
Thoughts and suggestions on the coordinated Development of Agricultural industrialization and Rural urbanization

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, At present, China has entered a new period of economic development, in promoting the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, agricultural industrialization is the direct driving force of rural urbanization. Rural urbanization is the spatial carrier of agricultural industrialization, and the two influence, interact and develop each other, and have become Chinese farmers.

At present, China has entered a new period of economic development, in promoting the development of agriculture, rural areas and farmers, agricultural industrialization is the direct driving force of rural urbanization. Rural urbanization is the spatial carrier of agricultural industrialization, and the two influence, interact and develop each other, and have become the two main engines of China's rural economic development. Combined with the successful case of "Huashan Model" in Qianjiang City, Hubei Province, the author carefully analyzes the factors restricting the coordinated development of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization in Hubei Province, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.

I. the basic situation and analysis of "Huashan Model" in Qianjiang City.

(1) basic information

The "Huashan Model" is that Qianjiang City vigorously promotes the "synchronization of the four modernizations", focusing on the integration and interaction of agricultural products processing industry and modern agriculture. Set "land circulation management, rice and shrimp symbiosis, town and enterprise co-construction community, market strong leadership, multi-party cooperation win-win" as one of the reform exploration. Its core connotation is mainly "re-lease, integration, equality between agriculture and enterprises, integration of urban and rural areas", which provides a new path and a new model for effectively solving the problems of agriculture, rural areas and farmers in Hubei Province. The development of "Huashan Model" is not achieved overnight, but a process of gradual and orderly development.

1. Popularize the ecological planting and breeding model of "co-cultivation of rice and shrimp". "Rice and shrimp co-cultivation" is an important part of "Huashan model". In 2006, the ecological cultivation model of "continuous cropping of rice and shrimp" was written into the No. 1 document of Hubei Provincial Party Committee. Since 2010, Qianjiang has innovated and developed an efficient ecological model of "rice and shrimp co-cropping" on the basis of "rice and shrimp continuous cropping". The model achieves the effect of "four increases" (increase in grain production, increase in cultivated land, increase in farmers' income and collective efficiency in villages), and realizes the ecological benefits of recycling resources. At present, the "co-cultivation of rice and shrimp" has become the most rapid development, the most characteristic, the most potential and the most obvious industry to enrich the people in Qianjiang. In 2014, the city's "rice and shrimp cropping" 130000 mu, "rice and shrimp continuous cropping" 130000 mu.

2. Explore the land management model of "renting and refinancing". "renting back" is the core meaning of "Huashan model". The so-called "leasing" is to lease land from farmers and build it into a high-yield and high-efficiency model base. The so-called "reverse contract" means that the enterprise will contract the formed land into a piece of land at the lease price and then contract it to the planting and breeding experts. Through "one rent, one package", enterprises and farmers constitute a community of interests, which not only intensifies the land and protects the interests of farmers, but also stabilizes the raw material base, employment, labor and product quality of enterprises.

3. Innovate the interactive mode of "joint construction of towns and enterprises". "the joint construction of towns and enterprises" is the purpose of "Huashan model". Xiongkou Town, led by Huashan Company, builds a "Huashan Comprehensive Community" in the town to resettle the farmers in the process of land transfer in Zhaonao Village and implement local urbanization. In the early stage, 585 households and more than 2400 people in Zhaonao Village have moved in as a whole, which was basically completed by the end of 2013. At present, Xiongkou Town is making every effort to promote the construction of 160 mu Zhaonao peasant community, while starting the construction of commercial complex and specialized markets such as small commodities and agricultural trade, which covers a total area of 120 mu. After completion, it will form a whole with Zhaonao community and create a new urban trade landmark.

(II) main practices

1. Seize the leading enterprises and implement large-scale operation. Huashan Company, as the "leader" of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization in Xiongkou Town, chose Zhaonao Village, Xiongkou Town, as a pilot project, in accordance with the principle of "according to law, voluntary, and paid". We will try out the separation of rural collective land ownership, contracting rights and management rights, and encourage farmers to transfer the land management rights to Huashan Company, which will build a unified construction and establish a modern agricultural base. By the end of 2014, Zhaonao Village had transferred 9056 mu of land, accounting for 98.2% of the land area. At present, Xiongkou Town is vigorously implementing the project of relocating villages and vacating land, moving the whole village of Zhaonao Village into the market town, leveling land to build a standardized breeding base, and striving to create a 30,000 mu "rice and shrimp co-cultivation" base.

