
Turn loving and saving grain into a habit.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, October 16 is the 35th World Food Day, and this week is also the 25th National Grain-loving and Grain-Saving publicity week. The Provincial Grain Bureau, Provincial Agriculture Department and other departments jointly launched a thematic publicity campaign in Kunming to launch a food-loving and grain-saving initiative to the whole society. The theme of this year's World Food Day is society.

October 16 is the 35th World Food Day, and this week is also the 25th National Grain-loving and Grain-Saving publicity week. The Provincial Grain Bureau, Provincial Agriculture Department and other departments jointly launched a thematic publicity campaign in Kunming to launch a food-loving and grain-saving initiative to the whole society. The theme of this year's World Food Day is "Social Protection and Agriculture: breaking the vicious Circle of Rural Poverty", and the theme of the National Grain Love and economy publicity week is "invigorating Grain, benefiting Agriculture and entering thousands of families." (Yunnan net, October 17)

The call of the CPC Central Committee to "practice economy strictly and oppose waste" is still ringing in our ears. However, the phenomenon of waste of grain in our country is shocking. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the State Food Administration, 35% of China's annual grain production is wasted, of which the waste outside the table is as high as 70 billion jin, roughly equivalent to 200 million people's annual food rations.

"who knows that every grain of food on the plate is the hard work of the farmers." Food is the foundation of human survival and development. Although China's grain sown area and grain output have increased steadily, we no longer have to worry about food and clothing. However, do not forget that there are still more than 800 million people in the world suffering from hunger and malnutrition, and about 5 million children under the age of five die each year from diseases related to malnutrition. Moreover, right around us, not every family is rich. Wasting food is not just a matter of economic gain or loss.

"frugality is the common virtue; extravagance is the great evil". Every grain is the grace of nature, all condensing the hard sweat of the labourers. If we do not respect labor and fear food, the bitter wine will be tasted by ourselves, and the evil consequences will be punished to human beings. It is everyone's responsibility and obligation to cherish every grain, save every grain and form a good habit of consciously resisting waste.

Economy is a virtue, economy is a quality, and economy is a responsibility. The key to saving food and loving food lies in action, and we must not stop at slogans. Everyone should take the initiative to participate and sing the main theme of "loving grain and saving grain". Set up the concept of diligence and frugality, extravagance and waste, regard frugality as an attitude and way of life, start from the present and things around you, advocate civilized dining and rational consumption, put an end to "waste on the tip of the tongue" and "advocate economy." cherish grain such as gold "," rather shed a thousand drops of sweat, not bad a grain ", to be the disseminator, practitioner and" patron saint "of the concept of saving and loving grain.

"as an important part of politics, it is called the public and the Qing Dynasty. The way to start a family is thrift and diligence. Loving food and saving food does not require people to invest too much energy and make too much sacrifice, sometimes it is just a thought, or a simple effort, but it most needs people to form habits and the conscious persistence of every member of society.