
Cabbage per mu profit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The yield of cabbage per mu is between 5000-10000 jin, and most of the cases are about six or seven thousand jin. At present, the price of cabbage on the market ranges from 0.8 yuan to 3 yuan per catty, and cabbage can be sold for 4,000 to 5,000 yuan per mu. The cost of planting an acre of cabbage is 500 yuan to

The yield of cabbage per mu is between 5000 and 10000 jin, and in most cases it is about six or seven thousand jin. At present, the price of cabbage on the market ranges from 0.8 yuan to 3 yuan per jin, and cabbage can be sold for 4,000 to 5,000 yuan per mu. The cost of planting one mu of cabbage is 500 yuan to 800 yuan, and the overall profit is 4,000 yuan per mu.

I. planting techniques of Chinese cabbage

1. Soil preparation: it is best to grow Chinese cabbage on land that did not grow Chinese cabbage the year before. The roots of Chinese cabbage should be deeply rooted in the soil, and the land should be ploughed properly, and the rotten organic matter fertilizer should be applied as the basic fertilizer. After ploughing, rake and crush the soil, and then make the bed. In the north, the low border is easy to irrigate after transplanting, and the high ridge is used in direct seeding.

two。 Sowing: select disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties, sow before and after White Dew in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, 5 to 8 days before and after the Beginning of Autumn in North China and before and after Greater Heat in Northeast China. You can choose either direct seeding or seedling transplanting.

3. Fertilization: Chinese cabbage has a long growth period and high yield, which requires a lot of water and nutrients during the whole growth period. In East China, thin human feces and urine are generally applied as topdressing 7 to 10 days after planting, and Gong urine (fully mature) is applied every 7 to 10 days in the following month, a total of 2 to 3 times. The application of heavy fertilizer (2 to 3 inches from the root plant) is a necessary measure to increase production, and the concentration and dosage should be increased. At the same time, a chemical fertilizer should be applied to make the heart solid.

4. Watering: there is more rainfall in autumn in the south of the Yangtze River, except for topdressing irrigation, it is seldom irrigated alone, but in the case of drought, furrow irrigation can be done at regular intervals. In the northern region, during the heading period, it is watered every four to five days, and the leaf ball is tightly wrapped and stopped watering.

Second, the nutritional value of Chinese cabbage

1. Cabbage can relieve bowels and stomach, quench thirst, tonify the kidney and fill the pulp, eliminate qi, relieve cough and relieve alcohol.

two。 Cabbage contains plant fiber, pectin and vitamins, which can prevent the intestinal tract from absorbing cholesterol and bile acid. It has a good preventive and therapeutic effect on patients with cholelithiasis and arteriosclerosis.

3. Cabbage is rich in vitamin U, which has a protective effect on gastrointestinal mucosa and a therapeutic effect on patients with low back pain caused by duodenal ulcer and kidney deficiency.

4. As Chinese cabbage has the effect of enhancing gastrointestinal peristalsis, it has a good effect on digestion, detoxification and weight loss.

Cabbage is a winter vegetable, the most suitable time to eat is winter, families in the north and south will buy Chinese cabbage in winter to spend the severe winter.