
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Bordew

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, There are two ways to cultivate Bordew. The first is the split, which is usually carried out when changing pots in April-May in spring, and only the young plants sprouting at the base of the mother plant or pots with roots are cut with a knife. The second kind is cuttage, which is usually carried out from May to June. The top of the leaf plate is cut, dried slightly and then placed.

There are two ways to breed bolu. The first kind is divided into plants, usually in spring April to May when the pot is changed, only need to cut the young plants sprouted at the base of the mother plant or pot directly with roots. The second kind is cuttage, usually in May to June, cut the top of the leaf disc, put it on the sand bed after a little drying, about 25-30 days can heal and take root. Attention is to pay attention to watering, and in rainy season to do a good job of drainage measures to prevent water rotten roots.

Polu farming environment:

Soil: It is suitable for growing in soil with good drainage and permeability, otherwise the roots are easy to rot.

Light: It prefers to live in a sunny environment, otherwise it is not conducive to the growth of plants. When it is cultivated, it needs to be placed in a place where it can be exposed to light to meet this growth condition.

3, temperature: the most suitable temperature is 20 to 24 degrees Celsius, it is more afraid of cold, winter temperature is best not lower than 8 degrees Celsius, lower than 0 degrees, the plant will be frostbite.

The above is a related introduction to the breeding methods and precautions of Bo Lu, hoping to help everyone.