
Grape planting technology in greenhouse

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Grape varieties with high yield, high temperature tolerance and disease resistance should be selected for planting in greenhouse. After sowing and planting, it is necessary to select healthy and strong cutting seedlings, and the planting method is the same as the conventional tree planting. After the seedlings are planted and survived, it is necessary to reshape and prune and strengthen the management of fertilizer and water. Need to be done in the later stage

Greenhouse planting grapes to choose high yield, high temperature resistance, disease resistance varieties for sowing. After planting, it is necessary to select healthy cuttings for planting. The planting method is the same as that of conventional planting. After seedlings are planted and survive, they need to be shaped and pruned, and fertilizer and water management should be strengthened. In the later stage, it is necessary to control the temperature and humidity in the shed, timely watering and topdressing, and strengthen pest control.

Technical points of grape planting in greenhouse

1. Variety selection

The varieties with high yield, high temperature resistance, storage and transportation resistance, short dormancy period, short fruit development period, early maturity, moderate growth and disease resistance should be selected, such as Kyoho.

2. Planting and building gardens

Select some healthy cuttage seedlings, requiring more than 20 main lateral roots, root length of more than 15 cm, stem diameter of more than 1 cm, there are 4-6 full buds. Planting density varies with variety, site conditions, shaping methods, seedling resources and other conditions. General hedge frame shaping, row spacing of 1.2-1.5 meters ×0.5 meters, planting about 1000 plants per mu. Before planting, apply enough base fertilizer and implement high standard garden construction to obtain high benefit. Planting methods are the same as conventional tree planting.

3. Management of the year

Plastic pruning: greenhouse planting grape due to planting density, and traditional pruning method has a great difference, generally adopt single dragon trunk pruning method, that is, planting seedlings after germination only one main vine.

Strengthen fertilizer and water management: after seedlings survive, apply quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer in time to raise seedlings. In autumn, apply more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer. At the same time, spray fertilizer on leaves, pay attention to a small amount and many times. Early application of base fertilizer begins in September. Growing season drought should be timely watering, while paying attention to rainy season drainage. In addition, pest control is well done.

4. Temperature and humidity management in the shed

Generally, before warming up, irrigation should be conducted once, covering plastic film to preserve moisture, and then warming up. The relative humidity in the greenhouse should be controlled at about 90% from covering to germination, 60-70% from germination to flowering, 50-60% from flowering to fruit expansion, and 50% from later to harvest.

5, pest control

The grape diseases and insect pests in the greenhouse are relatively light, but they cannot be ignored. Comprehensive control shall be carried out. After falling leaves, winter pruning shall be combined to cut off the branches and dead branches of diseases and insect pests, remove the fallen leaves and weeds in the garden, and reduce the overwintering base of diseases and insect pests. The main diseases were house blight, powdery mildew, brown spot and gray mold.