivate the quality and safety awareness of agricultural producers, the concept of standardized production, the bottom line of law-abiding and law-abiding safety production, and build a unique production mode according to market demand. Whether they are large-scale production and operation subjects (including production enterprises, cooperatives, household agricultural products and large farmers, etc.), or retail producers, in the face of market demand and public consumption safety, in accordance with legal responsibilities and obligations, should be familiar with the relevant agricultural policies, quality and safety knowledge and laws and regulations Be familiar with the species characteristics, growth and development characteristics, identification of diseases and insect pests, attributes of agricultural inputs, interval between safe use and withdrawal of drugs, production process safety technology, production file records, place of origin requirements, packaging marking, quality traceability, recall of problem products and emergency disposal of productive drug hazards, etc. really understand production, safe production, law-abiding production and standardized production. Starting with the main actors at the source of production, we should ensure that the standardization and quality and safety of agricultural products are controlled throughout the process.

However, the actual agricultural products production and producers know little about the legal requirements and standardized production knowledge of agricultural products quality and safety, including large-scale agricultural products production subjects (production enterprises, cooperatives, family farms) and their employees, there is a serious lack of knowledge of agricultural product quality and safety control and standardized production technology. This is also an important reason for the quality and safety of agricultural products, especially the excessive residues of agricultural and veterinary drugs affected by the behavior of producers.

In order to ensure the quality and safety of agricultural products from the source of production and improve the quality and safety level of agricultural products, the urgent task is to speed up the establishment and launch of the National training Project and Action Plan for producers of Agricultural products quality and Safety. Finance at all levels budget a certain special fund for quality and safety training for agricultural products practitioners every year. It is used for agricultural product producer training and agricultural product quality and safety knowledge education for students in the national basic education stage. Producers of agricultural products who are already employed can, in accordance with the goal of rotational training every three years, rely on agro-technical extension institutions at all levels, agro-technical schools and technical institutions for the quality and safety of agricultural products, popularize the knowledge of the quality and safety of agricultural products, strengthen the technical training on the safe production of agricultural products and the whole process of quality and safety control, and enhance the producers' awareness of quality and safety, laws and regulations, responsibility for risks and hidden dangers, and honesty and trustworthiness.