
Planting techniques of grass and fruit

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Grass fruit is a kind of plant for both medicine and food, it can not only be used for spice seasoning, but also can be used to treat diseases, the planting quantity is also very considerable, what is its planting method, let's have a simple understanding of it. Grass and fruit planting techniques 1. Land selection and preparation: near the planting site

Grass fruit is a kind of plant for both medicine and food, it can not only be used for spice seasoning, but also can be used to treat diseases, the planting quantity is also very considerable, what is its planting method, let's have a simple understanding of it.

Planting techniques of grass and fruit

1. Land selection and land preparation: close to the planting land, choose water, forest shade, soil rich in humus, fertile, loose, moist mountain depression and gentle valley as seedling land. Turn the soil deeply before sowing, remove weeds, roots and stones, and adjust the shade. Turf ash can be used as base fertilizer. The requirements for the selection of planting land and seedling land are basically the same. However, it is necessary to dig holes according to the row spacing of 100 cm × 60 cm, and at the same time open a good mountain drainage ditch around the planting site to prevent soil erosion.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: sowing can be carried out in February or October to November every year. On the finished border surface, open a 1.5 cm deep sowing ditch according to the row spacing of 20 cm, and then sow 1 or 2 seeds with a plant spacing of 6 cm. Cover the border with grass after covering the soil and pour enough water.

3. Colonization: after the seeds germinated, the cover grass was removed and planted in overcast and rainy weather. One seedling was planted in each hole. After soil cover and compaction, the root water was fixed. Seed propagation of seedlings, in the emergence of seedlings, should be careful not to damage, so as not to affect the survival rate of planting.

4. Seedling management: during the period of seedling raising, the seedling bed should always be kept moist. After about 20 days, after the seedlings have been unearthed one after another, it is appropriate to put the cover grass between the rows. Bordeaux liquid can be sprayed every month to prevent diseases. During this period, manure water can be applied to topdressing.

5. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: after planting, in order to promote plant growth and ramet, weeding should be carried out twice a year in summer and winter, respectively. When ploughing, remove the weeds among the clumps and loosen the soil. Winter ploughing should be combined with pests to get rid of withered and dead plants, cut dead plants and weeds can be spread between rows to make them gradually rot and increase soil fertility. If there are old plants of diseases and insect pests, they should not be used to cover the plants after cutting. They must be removed and burned outside the field.

6. Irrigation and regulation of light transmittance: sufficient water should be watered during drought, and grass should be covered on the border in the dry season to reduce water evaporation and keep the soil moist. Grass fruit can only grow and develop normally under certain shade conditions. Every year, it is necessary to properly thinning branches and forests under shade, cut off some of the branches that are too luxuriant, and cut down trees that are too dense. Areas lacking shade trees should be replanted in time. The transmittance of 40% to 50% is usually maintained.

7. Pest control: strengthen drainage and sprinkle Bordeaux liquid to control blight. It was found that the diseased plant was pulled out in time, the diseased plant was sprinkled with raw lime powder and sprayed with 1000 times of Dysenamine, and the dead heart seedlings were cut off in time when it was found, and sprayed with fenitrothion 50% EC 800-1000 times solution.

Plant grass and fruit, mainly to choose the environment it likes to cultivate, do not let it over-exposure in the sun, shade-based.