
What are the key points of planting techniques of Magnolia magnolia? Attached picture

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Magnolia magnolia, also known as Magnolia magnolia and Magnolia magnolia, is a kind of ornamental flower originating in America. Its bud is very large and looks a bit like the lotus flower. It can also be used as a green tree and can be used as medicine. The flowers of Magnolia also have a certain fragrance, for dioxidation.

Magnolia magnolia, also known as Magnolia magnolia and Magnolia magnolia, is a kind of ornamental flower originating in America. Its bud is very large and looks a bit like the lotus flower. It can also be used as a green tree and can be used as medicine. Magnolia flowers also have a certain fragrance, for sulfur dioxide and other toxic gases have a certain absorption operation, play a role in protecting the environment. Next, let's take a look at the key points of Magnolia planting techniques. A picture is attached.

1. Suitable temperature

Magnolia mandshurica grows in a warm environment, especially in places with good light, but it can also be resistant to shade and cold. You can generally survive as long as it is not less than minus 12 degrees Celsius. The most suitable growth temperature of Magnolia is between 25 and 30 degrees Celsius.

II. Soil conditions

If you want to grow Magnolia magnolia, it is best to choose sandy soil or loess with deep soil, good drainage and slightly acidic soil pH.

3. Transplanting methods

Magnolia mandshurica must be treated with 70% methyl topiramate or 50% phoxim EC and 50% carbendazim powder 6-10 days before transplanting. For the initial planting of Magnolia magnolia to do a good job of saline-alkali separation, planting holes can choose coarse sand, slag and other materials to pad below, as an alkali isolation layer, above to choose a good deployment of planting soil on it.

Fourth, watering method

Magnolia magnolia is a fleshy root, so it is easy to lose water, so it is required to plant quickly to prevent excessive loss of water and die. After transplanting Magnolia magnolia, it is necessary to determine the root water quickly for the first time, and to water thoroughly and fully, so that the root system and soil can be fully combined to help survive. In addition, the first watering must surround the big pit, water thoroughly, and let the dissolved 10G rooting agent be poured into the tree hole with water to help the new roots grow. The second watering, seven to ten days later. It will take about twenty days to pour the third water.

Fifth, deal with tree poles

For the newly planted Magnolia magnolia, white treatment can be carried out after transplanting, and the grass rope can be dried for about two meters to reduce water evaporation, and water can be sprayed to the grass rope to create a humid environment in case of drought.

6. Pruning branches

By pruning and picking leaves, water evaporation can be reduced and the water supply pressure of injured roots can be alleviated. Magnolia magnolia's natural tree shape is oval-shaped, very beautiful. Pruning should trim the inner bore branches, overlapping branches and disease and insect branches, and strive to keep the tree shape intact. It should be noted that Magnolia magnolia has low branching ability, poor sprouting power, and is not resistant to pruning, so we should be careful not to cut off branches at will, so as not to affect the shape of the tree. In the young tree stage, in order to make the central main branch grow well, attention should be paid to removing the lateral buds around the main branch.

V7. Fertilization

Organic fertilizer should be applied once before flowering in spring, and thin dung water can be applied once or twice during the growing period or after flowering, which can make the leaves green and flowers multiply, the next year flowers are strong and fragrant, and enhance the disease resistance of the plant.

Through the introduction of the article, when planting Magnolia magnolia, we must grasp the above seven key points, so that the success rate of planting is higher.