2. Highlight the characteristic advantages, called Shrimp Rice Brand. "Rice and shrimp co-cultivation" is a sunrise industry, which meets the people's strong demand for green food and organic food, and can be copied and popularized in the whole province. Under the mode of "co-cultivation of rice and shrimp", shrimp fertiliser rice fragrance, a field of multi-use, but also from "one rice and one shrimp" to "one rice and two shrimp". "Shrimp Township Rice" rice is green, environmentally friendly, organic and pollution-free, and has obtained the national green food certification. The carefully selected and deeply processed "shrimp rice" reaches 40 yuan / kg, which is 10 times higher than ordinary rice, and demand exceeds supply. Under this model, it not only solves the problem of food security, but also solves the problem of increasing farmers' income, opening up new channels for increasing grain production, increasing agricultural efficiency and increasing farmers' income.

3. Adhere to measures in accordance with local conditions, scientific planning and management. After unified planning, unified construction, and unified management, Zhaonao Village has been piloted to "change the old look into a new look". 220 standardized breeding units, scrubbing and hardening Tongcheng River, more than 50,000 green trees, Huashan (Zhaonao) comprehensive community, newly built Huanzhen East Road, community internal supporting central stage, community activity center, health center, community activity room and other public facilities are available, forming a high-quality "ten-minute life circle". At the same time, two cooperatives of "Green Road" and "serving farmers" should be set up to increase collective income, use collective funds to provide public services, and improve the quality of life of the people.

II. Factors restricting the coordinated development of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization

It is worth mentioning that there are still some restrictive factors in the process of coordinated development of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization.

(1) Rural resources are limited

First, the lack of funds, especially the lack of self-accumulation capacity of funds in rural areas, it is necessary to increase government investment or attract foreign capital to supplement. Second, due to the limited land resources, agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization are limited to some extent. Third, the level of human resources in rural areas is low. The main force of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization is the broad masses of farmers. Hubei Province is a province with a large rural population and rich labor force, but most of them have a low level of education and lack certain labor skills. there are often "structural" defects in employment posts. This is the "bottleneck" of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization. In addition, the living and working conditions in rural areas are poor, making it difficult to retain all kinds of talents for a long time.

(2) unreasonable management planning

With the development of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization, the traditional management methods have been unable to adapt to the development of new villages and towns, and some outdated management methods are still used in modern management, resulting in "path dependence". It is difficult to innovate the management mode suitable for local development according to its own characteristics and the actual situation of the current development. At the same time, urban planning is also lack of predictability, infrastructure investment is weak, such as stations, streets, entertainment and leisure space is too small to meet the needs of development.

(3) insufficient external radiation of cities and towns

At present, the proportion of self-service in most cities and towns is relatively large, the concept of cities and towns has not changed, and they have not fully realized the important position and role of cities and towns in regional economic development. At the same time, the government also lacks the attention and guidance to the function of cities and towns, the external functions of cities and towns have not been brought into full play, and most cities and towns have failed to effectively radiate and promote the in-depth development of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers".

(4) weakening of the ecological environment

In the process of urbanization, the lack of capacity and funds for garbage treatment, sewage and waste gas treatment, garbage disposal, sewage and waste gas pollution and other phenomena, coupled with the unreasonable layout of industrial areas and residential areas, have led to the deterioration of the urban ecological environment and caused some damage to the urban and rural ecological environment.

(5) system and mechanism restriction

In the process of rural urbanization, it is necessary to solve the problems of land use, urban planning, resource integration, infrastructure and so on, involving various government departments such as land, transportation, finance, civil affairs and so on. it is difficult for township governments to really become leaders and decision makers. At the same time, a series of current systems, including the household registration system, still have some limitations, such as housing, personnel and labor, social security and other systems, which make it difficult for farmers to obtain employment and settle down, which is not conducive to the orderly transfer of rural surplus labor to cities and towns. to a certain extent, it hinders the process of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization.

III. Relevant suggestions

In view of the above-mentioned problems in the coordinated development of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization in Hubei Province, drawing lessons from Qianjiang "Huashan Model", this paper puts forward the following opinions and suggestions:

(1) Scientific and rational allocation of resources to enhance the ability of sustainable development

1. Establish diversified financing channels and increase the sources of funds. Actively make use of the Internet, e-commerce and other modern means to attract foreign investment, attract enterprises to the rural areas to develop the market, establish bases, increase foreign capital investment, and form a new situation of "going to the mountains and going to the countryside." At the same time, market-oriented, encourage the government to raise financing, establish diversified and multi-channel fund-raising and investment mechanisms, risk restraint mechanisms, etc., to avoid blind investment and improve the utilization rate of funds.

2. Formulate a rational land use policy to promote the process of agricultural industrialization. Under the premise of protecting cultivated land, according to the local characteristics of resources, industrial advantages, development stage and other factors, formulate land use policies in accordance with local conditions to avoid blind development, resulting in waste of land resources. Promote the separation of land ownership, contracting rights and management rights, encourage farmers to transfer land management rights, free farmers from the traditional land farming mode, fully protect farmers' income, and promote the process of agricultural industrialization.

3. Improve the level of human resources in rural areas and train new farmers. On the one hand, strengthen the skills training of rural labor force internally to provide employment space for rural labor force. Set up technical training schools or training courses, set up network classes, and carry out scientific farming, market management, professional skills and other training. On the other hand, attract highly skilled talents, optimize the environment, encourage college students to work at the grass-roots level in rural areas, and inject fresh blood. At the same time, it is necessary to earnestly strengthen the building of the rural "two committees" bodies and give full play to the leading role of the leading bodies.

(2) optimize the industrial structure of cities and towns and establish a scientific and rational urban system

1. Give full play to the aggregation effect and radiation effect of the urban system. We should formulate relevant encouragement and support policies, pay attention to the combination of old city transformation and new town planning, and pay attention to the combination of urban characteristics and urban culture, so as to speed up the formation of regionalized and specialized cities and towns with their own characteristics, such as tourism and culture. At the same time, the functions of central cities and towns are actively encouraged to radiate to agriculture, rural areas and farmers.

2. Promote the optimization and upgrading of urban industrial structure. In terms of industrial structure, it is necessary to promote the vigorous development of the secondary and tertiary industries through industrial upgrading and industrial restructuring. At the same time, it is necessary to determine the priority industries for development, adopt the way of "leading industry promotion", drive other industries with leading industries, and promote the rapid development of town economy through industrial interbelt and regional interaction.

(3) keep a close eye on leading enterprises and promote the development of agricultural industrialization

1. Formulate relevant policies to support the development of leading enterprises. Through policy support and financial support, we should focus on supporting a number of leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization, further expand, strengthen, and do solid work, give full play to the leading role of leading enterprises, actively develop the industrialized operation of agriculture, and improve the economic benefits of agriculture.

2. Encourage and guide the reform and innovation of leading enterprises. We will support leading enterprises to implement specialized and large-scale production, give full play to the agglomeration effect of the industry, and expand the consumer market and create well-known brands by improving the level of science and technology and the ability of production and marketing. At the same time, leading enterprises are encouraged to carry out reforms in various forms, such as shareholding system, joint-stock cooperation system, acquisition, merger, and so on, so as to further integrate capital, technology, manpower, and other elements, so as to improve the competitiveness and development vitality of enterprises.

(4) Scientific planning and layout and taking the road of characteristic and green development

1. Adhere to planning first and improve land utilization rate. We should scientifically plan the spatial location of industrial, commercial and residential circles, and make a scientific and rational layout of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization. Further speed up land circulation, save intensive land, improve the quality of land consolidation, improve land utilization and volume ratio, and enhance the ability of sustainable development of rural cities and towns.

2. Excavate resource endowment and implement regional planning. According to the characteristics of local resources and industrial development, we should optimize the layout of enterprises in the production, supply and marketing of agricultural products, make intensive use of all kinds of local effective resources, save and disperse operating costs, and plan the rational layout of agricultural products. to form a scientific and reasonable agricultural industrialization system with different levels and characteristics.

3. Protect the "green" space and build a beautiful countryside. In speeding up the process of agricultural industrialization and rural urbanization, we should adhere to the harmonious unity of society, economy and ecology, scientific and rational urban planning and layout, improve infrastructure construction, attach importance to ecological and economic benefits, and actively develop ecological industries. Take the "three-dimensional" outline as the criterion, vigorously develop circular economy, green economy, and build beautiful villages.

(5) improve institutional policies to make people's lives wiser.

1. Intelligent management, coordinate and lead the organization. Take the market as the guide, reform the original management system, explore the establishment of an overall urban and rural management system suited to the local situation, realize the integration of scientific management, and avoid the phenomenon of "multiple leadership" or "multi-door government".

2.Wisdom reform and improve social security. In terms of household registration management, labor, education, and housing, it is necessary to establish and improve social security, be fair and just, break regional boundaries, formulate preferential policies for farmers to enter cities, and abolish unreasonable restrictions.

3. Develop wisdom and improve the service system. Improving the rural social service system is an important symbol of the development of modern agriculture. It is necessary to vigorously cultivate and improve socialized organizations for public services such as agricultural technology popularization, risk prevention and control, and quality and safety monitoring, as well as cooperative organizations for farmers, such as fresh-keeping, processing, sales, information, and other business organizations, so as to earnestly raise the level of agricultural industrialization and promote the process of rural urbanization.